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我刚开始学习JavaScript的时候,老是会被JavaScript里的一些莫名其妙的语法形式搞的糊里糊涂的。而且也不知道到底它支持了多少那些莫名其妙的语法形式?现在通过这个几个月的深入了解,算是把它们弄得比较清楚了,所以下面就来说说JS的Literal Syntax特性。
JavaScript语言的文本化的特性?My God,难道有哪门语言的编写不是使用文本吗?不使用文本还能用啥?用意识流吗?真是faint哈。
我们编写JS常用的数据类型包括:Number、Boolean、String、Array、Function和Object。其中这里面的Number、Boolean和String属于简单类型,文字方式书写是它们的基本方式,如果用new xxx()来定义反而会让人觉得是脱裤子打屁。
不对呀,怎么ary[5]是new MyObject()呢?哦,不好意思,我们再来把MyObject示例一下,假如它被定义为:
So how do we text our var obj = new MyObject()? In fact, it is very simple. The textual definition of obj is as follows:
Although the direct textual definition of this class instance is not streamlined, it is not bad. In this way, we can use this textual class instance to replace the new MyObject() in ary. The syntax for textual definition of class instances is to use a pair of "{}" to represent the class, which means that "{}" is completely equivalent to "new Object()". Then press "key:value" within "{}" to organize properties and methods. Key can be any combination of characters [A-Za-z0-9_], even numbers starting with @_@ are legal, and value is any legal Textual JavaScript data, and finally each key-value pair is separated by ",".