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PHP v5.2.5 发布

2016-06-13 10:30:241853browse

php(做为现在的主流开发语言)是一种新型的cgi(现在已经不多人在用了)程序编写语言,易学易用,运行速度快,可以方便快捷地编写出功能强大,运行速度快,并可同时运行于 Windows、Unix、Linux平台的Web后台程序,内置了对文件上传、密码认证、Cookies操作、邮件收发、动态GIF生成等功能,php(做为现在的主流开发语言) 直接为很多数据库提供原本的连接,包括Oracle(大型网站数据库平台)、Sybase、Postgres、MySQL(和PHP搭配之最佳组合)、Informix、Dbase、Solid、 access(小型网站之最爱)等,完全支持ODBC接口,用户更换平台时,无需变换php(做为现在的主流开发语言)代码,可即拿即用.

Version 5.2.5

    * Security Fixes
          o Fixed dl() to only accept filenames. reported by Laurent Gaffie.
          o Fixed dl() to limit argument size to MAXPATHLEN (CVE-2007-4887).
          o Fixed htmlentities/htmlspecialchars not to accept partial multibyte sequences.
          o Fixed possible triggering of buffer overflows inside glibc implementations of the fnmatch(), setlocale() and glob() functions. Reported by Laurent Gaffie.
          o Fixed "mail.force_extra_parameters" php(做为现在的主流开发语言).ini directive not to be modifiable in .htaccess(小型网站之最爱) due to the security implications reported by SecurityReason.
          o Fixed bug #42869 (automatic session id insertion adds sessions id to non-local forms).
          o Fixed bug #41561 (Values set with php(做为现在的主流开发语言)_admin_* in httpd.conf can be overwritten with ini_set()).
    * Upgraded PCRE to version 7.3 (Nuno)
    * Added optional parameter $provide_object to debug_backtrace(). (Sebastian)
    * Added alpha support for imagefilter() IMG_FILTER_COLORIZE. (Pierre)
    * Added ability to control memory consumption between request using ZEND_MM_COMPACT environment variable. (Dmitry)
    * Improved speed of array_intersect_key(), array_intersect_assoc(), array_uintersect_assoc(), array_diff_key(), array_diff_assoc() and array_udiff_assoc(). (Dmitry)
    * Fixed move_uploaded_file() to always set file permissions of resulting file according to UMASK. (Andrew Sitnikov)
    * Fixed possible crash in ext/soap because of uninitialized value. (Zdash Urf)
    * Fixed regression in glob() when enforcing safe_mode/open_basedir checks on paths containing *. (Ilia)
    * Fixed PDO crash when driver returns empty LOB stream. (Stas)
    * Fixed iconv_*() functions to limit argument sizes as workaround to libc bug (CVE-2007-4783, CVE-2007-4840 by Laurent Gaffie). (Christian Hoffmann, Stas)
    * Fixed missing brackets leading to build warning and error in the log. Win32 code. (Andrey)
    * Fixed leaks with multiple connects on one MySQL(和PHP搭配之最佳组合)i object. (Andrey)
    * Fixed endianness detection on MacOS when building universal binary. (Uwe Schindler, Christian Speich, Tony)
    * Fixed imagerectangle regression with 1x1 rectangle (libgd #106). (Pierre)
    * Fixed bug #43196 (array_intersect_assoc() crashes with non-array input). (Jani)
    * Fixed bug #43139 (PDO ignores ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE in some cases with fetchAll()). (Ilia)
    * Fixed bug #43137 (rmdir() and rename() do not clear statcache). (Jani)
    * Fixed bug #43130 (Bound parameters cannot have - in their name). (Ilia)
    * Fixed bug #43099 (xml(标准化越来越近了)Writer::endElement() does not check # of params). (Ilia)
    * Fixed bug #43020 (Warning message is missing with shuffle() and more than one argument). (Scott)
    * Fixed bug #42976 (Crash when constructor for newInstance() or newInstanceArgs() fails) (Ilia)
    * Fixed bug #42943 (ext/mssql(WINDOWS平台上强大的数据库平台): Move *timeout initialization from RINIT to connect time). (Ilia)
    * Fixed bug #42917 (PDO::FETCH_KEY_PAIR doesnt work with setFetchMode). (Ilia)
    * Fixed bug #42890 (Constant "LIST" defined by MySQL(和PHP搭配之最佳组合)client and c-client). (Andrey)
    * Fixed bug #42818 ($foo = clone(array()); leaks memory). (Dmitry)
    * Fixed bug #42817 (clone() on a non-object does not result in a fatal error). (Ilia)
    * Fixed bug #42785 (json_encode() formats doubles according to locale rather then following standard syntax). (Ilia)
    * Fixed bug #42783 (pg_insert() does not accept an empty list for insertion). (Ilia)
    * Fixed bug #42773 (WSDL error causes HTTP 500 Response). (Dmitry)
    * Fixed bug #42772 (Storing $this in a static var fails while handling a cast to string). (Dmitry)
    * Fixed bug #42767 (highlight_string() truncates trailing comment). (Ilia)
    * Fixed bug #42739 (mkdir() doesnt like a trailing slash when safe_mode is enabled). (Ilia)
    * Fixed bug #42703 (Exception raised in an iterator::current() causes segfault in FilterIterator) (Marcus)
    * Fixed bug #42699 (php(做为现在的主流开发语言)_SELF duplicates path). (Dmitry)
    * Fixed bug #42654 (RecursiveIteratorIterator modifies only part of leaves) (Marcus)
    * Fixed bug #42643 (CLI segfaults if using ATTR_PERSISTENT). (Ilia)
    * Fixed bug #42637 (SoapFault : Only http and https are allowed). (Bill Moran)
    * Fixed bug #42629 (Dynamically loaded php(做为现在的主流开发语言) extensions need symbols exported on MacOSX). (jdolecek at NetBSD dot org)
    * Fixed bug #42627 (bz2 extension fails to build with -fno-common). (dolecek at netbsd dot org)
    * Fixed bug #42596 (session.save_path MODE option does not work). (Ilia)
    * Fixed bug #42590 (Make the engine recognize v and f escape sequences). (Ilia)
    * Fixed bug #42587 (behavior change regarding symlinked .php(做为现在的主流开发语言) files). (Dmitry)
    * Fixed bug #42579 (apache(Unix平台最流行的WEB服务器平台)_reset_timeout() does not exist). (Jani)
    * Fixed bug #42549 (ext/MySQL(和PHP搭配之最佳组合) failed to compile with libMySQL(和PHP搭配之最佳组合) 3.23). (Scott)
    * Fixed bug #42523 (php(做为现在的主流开发语言)_SELF duplicates path). (Dmitry)
    * Fixed bug #42512 (ip2long( should return 4294967295 on 64-bit php(做为现在的主流开发语言)). (Der

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