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jQuery iScroll.js mobile scroll bar beautification plug-in Page 1/5_jquery

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jQuery iScroll.js Mobile Scroll Bar Beautification Plug-in Page 1/5_jquery

Official website: http://cubiq.org/iscroll-5


Scroll refresh: http://cubiq.org/dropbox/iscroll4/examples/pull-to-refresh/

'Carousel' demo

iScroll is very powerful , currently I only use it to customize scroll bars. Here is a brief introduction to the use and precautions of iscrol when customizing scroll bars on mobile terminals.

1. Usage

iScroll initializes the elements to be scrolled, and does not limit the use of iScroll in one page the number of elements.

When using iScroll, the structure of the DOM tree should be simple enough, remove unnecessary tags, and avoid excessive tag nesting.

1. html part

1.1. The best and simplest iScroll structure

<div id="wrapper">

In this example, the ul tag will be scrolled. iScroll must cooperate with the wrapper outside the scrolling content to take effect.

1.2. Only the first child element in the wrapper can be scrolled

Because only the first child element in the wrapper can be scrolled, so let For scrolling multiple elements, the writing is as follows:

<div id="wrapper">
<div id="scroller">

The scroller element can be scrolled, even if it contains two ul elements.

2. js calling part

2.1, use onDomContentLoaded event to implement scrolling

Applicable to scrolling content that only contains text and pictures, and all pictures have fixed sizes

<script src="iscroll.js"></script>
var myscroll; //myscroll是全局变量,可以在任意地方调用
function loaded(){
myscroll=new iScroll("wrapper");
} window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",loaded,false);

2.2. Use onLoad event to implement scrolling

Because DOMContentLoaded The event will be called after the DOM structure is loaded, so the length and width of the scroll area may not be determined before elements such as pictures are loaded. In this case, the onLoad event can be used to achieve this.

<script src="iscroll.js"><script>
var myscroll;
function loaded(){
myscroll=new iScroll("wrapper");
},100 );

In this case, iScroll will be initialized 100ms after the page resources (including images) are loaded. This should be a safer way to call iScroll.

2.3. Scroll bar loading in the pop-up frame

The pop-up frame is generally implemented by switching between display:none and display:block.

The element browser with display:none is not rendered, so the height of the scrolling content cannot be calculated.

So after the pop-up box calls show() to display it, the scroll bar area is instantiated. As follows:

new iScroll(&#39;tc-wrapper2&#39;, {
scrollbarClass: &#39;myScrollbar&#39; ,
hideScrollbar: false //是否隐藏滚动条 

Tip: When the sliding screen appears, the compatibility problem of the entire page sliding is as follows:

document.addEventListener(&#39;touchmove&#39;, function (e) { e.preventDefault(); }, false);

2.4. iScroll passing parameters

The second parameter in iScroll allows you to customize some content, such as whether to hide the scroll bar, etc. . Commonly used parameters are as follows:

hScroll false disable horizontal scrolling true horizontal scrolling defaults to true
vScroll false delicate vertical scrolling true vertical scrolling defaults to true
hScrollbar false hides the scroll bar in the horizontal direction
vScrollbar false hides the scroll bar in the vertical direction
fixedScrollbar On iOS, when the element is dragged beyond the boundaries of the scroller, the scroll bar will shrink. Setting it to true can prevent the scroll bar from exceeding the boundaries of the
scroller. Visible area. Default is true on Android, false on iOS
fadeScrollbar false Specifies to hide the scroll bar when there is no fade effect
hideScrollbar Hide the scroll bar when there is no user interaction Default is true
bounce Enable or disable the border Bounce, the default is true
momentum Enable or disable inertia, the default is true, this parameter is very useful when you want to save resources
lockDirection false cancels the lock of the drag direction, true drags only in one direction Up (up/down or left/right)

2.5, general method

refresh This method should be called when the DOM tree changes

eg: setTimeout(function () { myScroll.refresh(); }, 0);

3. The css part

requires scrolling when customizing the scroll bar style Add a class parameter to the bar, as follows

var myscroll=new iScroll("wrapper",{
  scrollbarClass: "myScrollbar"

The scroll bar is composed of two elements: the container and the display. The container is the same height as the wrapper, and the display represents the scroll bar itself.

html results are as follows:

<div class="myScrollbarV">

css is as follows, you can modify it yourself:

@charset "utf-8";
/* CSS Document */
* Horizontal Scrollbar
.myScrollbarH {
.myScrollbarH > div {
/* The following is probably what you want to customize */
background-image:-webkit-gradient(linear, 0 0, 100% 0, from(#a00), to(#f00));
background-image:-moz-linear-gradient(top, #f00, #900);
background-image:-o-linear-gradient(top, #f00, #900);
border:1px solid #900;
-webkit-box-shadow:inset 1px 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,0.5);
-moz-box-shadow:inset 1px 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,0.5);
-o-box-shadow:inset 1px 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,0.5);
box-shadow:inset 1px 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,0.5);
* Vertical Scrollbar
.myScrollbarV {
.myScrollbarV > div {
/* The following is probably what you want to customize */
background:-webkit-gradient(linear, 0 0, 100% 0, from(#f00), to(#900));
background-image:-moz-linear-gradient(top, #f00, #900);
background-image:-o-linear-gradient(top, #f00, #900);
border:1px solid #900;
-webkit-box-shadow:inset 1px 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,0.5);
-moz-box-shadow:inset 1px 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,0.5);
-o-box-shadow:inset 1px 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,0.5);
box-shadow:inset 1px 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,0.5);

2. Example

1. html+js


* iScroll v4.2.5 ~ Copyright (c) 2012 Matteo Spinelli, http://cubiq.org
* Released under MIT license, http://cubiq.org/license
(function(window, doc){
var m = Math,
dummyStyle = doc.createElement(&#39;div&#39;).style,
vendor = (function () {
var vendors = &#39;t,webkitT,MozT,msT,OT&#39;.split(&#39;,&#39;),
i = 0,
l = vendors.length;
for ( ; i < l; i++ ) {
t = vendors[i] + &#39;ransform&#39;;
if ( t in dummyStyle ) {
return vendors[i].substr(0, vendors[i].length - 1);
return false;
cssVendor = vendor ? &#39;-&#39; + vendor.toLowerCase() + &#39;-&#39; : &#39;&#39;,
// Style properties
transform = prefixStyle(&#39;transform&#39;),
transitionProperty = prefixStyle(&#39;transitionProperty&#39;),
transitionDuration = prefixStyle(&#39;transitionDuration&#39;),
transformOrigin = prefixStyle(&#39;transformOrigin&#39;),
transitionTimingFunction = prefixStyle(&#39;transitionTimingFunction&#39;),
transitionDelay = prefixStyle(&#39;transitionDelay&#39;),
// Browser capabilities
isAndroid = (/android/gi).test(navigator.appVersion),
isIDevice = (/iphone|ipad/gi).test(navigator.appVersion),
isTouchPad = (/hp-tablet/gi).test(navigator.appVersion),
has3d = prefixStyle(&#39;perspective&#39;) in dummyStyle,
hasTouch = &#39;ontouchstart&#39; in window && !isTouchPad,
hasTransform = vendor !== false,
hasTransitionEnd = prefixStyle(&#39;transition&#39;) in dummyStyle,
RESIZE_EV = &#39;onorientationchange&#39; in window ? &#39;orientationchange&#39; : &#39;resize&#39;,
START_EV = hasTouch ? &#39;touchstart&#39; : &#39;mousedown&#39;,
MOVE_EV = hasTouch ? &#39;touchmove&#39; : &#39;mousemove&#39;,
END_EV = hasTouch ? &#39;touchend&#39; : &#39;mouseup&#39;,
CANCEL_EV = hasTouch ? &#39;touchcancel&#39; : &#39;mouseup&#39;,
TRNEND_EV = (function () {
if ( vendor === false ) return false;
var transitionEnd = {
&#39;&#39; : &#39;transitionend&#39;,
&#39;webkit&#39; : &#39;webkitTransitionEnd&#39;,
&#39;Moz&#39; : &#39;transitionend&#39;,
&#39;O&#39; : &#39;otransitionend&#39;,
&#39;ms&#39; : &#39;MSTransitionEnd&#39;
return transitionEnd[vendor];
nextFrame = (function() {
return window.requestAnimationFrame ||
window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.mozRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.oRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.msRequestAnimationFrame ||
function(callback) { return setTimeout(callback, 1); };
cancelFrame = (function () {
return window.cancelRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.webkitCancelAnimationFrame ||
window.webkitCancelRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.mozCancelRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.oCancelRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.msCancelRequestAnimationFrame ||
// Helpers
translateZ = has3d ? &#39; translateZ(0)&#39; : &#39;&#39;,
// Constructor
iScroll = function (el, options) {
var that = this,
that.wrapper = typeof el == &#39;object&#39; ? el : doc.getElementById(el);
that.wrapper.style.overflow = &#39;hidden&#39;;
that.scroller = that.wrapper.children[0];
// Default options
that.options = {
hScroll: true,
vScroll: true,
x: 0,
y: 0,
bounce: true,
bounceLock: false,
momentum: true,
lockDirection: true,
useTransform: true,
useTransition: false,
topOffset: 0,
checkDOMChanges: false, // Experimental
handleClick: true,
// Scrollbar
hScrollbar: true,
vScrollbar: true,
fixedScrollbar: isAndroid,
hideScrollbar: isIDevice,
fadeScrollbar: isIDevice && has3d,
scrollbarClass: &#39;&#39;,
// Zoom
zoom: false,
zoomMin: 1,
zoomMax: 4,
doubleTapZoom: 2,
wheelAction: &#39;scroll&#39;,
// Snap
snap: false,
snapThreshold: 1,
// Events
onRefresh: null,
onBeforeScrollStart: function (e) { e.preventDefault(); },
onScrollStart: null,
onBeforeScrollMove: null,
onScrollMove: null,
onBeforeScrollEnd: null,
onScrollEnd: null,
onTouchEnd: null,
onDestroy: null,
onZoomStart: null,
onZoom: null,
onZoomEnd: null
// User defined options
for (i in options) that.options[i] = options[i];
// Set starting position
that.x = that.options.x;
that.y = that.options.y;
// Normalize options
that.options.useTransform = hasTransform && that.options.useTransform;
that.options.hScrollbar = that.options.hScroll && that.options.hScrollbar;
that.options.vScrollbar = that.options.vScroll && that.options.vScrollbar;
that.options.zoom = that.options.useTransform && that.options.zoom;
that.options.useTransition = hasTransitionEnd && that.options.useTransition;
// translate3d and scale doesn&#39;t work together!
// Ignoring 3d ONLY WHEN YOU SET that.options.zoom
if ( that.options.zoom && isAndroid ){
translateZ = &#39;&#39;;
// Set some default styles
that.scroller.style[transitionProperty] = that.options.useTransform ? cssVendor + &#39;transform&#39; : &#39;top left&#39;;
that.scroller.style[transitionDuration] = &#39;0&#39;;
that.scroller.style[transformOrigin] = &#39;0 0&#39;;
if (that.options.useTransition) that.scroller.style[transitionTimingFunction] = &#39;
if (that.options.useTransform) that.scroller.style[transform] 
= &#39;translate(&#39; + that.x + &#39;px,&#39; + that.y + &#39;px)&#39; + translateZ;
else that.scroller.style.cssText += &#39;;position:absolute;top:&#39; + that.y + &#39;px;left:&#39; + that.x + &#39;px&#39;;
if (that.options.useTransition) that.options.fixedScrollbar = true;
that._bind(RESIZE_EV, window);
if (!hasTouch) {
if (that.options.wheelAction != &#39;none&#39;) {
if (that.options.checkDOMChanges) that.checkDOMTime = setInterval(function () {
}, 500);
// Prototype
iScroll.prototype = {
enabled: true,
x: 0,
y: 0,
steps: [],
scale: 1,
currPageX: 0, currPageY: 0,
pagesX: [], pagesY: [],
aniTime: null,
wheelZoomCount: 0,
handleEvent: function (e) {
var that = this;
switch(e.type) {
case START_EV:
if (!hasTouch && e.button !== 0) return;
case MOVE_EV: that._move(e); break;
case END_EV:
case CANCEL_EV: that._end(e); break;
case RESIZE_EV: that._resize(); break;
case &#39;DOMMouseScroll&#39;: case &#39;mousewheel&#39;: that._wheel(e); break;
case TRNEND_EV: that._transitionEnd(e); break;
_checkDOMChanges: function () {
if (this.moved || this.zoomed || this.animating ||
(this.scrollerW == this.scroller.offsetWidth 
* this.scale && this.scrollerH == this.scroller.offsetHeight * this.scale)) return;
_scrollbar: function (dir) {
var that = this,
if (!that[dir + &#39;Scrollbar&#39;]) {
if (that[dir + &#39;ScrollbarWrapper&#39;]) {
if (hasTransform) that[dir + &#39;ScrollbarIndicator&#39;].style[transform] = &#39;&#39;;
that[dir + &#39;ScrollbarWrapper&#39;].parentNode.removeChild(that[dir + &#39;ScrollbarWrapper&#39;]);
that[dir + &#39;ScrollbarWrapper&#39;] = null;
that[dir + &#39;ScrollbarIndicator&#39;] = null;
if (!that[dir + &#39;ScrollbarWrapper&#39;]) {
// Create the scrollbar wrapper
bar = doc.createElement(&#39;div&#39;);
if (that.options.scrollbarClass) bar.className = that.options.scrollbarClass + dir.toUpperCase();
else bar.style.cssText = &#39;position:absolute;z-index:100;&#39; + (dir == &#39;h&#39; ? &#39;height:7px;bottom:1px;
left:2px;right:&#39; + (that.vScrollbar ? &#39;7&#39; : &#39;2&#39;) + &#39;px&#39; : &#39;width:7px;bottom:&#39; + 
(that.hScrollbar ? &#39;7&#39; : &#39;2&#39;) + &#39;px;top:2px;right:1px&#39;);
bar.style.cssText += &#39;;pointer-events:none;&#39; + cssVendor + &#39;transition-property:opacity;&#39; + 
cssVendor + &#39;transition-duration:&#39; + (that.options.fadeScrollbar ? &#39;350ms&#39; : &#39;0&#39;) + &#39;;
overflow:hidden;opacity:&#39; + (that.options.hideScrollbar ? &#39;0&#39; : &#39;1&#39;);
that[dir + &#39;ScrollbarWrapper&#39;] = bar;
// Create the scrollbar indicator
bar = doc.createElement(&#39;div&#39;);
if (!that.options.scrollbarClass) {
bar.style.cssText = &#39;position:absolute;z-index:100;background:rgba(0,0,0,0.5);
border:1px solid rgba(255,255,255,0.9);&#39; + cssVendor + &#39;background-clip:padding-box;&#39; + cssVendor + 
&#39;box-sizing:border-box;&#39; + (dir == &#39;h&#39; ? &#39;height:100%&#39; : &#39;width:100%&#39;) + &#39;;&#39; +
 cssVendor + &#39;border-radius:3px;border-radius:3px&#39;;
bar.style.cssText += &#39;;pointer-events:none;&#39; + cssVendor + &#39;transition-property:&#39; +
 cssVendor + &#39;transform;&#39; + cssVendor + &#39;transition-timing-function:cubic-bezier(0.33,0.66,0.66,1);&#39;
  + cssVendor + &#39;transition-duration:0;&#39; + cssVendor + &#39;transform: translate(0,0)&#39; + translateZ;
if (that.options.useTransition)
 bar.style.cssText += &#39;;&#39; + cssVendor + &#39;transition-timing-function:cubic-bezier(0.33,0.66,0.66,1)&#39;;
that[dir + &#39;ScrollbarWrapper&#39;].appendChild(bar);
that[dir + &#39;ScrollbarIndicator&#39;] = bar;
if (dir == &#39;h&#39;) {
that.hScrollbarSize = that.hScrollbarWrapper.clientWidth;
that.hScrollbarIndicatorSize = m.max(m.round(that.hScrollbarSize * that.hScrollbarSize / that.scrollerW), 8);
that.hScrollbarIndicator.style.width = that.hScrollbarIndicatorSize + &#39;px&#39;;
that.hScrollbarMaxScroll = that.hScrollbarSize - that.hScrollbarIndicatorSize;
that.hScrollbarProp = that.hScrollbarMaxScroll / that.maxScrollX;
} else {
that.vScrollbarSize = that.vScrollbarWrapper.clientHeight;
that.vScrollbarIndicatorSize = m.max(m.round(that.vScrollbarSize * that.vScrollbarSize / that.scrollerH), 8);
that.vScrollbarIndicator.style.height = that.vScrollbarIndicatorSize + &#39;px&#39;;
that.vScrollbarMaxScroll = that.vScrollbarSize - that.vScrollbarIndicatorSize;
that.vScrollbarProp = that.vScrollbarMaxScroll / that.maxScrollY;
// Reset position
that._scrollbarPos(dir, true);
_resize: function () {
var that = this;
setTimeout(function () { that.refresh(); }, isAndroid ? 200 : 0);
_pos: function (x, y) {
if (this.zoomed) return;
x = this.hScroll ? x : 0;
y = this.vScroll ? y : 0;
if (this.options.useTransform) {
this.scroller.style[transform] = &#39;translate(&#39; + x + &#39;px,&#39; + y + &#39;px) scale(&#39; + this.scale + &#39;)&#39; + translateZ;
} else {
x = m.round(x);
y = m.round(y);
this.scroller.style.left = x + &#39;px&#39;;
this.scroller.style.top = y + &#39;px&#39;;
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
_scrollbarPos: function (dir, hidden) {
var that = this,
pos = dir == &#39;h&#39; ? that.x : that.y,
if (!that[dir + &#39;Scrollbar&#39;]) return;
pos = that[dir + &#39;ScrollbarProp&#39;] * pos;
if (pos < 0) {
if (!that.options.fixedScrollbar) {
size = that[dir + &#39;ScrollbarIndicatorSize&#39;] + m.round(pos * 3);
if (size < 8) size = 8;
that[dir + &#39;ScrollbarIndicator&#39;].style[dir == &#39;h&#39; ? &#39;width&#39; : &#39;height&#39;] = size + &#39;px&#39;;
pos = 0;
} else if (pos > that[dir + &#39;ScrollbarMaxScroll&#39;]) {
if (!that.options.fixedScrollbar) {
size = that[dir + &#39;ScrollbarIndicatorSize&#39;] - m.round((pos - that[dir + &#39;ScrollbarMaxScroll&#39;]) * 3);
if (size < 8) size = 8;
that[dir + &#39;ScrollbarIndicator&#39;].style[dir == &#39;h&#39; ? &#39;width&#39; : &#39;height&#39;] = size + &#39;px&#39;;
pos = that[dir + &#39;ScrollbarMaxScroll&#39;] + (that[dir + &#39;ScrollbarIndicatorSize&#39;] - size);
} else {
pos = that[dir + &#39;ScrollbarMaxScroll&#39;];
that[dir + &#39;ScrollbarWrapper&#39;].style[transitionDelay] = &#39;0&#39;;
that[dir + &#39;ScrollbarWrapper&#39;].style.opacity = hidden && that.options.hideScrollbar ? &#39;0&#39; : &#39;1&#39;;
that[dir + &#39;ScrollbarIndicator&#39;].style[transform] 
= &#39;translate(&#39; + (dir == &#39;h&#39; ? pos + &#39;px,0)&#39; : &#39;0,&#39; + pos + &#39;px)&#39;) + translateZ;
_start: function (e) {
var that = this,
point = hasTouch ? e.touches[0] : e,
matrix, x, y,
c1, c2;
if (!that.enabled) return;
if (that.options.onBeforeScrollStart) that.options.onBeforeScrollStart.call(that, e);
if (that.options.useTransition || that.options.zoom) that._transitionTime(0);
that.moved = false;
that.animating = false;
that.zoomed = false;
that.distX = 0;
that.distY = 0;
that.absDistX = 0;
that.absDistY = 0;
that.dirX = 0;
that.dirY = 0;
// Gesture start
if (that.options.zoom && hasTouch && e.touches.length > 1) {
c1 = m.abs(e.touches[0].pageX-e.touches[1].pageX);
c2 = m.abs(e.touches[0].pageY-e.touches[1].pageY);
that.touchesDistStart = m.sqrt(c1 * c1 + c2 * c2);
that.originX = m.abs(e.touches[0].pageX + e.touches[1].pageX - that.wrapperOffsetLeft * 2) / 2 - that.x;
that.originY = m.abs(e.touches[0].pageY + e.touches[1].pageY - that.wrapperOffsetTop * 2) / 2 - that.y;
if (that.options.onZoomStart) that.options.onZoomStart.call(that, e);
if (that.options.momentum) {
if (that.options.useTransform) {
// Very lame general purpose alternative to CSSMatrix
matrix = getComputedStyle(that.scroller, null)[transform].replace(/[^0-9\-.,]/g, &#39;&#39;).split(&#39;,&#39;);
x = +(matrix[12] || matrix[4]);
y = +(matrix[13] || matrix[5]);
} else {
x = +getComputedStyle(that.scroller, null).left.replace(/[^0-9-]/g, &#39;&#39;);
y = +getComputedStyle(that.scroller, null).top.replace(/[^0-9-]/g, &#39;&#39;);
if (x != that.x || y != that.y) {
if (that.options.useTransition) that._unbind(TRNEND_EV);
else cancelFrame(that.aniTime);
that.steps = [];
that._pos(x, y);
if (that.options.onScrollEnd) that.options.onScrollEnd.call(that);
that.absStartX = that.x; // Needed by snap threshold
that.absStartY = that.y;
that.startX = that.x;
that.startY = that.y;
that.pointX = point.pageX;
that.pointY = point.pageY;
that.startTime = e.timeStamp || Date.now();
if (that.options.onScrollStart) that.options.onScrollStart.call(that, e);
that._bind(MOVE_EV, window);
that._bind(END_EV, window);
that._bind(CANCEL_EV, window);
_move: function (e) {
var that = this,
point = hasTouch ? e.touches[0] : e,
deltaX = point.pageX - that.pointX,
deltaY = point.pageY - that.pointY,
newX = that.x + deltaX,
newY = that.y + deltaY,
c1, c2, scale,
timestamp = e.timeStamp || Date.now();
if (that.options.onBeforeScrollMove) that.options.onBeforeScrollMove.call(that, e);
// Zoom
if (that.options.zoom && hasTouch && e.touches.length > 1) {
c1 = m.abs(e.touches[0].pageX - e.touches[1].pageX);
c2 = m.abs(e.touches[0].pageY - e.touches[1].pageY);
that.touchesDist = m.sqrt(c1*c1+c2*c2);
that.zoomed = true;
scale = 1 / that.touchesDistStart * that.touchesDist * this.scale;
if (scale < that.options.zoomMin) scale = 0.5 * that.options.zoomMin * Math.pow(2.0, 
scale / that.options.zoomMin);
else if (scale > that.options.zoomMax) scale = 2.0 * that.options.zoomMax * 
Math.pow(0.5, that.options.zoomMax / scale);
that.lastScale = scale / this.scale;
newX = this.originX - this.originX * that.lastScale + this.x,
newY = this.originY - this.originY * that.lastScale + this.y;
this.scroller.style[transform] = &#39;translate(&#39; + newX + &#39;px,&#39; + newY + &#39;px) scale(&#39; + scale + &#39;)&#39; + translateZ;
if (that.options.onZoom) that.options.onZoom.call(that, e);
that.pointX = point.pageX;
that.pointY = point.pageY;
// Slow down if outside of the boundaries
if (newX > 0 || newX < that.maxScrollX) {
newX = that.options.bounce ? that.x + (deltaX / 2) : newX >= 0 || that.maxScrollX >= 0 ? 0 : that.maxScrollX;
if (newY > that.minScrollY || newY < that.maxScrollY) {
newY = that.options.bounce ? that.y + (deltaY / 2) : newY >= that.minScrollY || that.maxScrollY >= 0 ? 
that.minScrollY : that.maxScrollY;
that.distX += deltaX;
that.distY += deltaY;
that.absDistX = m.abs(that.distX);
that.absDistY = m.abs(that.distY);
if (that.absDistX < 6 && that.absDistY < 6) {
// Lock direction
if (that.options.lockDirection) {
if (that.absDistX > that.absDistY + 5) {
newY = that.y;
deltaY = 0;
} else if (that.absDistY > that.absDistX + 5) {
newX = that.x;
deltaX = 0;
that.moved = true;
that._pos(newX, newY);
that.dirX = deltaX > 0 ? -1 : deltaX < 0 ? 1 : 0;
that.dirY = deltaY > 0 ? -1 : deltaY < 0 ? 1 : 0;
if (timestamp - that.startTime > 300) {
that.startTime = timestamp;
that.startX = that.x;
that.startY = that.y;
if (that.options.onScrollMove) that.options.onScrollMove.call(that, e);
_end: function (e) {
if (hasTouch && e.touches.length !== 0) return;
var that = this,
point = hasTouch ? e.changedTouches[0] : e,
target, ev,
momentumX = { dist:0, time:0 },
momentumY = { dist:0, time:0 },
duration = (e.timeStamp || Date.now()) - that.startTime,
newPosX = that.x,
newPosY = that.y,
distX, distY,
that._unbind(MOVE_EV, window);
that._unbind(END_EV, window);
that._unbind(CANCEL_EV, window);
if (that.options.onBeforeScrollEnd) that.options.onBeforeScrollEnd.call(that, e);
if (that.zoomed) {
scale = that.scale * that.lastScale;
scale = Math.max(that.options.zoomMin, scale);
scale = Math.min(that.options.zoomMax, scale);
that.lastScale = scale / that.scale;
that.scale = scale;
that.x = that.originX - that.originX * that.lastScale + that.x;
that.y = that.originY - that.originY * that.lastScale + that.y;
that.scroller.style[transitionDuration] = &#39;200ms&#39;;
that.scroller.style[transform] = &#39;translate(&#39; + that.x + &#39;px,&#39; + that.y + &#39;px) 
scale(&#39; + that.scale + &#39;)&#39; + translateZ;
that.zoomed = false;
if (that.options.onZoomEnd) that.options.onZoomEnd.call(that, e);
if (!that.moved) {
if (hasTouch) {
if (that.doubleTapTimer && that.options.zoom) {
// Double tapped
that.doubleTapTimer = null;
if (that.options.onZoomStart) that.options.onZoomStart.call(that, e);
that.zoom(that.pointX, that.pointY, that.scale == 1 ? that.options.doubleTapZoom : 1);
if (that.options.onZoomEnd) {
setTimeout(function() {
that.options.onZoomEnd.call(that, e);
}, 200); // 200 is default zoom duration
} else if (this.options.handleClick) {
that.doubleTapTimer = setTimeout(function () {
that.doubleTapTimer = null;
// Find the last touched element
target = point.target;
while (target.nodeType != 1) target = target.parentNode;
if (target.tagName != &#39;SELECT&#39; && target.tagName != &#39;INPUT&#39; && target.tagName != &#39;TEXTAREA&#39;) {
ev = doc.createEvent(&#39;MouseEvents&#39;);
ev.initMouseEvent(&#39;click&#39;, true, true, e.view, 1,
point.screenX, point.screenY, point.clientX, point.clientY,
e.ctrlKey, e.altKey, e.shiftKey, e.metaKey,
0, null);
ev._fake = true;
}, that.options.zoom ? 250 : 0);
if (that.options.onTouchEnd) that.options.onTouchEnd.call(that, e);
if (duration < 300 && that.options.momentum) {
momentumX = newPosX ? that._momentum(newPosX - that.startX, duration, -that.x,
 that.scrollerW - that.wrapperW + that.x, that.options.bounce ? that.wrapperW : 0) : momentumX;
momentumY = newPosY ? that._momentum(newPosY - that.startY, duration, -that.y, 
(that.maxScrollY < 0 ? that.scrollerH - that.wrapperH + that.y - that.minScrollY : 0), that.options.bounce ? 
that.wrapperH : 0) : momentumY;
newPosX = that.x + momentumX.dist;
newPosY = that.y + momentumY.dist;
if ((that.x > 0 && newPosX > 0) || (that.x < that.maxScrollX && newPosX < that.maxScrollX))
 momentumX = { dist:0, time:0 };
if ((that.y > that.minScrollY && newPosY > that.minScrollY) || (that.y < that.maxScrollY && newPosY 
< that.maxScrollY)) momentumY = { dist:0, time:0 };
if (momentumX.dist || momentumY.dist) {
newDuration = m.max(m.max(momentumX.time, momentumY.time), 10);
// Do we need to snap?
if (that.options.snap) {
distX = newPosX - that.absStartX;
distY = newPosY - that.absStartY;
if (m.abs(distX) < that.options.snapThreshold && m.abs(distY) < that.options.snapThreshold) 
{ that.scrollTo(that.absStartX, that.absStartY, 200); }
else {
snap = that._snap(newPosX, newPosY);
newPosX = snap.x;
newPosY = snap.y;
newDuration = m.max(snap.time, newDuration);
that.scrollTo(m.round(newPosX), m.round(newPosY), newDuration);
if (that.options.onTouchEnd) that.options.onTouchEnd.call(that, e);
// Do we need to snap?
if (that.options.snap) {
distX = newPosX - that.absStartX;
distY = newPosY - that.absStartY;
if (m.abs(distX) < that.options.snapThreshold && m.abs(distY) < that.options.snapThreshold) 
that.scrollTo(that.absStartX, that.absStartY, 200);
else {
snap = that._snap(that.x, that.y);
if (snap.x != that.x || snap.y != that.y) that.scrollTo(snap.x, snap.y, snap.time);
if (that.options.onTouchEnd) that.options.onTouchEnd.call(that, e);
if (that.options.onTouchEnd) that.options.onTouchEnd.call(that, e);
_resetPos: function (time) {
var that = this,
resetX = that.x >= 0 ? 0 : that.x < that.maxScrollX ? that.maxScrollX : that.x,
resetY = that.y >= that.minScrollY || that.maxScrollY > 0 ? that.minScrollY : that.y 
< that.maxScrollY ? that.maxScrollY : that.y;
if (resetX == that.x && resetY == that.y) {
if (that.moved) {
that.moved = false;
if (that.options.onScrollEnd) that.options.onScrollEnd.call(that); // Execute custom code on scroll end
if (that.hScrollbar && that.options.hideScrollbar) {
if (vendor == &#39;webkit&#39;) that.hScrollbarWrapper.style[transitionDelay] = &#39;300ms&#39;;
that.hScrollbarWrapper.style.opacity = &#39;0&#39;;
if (that.vScrollbar && that.options.hideScrollbar) {
if (vendor == &#39;webkit&#39;) that.vScrollbarWrapper.style[transitionDelay] = &#39;300ms&#39;;
that.vScrollbarWrapper.style.opacity = &#39;0&#39;;
that.scrollTo(resetX, resetY, time || 0);
_wheel: function (e) {
var that = this,
wheelDeltaX, wheelDeltaY,
deltaX, deltaY,
if (&#39;wheelDeltaX&#39; in e) {
wheelDeltaX = e.wheelDeltaX / 12;
wheelDeltaY = e.wheelDeltaY / 12;
} else if(&#39;wheelDelta&#39; in e) {
wheelDeltaX = wheelDeltaY = e.wheelDelta / 12;
} else if (&#39;detail&#39; in e) {
wheelDeltaX = wheelDeltaY = -e.detail * 3;
} else {
if (that.options.wheelAction == &#39;zoom&#39;) {
deltaScale = that.scale * Math.pow(2, 1/3 * (wheelDeltaY ? wheelDeltaY / Math.abs(wheelDeltaY) : 0));
if (deltaScale < that.options.zoomMin) deltaScale = that.options.zoomMin;
if (deltaScale > that.options.zoomMax) deltaScale = that.options.zoomMax;
if (deltaScale != that.scale) {
if (!that.wheelZoomCount && that.options.onZoomStart) that.options.onZoomStart.call(that, e);
that.zoom(e.pageX, e.pageY, deltaScale, 400);
setTimeout(function() {
if (!that.wheelZoomCount && that.options.onZoomEnd) that.options.onZoomEnd.call(that, e);
}, 400);
deltaX = that.x + wheelDeltaX;
deltaY = that.y + wheelDeltaY;
if (deltaX > 0) deltaX = 0;
else if (deltaX < that.maxScrollX) deltaX = that.maxScrollX;
if (deltaY > that.minScrollY) deltaY = that.minScrollY;
else if (deltaY < that.maxScrollY) deltaY = that.maxScrollY;
if (that.maxScrollY < 0) {
that.scrollTo(deltaX, deltaY, 0);
_transitionEnd: function (e) {
var that = this;
if (e.target != that.scroller) return;
* Utilities
_startAni: function () {
var that = this,
startX = that.x, startY = that.y,
startTime = Date.now(),
step, easeOut,
if (that.animating) return;
if (!that.steps.length) {
step = that.steps.shift();
if (step.x == startX && step.y == startY) step.time = 0;
that.animating = true;
that.moved = true;
if (that.options.useTransition) {
that._pos(step.x, step.y);
that.animating = false;
if (step.time) that._bind(TRNEND_EV);
else that._resetPos(0);
animate = function () {
var now = Date.now(),
newX, newY;
if (now >= startTime + step.time) {
that._pos(step.x, step.y);
that.animating = false;
if (that.options.onAnimationEnd) that.options.onAnimationEnd.call(that); 
// Execute custom code on animation end
now = (now - startTime) / step.time - 1;
easeOut = m.sqrt(1 - now * now);
newX = (step.x - startX) * easeOut + startX;
newY = (step.y - startY) * easeOut + startY;
that._pos(newX, newY);
if (that.animating) that.aniTime = nextFrame(animate);
_transitionTime: function (time) {
time += &#39;ms&#39;;
this.scroller.style[transitionDuration] = time;
if (this.hScrollbar) this.hScrollbarIndicator.style[transitionDuration] = time;
if (this.vScrollbar) this.vScrollbarIndicator.style[transitionDuration] = time;
_momentum: function (dist, time, maxDistUpper, maxDistLower, size) {
var deceleration = 0.0006,
speed = m.abs(dist) / time,
newDist = (speed * speed) / (2 * deceleration),
newTime = 0, outsideDist = 0;
// Proportinally reduce speed if we are outside of the boundaries
if (dist > 0 && newDist > maxDistUpper) {
outsideDist = size / (6 / (newDist / speed * deceleration));
maxDistUpper = maxDistUpper + outsideDist;
speed = speed * maxDistUpper / newDist;
newDist = maxDistUpper;
} else if (dist < 0 && newDist > maxDistLower) {
outsideDist = size / (6 / (newDist / speed * deceleration));
maxDistLower = maxDistLower + outsideDist;
speed = speed * maxDistLower / newDist;
newDist = maxDistLower;
newDist = newDist * (dist < 0 ? -1 : 1);
newTime = speed / deceleration;
return { dist: newDist, time: m.round(newTime) };
_offset: function (el) {
var left = -el.offsetLeft,
top = -el.offsetTop;
while (el = el.offsetParent) {
left -= el.offsetLeft;
top -= el.offsetTop;
if (el != this.wrapper) {
left *= this.scale;
top *= this.scale;
return { left: left, top: top };
_snap: function (x, y) {
var that = this,
i, l,
page, time,
sizeX, sizeY;
// Check page X
page = that.pagesX.length - 1;
for (i=0, l=that.pagesX.length; i<l; i++) {
if (x >= that.pagesX[i]) {
page = i;
if (page == that.currPageX && page > 0 && that.dirX < 0) page--;
x = that.pagesX
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