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Deformation and animation in css3 (3)_html/css_WEB-ITnose

2016-06-24 11:39:391279browse

Transform can realize matrix transformation, transition can realize the smooth transition of attributes, and animation means animation. This attribute is related to the real frame-by-frame animation. This article introduces the animation attribute.

The animation attribute achieves animation effects by changing element attributes in some key frames. Of course, you can also control the animation duration, the number of animation iterations, etc.

1. Example

When introducing transition, there is an example at the beginning where the width of the div slowly increases from 100px to 200px when the mouse is placed on it.

The implementation method using transition is as follows

div:hover{    width: 200px;    transition:width 5s ease-in;}

Similar effects can also be achieved using animation, as follows:

<style type="text/css">div {    width: 100px;    height: 100px;    background-color: red;}@keyframes enlarge {    0% {        width: 100px;    }    50% {        width: 150px;    }    100% {        width: 200px;    }}div:hover {    /*width: 200px;    */       /*transition:width 5s ease-in;*/    animation: 5s enlarge;}}</style><div></div>

When the mouse is hovering, the animation lasts for 5s. At half the time, the width of the div should reach 150px from 100px. At 5s, the width of the div should reach 200px, and the animation ends.

But there is still a difference between the transition and animation effects. When the mouse hovers up, the width remains 200px after the transition animation is executed; the width returns to 100px after the animation animation is executed.

Of course this is just the default effect, and the effect when the animation is completed can also be modified.

Modify the animation in the above code to

animation: 5s enlarge forwards;

to stop the animation at the last frame after execution. This forwards is the value of animation-fill-mode, which will be discussed in detail later.

Through this example, I just want to say that transition can be understood as a simplified version of animation. Animation can provide more control and is more powerful. The introduction officially begins below.

2. keyframes

keyframes means "key frames". Key frames will change the calculated value of element attributes.

keyframes syntax:

keyframes-rule: '@keyframes' IDENT '{' keyframes-blocks '}';keyframes-blocks: [ keyframe-selectors block ]* ;keyframe-selectors: [ 'from' | 'to' | PERCENTAGE ] [ ',' [ 'from' | 'to' | PERCENTAGE ] ]*;

Comprehensive writing:

 @keyframes IDENT {     from {       Properties:Properties value;     }     Percentage {       Properties:Properties value;     }     to {       Properties:Properties value;     }   }   或者全部写成百分比的形式:   @keyframes IDENT {      0% {         Properties:Properties value;      }      Percentage {         Properties:Properties value;      }      100% {         Properties:Properties value;      }    }

It can be seen that keyframes are written like this: by It starts with "@keyframes", followed by the "name of the animation" plus a pair of curly brackets "{}". In the brackets are some style rules for different time periods. The rules are written in the same way as css styles.

A style rule in a "@keyframes" is composed of multiple percentages, such as between "0%" and "100%". Multiple percentages can be created in one rule, one in each In the percentage, different attributes are added to the elements that need animation effects, so that the elements can achieve a constantly changing effect, such as moving, changing the element's color, position, size, shape, etc.

Two keywords, "from" and "to" indicate where an animation starts and ends, that is, "from" is equivalent to "0%", and "to" is equivalent to "100%" ".

Note: The % in 0% cannot be omitted. If omitted, the entire keyframes will have a syntax error and the entire rule will be invalid, because the unit of keyframes only accepts percentage values.

Example: An example from the W3C official website. This code will be used when introducing animation below.

 @-webkit-keyframes 'wobble' {     0% {        margin-left: 100px;        background: green;     }     40% {        margin-left: 150px;        background: orange;     }     60% {        margin-left: 75px;        background: blue;     }     100% {        margin-left: 100px;        background: red;     }  }

Keyframes define the animation of each frame, but just writing keyframes is useless, it needs to be called to take effect. So how to call it depends on animation.

3. animation

animationWhen no event is triggered , after the page is loaded, the element css style will be explicitly changed over time to produce an animation effect.

How does the element call animation and keyframes?

Example: Call the wobble animation written above.

 .demo1 {     width: 50px;     height: 50px;     margin-left: 100px;     background: blue;     -webkit-animation-name:'wobble';/*动画属性名,也就是我们前面keyframes定义的动画名*/     -webkit-animation-duration: 10s;/*动画持续时间*/     -webkit-animation-timing-function: ease-in-out; /*动画频率,和transition-timing-function是一样的*/     -webkit-animation-delay: 2s;/*动画延迟时间*/     -webkit-animation-iteration-count: 10;/*定义循环次数,infinite为无限次*/     -webkit-animation-direction: alternate;/*定义动画方式*/  }

At this point, if you have seen transition before, you should have understood that animation is also a composite attribute.

animation contains the following attributes: animation-name, animation-duration, animation-timing-function, animation-delay, animation-iteration-count, animation-direction,animation-play-state and animation-fill-mode. The following introduces them one by one, focusing on understanding the attributes in bold.

1. animation-name

animation-name is the most critical, indicating which frame of animation to apply.


animation-name: none | IDENT[,none | IDENT]*;

Default value: none, that is, there is no animation effect by default.

The animation-name attribute calls the animation defined by @keyframes and must be exactly the same as the animation name defined by "@keyframes" (case-sensitive).

Example: animation cooperates with translation in matrix transformation to make an interesting little animation.

<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="utf-8"><title>变形与动画</title><style type="text/css">@keyframes around{  0% {    transform: translateX(0);  }  25%{    transform: translateX(180px);  }  50%{     transform: translate(180px, 180px);   }  75%{    transform:translate(0,180px);  }  100%{    transform: translateY(0);  }}div {  width: 200px;  height: 200px;  border: 1px solid red;  margin: 20px auto;}div span {  display: inline-block;  width: 20px;  height: 20px;  background: orange;  border-radius: 100%;  animation-name:around;  animation-duration: 10s;  animation-timing-function: ease;  animation-delay: 1s;  animation-iteration-count:infinite;}</style></head><body>    <div>        <span></span>    </div></body></html>

2. animation-duration


animation-duration: <time>[,<time>]*

The default value is 0, which means the animation duration is 0, that is, there is no animation effect (if the value is negative, it is treated as 0).

animation-duration defines the duration of animation playback, which is the time required to complete an animation from 0% to 100% . Unit s.

3. animation-timing-function


animation-timing-function:ease | linear | ease-in | ease-out | ease-in-out | cubic-bezier(<number>, <number>, <number>, <number>) [, ease | linear | ease-in | ease-out | ease-in-out | cubic-bezier(<number>, <number>, <number>, <number>)]*

The animation-timing-function attribute is used to set the animation playback method. For details, please refer to the introduction in Transformation and Animation (2) in CSS3.

4. animation-delay






animation-iteration-count: infinite | <number> [, infinite | <number>]*






animation-direction:normal | alternate [, normal | alternate]*







<style type="text/css"> @-webkit-keyframes 'testAnimationDirection' {     0% {        width: 50px;     }     20% {        width: 100px;     }     40% {        width: 150px;     }     60% {        width: 200px;     }     80% {        width: 250px;     }     100% {        width: 300px;     }  }    div{     width: 50px;     height: 50px;     border:1px solid red;     -webkit-animation-name:'testAnimationDirection';     -webkit-animation-duration: 10s;     -webkit-animation-timing-function: ease-in-out;      -webkit-animation-delay: 0s;     -webkit-animation-iteration-count: infinite;     -webkit-animation-direction: alternate;     -webkit-animation-fill-mode:backwards;  }</style><div></div>












  div:hover{      animation-play-state:paused;  }











<style type="text/css"> @-webkit-keyframes 'wobble' {     0% {        margin-left: 100px;        background: green;     }     40% {        margin-left: 150px;        background: orange;     }     60% {        margin-left: 75px;        background: blue;     }     100% {        margin-left: 100px;        background: red;     }  }    div{   width: 50px;     height: 50px;     margin-left: 100px;     background: blue;     -webkit-animation-name:'wobble';     -webkit-animation-duration: 10s;     -webkit-animation-timing-function: ease-in-out;      -webkit-animation-delay: 10s;     -webkit-animation-iteration-count: 10;     -webkit-animation-direction: alternate;    /* -webkit-animation-fill-mode:none; /*动画开始为蓝色*/     -webkit-animation-fill-mode:backwards; /*动画开始为绿色*/  }</style><div></div>




动画十四原则: http://www.sunnyzhen.com/course/animation_principles/demo.html


css3 animation动画库,有很多基础动画


hover animation动画


css3 animation在线调节工具:

http://melonh.com/animationGenerator/     基于chrome的插件,可以快速调节页面上的动画

http://isux.tencent.com/css3/tools.html      腾讯isux一款非常强大的动画工具

http://tid.tenpay.com/labs/css3_keyframes_calculator.html    财付通的帧动画调节工具


css3 animation动画技巧


w3c css3-animations

MDN animation-fill-mode




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