Home >Web Front-end >JS Tutorial >Summary of commonly used JQuery functions and functions_jquery
1. Document loading completion execution function
$(document).ready(function(){ alert("开始了"); });
2. Add/Remove CSS classes
$("#some-id").addClass("NewClassName"); $("#some-id").removeClass("ClassNameToBeRemoved");
3. Selectors take advantage of the capabilities of CSS and Xpath (XML Path Language) selectors, as well as jQuery’s unique selectors
3.1 Commonly used:
1. Select all paragraphs in the document according to the tag name: $('p')
2. According to ID: $("#some-id")
3. Class: $('.some-class')
3.2 Using CSS selectors:
$("#some-id > li") 选择特定id下的所有子li元素 $("#some-id li:not(.horizontal)") 伪类选择,特定id下所有没有.horizontal 类的li元素
3.3 Use XPath selector:
Attribute selection: $("a[@title]") selects all links with title attribute
$("div[ol]") selects all div elements that contain an ol element
$('a[@href^="mailto:%22]') selects all href attributes [@href] and the attribute value starts with mailto^="mailto" (^ identifies the string starting with $ String knot
tail, * represents any position in the string)
$('a[@href$=".pdf"]') selects all links with href attribute and the attribute value ends with .pdf
$('a[@href*="mysite.com"]') selects all links where mysite.com appears anywhere in href (including mysite.com)
3.4JQuery custom selector (filter, filter out all elements that meet a certain condition from the selected result set), similar to CSS pseudo-class selector, starting with ":"
1.$('div.horizontal:eq(1)') selects the 2nd item in the div collection with class horizontal
$('div:nth-child(1)') selects all divs that are the 1st child element of its parent element
2. Custom selectors: odd and :even to select odd and even rows
$('tr:odd').addClass('odd'); //Filter and select odd elements in the result set
$('tr:even').addClass('even'); //Filter and select even elements in the result set
3. Custom selector: contains()
$('td:contains("Henry")') selects all tables containing the Henry string
3.5JQuery selection function
1.$('#some-id').parent() selects the parent element of a specific element
2.$('#some-id').next() selects the next nearest sibling element of a specific element
3.$('#some-id').siblings() selects all sibling elements of a specific element
4.$('#some-id').find('.some-class') selects all elements containing a specific class under a specific element
5.$('#some-id').find('td').not(':contains("Henry")') Select all elements whose table content under a specific element does not contain Henry
5.$('#some-id').find('td').not(':contains("Henry")').end() .end() means going back to the last .find( ) element at
3.6 Access DOM elements, use the get() method to obtain from the selected JQuery object, and remove the JQuery packaging
var myTag = $('#some-id').get(0).tagName; var myTag = $('#some-id')[0].tagName; //与上面的等效
4. Events (all events are bound to a certain element)
4.1 Binding events
$("#some-id").bind("click", function(){ }) $("#some-id").unbind("click", bindedFunctionName); //移除已绑定的事件,前提是绑定的函数有名称(不是匿名函数) $("#some-id").click(function(){ })
4.2 Composite function binding event
$("#some-id").toggle(function(){ } ,function(){ }); //交替执行 $(“#some-id”).toggleClass("hidden"); // 添加/删除类交替进行 $("#some-id").hover(function(){ }, function(){ }); //鼠标进入元素时执行第一个函数,离开元素时执行第二个函数 $("#some-id").one("click", functionName); //只需触发一次,随后便立即解除绑定
4.3 Imitate users to trigger an event
$("#some-id").trigger("click"); //Trigger the click event of a specific element
5. Add effects to elements
5.1 Read or set CSS style attributes
$("#some-id").css("property") //Read style value
$('#some-id').css('property', 'value') //Set a style value
$('#some-id').css({property1: 'value1', property2: 'value2'}) //Set multiple style attributes
5.2 Change font size
$(document).ready({ $('#button-id').click(function(){ var currentSize = $('#text-id').css('fontSize'); //获取字体大小,如30px var num = parseFloat(currentSize, 10); //将值转为浮点数,.parseFloat( , )为javascript内置函数,这里是转为10进制的浮点数 var unit = currentSize.slice(-2); //获取单位名称,如px,.slice()是javascript内置函数,获取字符串指从定位置开始的子字符串,-2表示倒数两个字符 num *= 1.5; $('text-id').css('fontSize', num + unit); //设置字体大小样式 }); });
$('#some-id').show(); //无效果,会自动记录原来的display属性值(如:block, inline),再回复display值
$('#some-id').hide(); //无效果,等效于:$('#some-id').css('display', 'none'); 隐藏元素,不保留物理位置
$('#some-id').show('slow'); //指定显示速度,在指定时间内元素的高、宽、不透明度逐渐增加到属性值,有:slow是0.6秒,normal是0.4秒,fast是0.2秒,或者直接填入毫秒数
$('#some-id').hide(800); //与.show()指定速度显示一样,指定时间内高、宽、不透明度逐渐减小到0
$('some-id').fadeIn('slow'); //指定时间内不透明度属性值由0增加到1
$('some-id').fadeOut('slow'); //指定时间内不透明度值由1减小到0
$('#some-id').animate({height: 'show', width: 'show', opacity: 'show'}, 'slow', function(){ alert('动画显示元素');});
$('div .button').animate({left:600, height:44}, 'slow'); //水平位置从0移动到600,高度由0增加到44
$('#some-id').animate({left:600}, 'slow').animate({height: 44}, 'slow');
$('#some-id').attr('property'); //获取属性 $('#some-id').attr('property','value'); //设置属性 $('#some-id').attr({'property1': 'value1', 'property2': 'value2'}); //设置多个属性 修改一个段落中所有链接,并给每个链接附上新的id号 $('div p .content a').each(function(index){ $(this).attr({ 'rel': 'external', 'id': 'link_' + index }); }); // ********* JQuery的.each()类似一个迭代器,给其传递的参数index类似一个计数器 *********
6.3包装元素,将元素包装到其他元素中 .wrap();
$('#some-id').wrap('25edfb22a4f469ecb59f1190150159c6bed06894275b65c1ab86501b08a632eb'); // 将某一特定元素包装到li中,即在特定元素外围添加一个包围元素
6.4复制元素 .clone()
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