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Huawei's nova Flip "Fun Square Screen" wants to find a new way in the small folding market?

2024-08-06 17:11:09277browse

华为 nova Flip「趣方屏」,要在小折叠市场另辟蹊径?

In total, it has been six years since the folding screen mobile phone category was launched. In the continuous exploration of various brands, foldable screen mobile phones have been divided into two categories: large folding (horizontal folding) and small folding (vertical folding). Up to now, despite the rapid growth of foldable screen mobile phones, it is still a relatively niche category, and its product diversity and market share are far from the level of "public acceptance".

So, as Huawei’s latest masterpiece in the field of small folding screens, can the Huawei nova Flip, which has just been officially released, make the small folding category “bigger and stronger” like other phones in the nova series? Lei Technology has already obtained Huawei nova Flip in advance. After many days of in-depth experience, we gave the following answer, enjoy~

华为 nova Flip「趣方屏」,要在小折叠市场另辟蹊径?

Picture source: Lei Technology

Lei Technology got the Huawei nova Flip (Kirin 8000 processor) The 12GB+256GB version comes in fresh green color and is priced at 5,288 yuan (512GB 5,688 yuan, 1TB 6,488 yuan).

华为 nova Flip「趣方屏」,要在小折叠市场另辟蹊径?

The "Qufang Screen" is highly recognizable and feels great in hand

Whether it is in terms of design or workmanship, the completion and texture of Huawei nova Flip are excellent. The overall folding and unfolding does not have the common "loose" feeling. The Xuanwu water drop hinge gives a significant boost to the phone when it is nearly fully opened, so it cannot hover freely from 0 to 180 degrees. However, this design also allows it to be locked better when unfolded, without the "loose" feeling of the upper and lower parts of the fuselage.

华为 nova Flip「趣方屏」,要在小折叠市场另辟蹊径?

Image source: Lei Technology

In terms of external screen, Huawei nova Flip does not use a large-sized "full-size external screen" like most small folding screen mobile phones this year. Instead, it uses the industry-leading The first "Fun Square Screen" design.

It is difficult to have a perfect design in the world. Similarly, whether the external screen design of a small folding screen is "large" or "small" has always been a different route explored by the industry. It is undeniable that the design of Huawei's nova Flip "Qufang Screen" will limit the interaction with the external screen of the mobile phone, and you cannot "only use the external screen for a day." However, considering the impact of the camera on the external screen area and interaction, this design that provides "limited fast interaction" for the external screen also has its practicality. After all, the ultimate goal of buying a folding screen is to use it with both large and small screens, rather than treating the small screen as a large one. Screen use.

Before talking about the internal screen of Huawei nova Flip, Xiao Lei would like to talk about the feel of nova Flip.

In order to balance the battery capacity and heat dissipation performance of small foldable phones, the thickness of small foldable phones is usually thicker than ordinary "candy machines". At the same time, the narrow screen ratio will make the phone feel a little strange when held. But nova Flip does not have this problem: the slim body of 6.9mm (Lei Technology Note: glass version, plain leather 6.88mm) and the weight of 195g allow it to have a balanced machine while equipped with a 6.9-inch screen. Great size and great feel.

The external screen is "small but beautiful" and full of fashion sense

Having said that, even though nova Flip adopts a small external screen solution, this does not mean that its external screen can only be like A smart bracelet can tell the time.

Huawei has designed a variety of different external screen themes for the characteristics of the nova Flip’s small external screen. Among them, Xiaolei’s favorite is the theme of the Star Maze, which is a 3×3 small puzzle that can be put together. Create a nova logo. It is a pity that this puzzle currently only provides the nova logo layout. It would be better if the puzzle layout could be automatically switched like a magazine lock screen in the future.

华为 nova Flip「趣方屏」,要在小折叠市场另辟蹊径?Image source: Lei Technology

Perhaps to balance the power consumption in external screen mode, the frame rate of the other two game interactive themes on the nova Flip external screen is not high. I look forward to Huawei in the future. Perform OTA on the theme of the external screen to bring a richer interactive experience.

In addition to games, nova Flip also has a variety of different external screen themes such as analog clocks, live weather, and cute pets. Among them, the cute pet themes have different interactive effects at different times. It can be said that this design is very cute . If you want to personalize the outer screen of your phone, the nova Flip’s outer screen also has smart pattern options that can match the corresponding theme color according to the dressing style of the day.

雷科技先前曾分享「數位潮流化」的潮數位趨勢,從外觀與外螢幕設計來看,定位時尚年輕的華為nova真的很懂年輕人:在小紅書等年輕人濃度高的平台上,數位正在成為“潮流化消費品”,好玩、好看跟好用一樣重要,其中將數位產品作為時尚裝扮元素是重要趨勢之一。華為Pura 70、華為Watch、華為nova Flip等產品正在引領「數位潮流化」的趨勢,成為潮流先鋒。

nova Flip 的外屏在來電時也可以用來顯示Call-emoji;在使用航旅縱橫、滴滴出行等服務時,外屏上則會顯示對應的服務進度,定制的設計讓用戶不需要打開手機就能輕鬆查看訊息,互動更直覺也更方便。

正如雷科技先前的分析一樣:「外螢幕」的互動創新是國產手機在iPhone「靈動島」後的更大突破。 iPhone將螢幕的“劉海”“變廢為寶”推出了“靈動島”,在App相容下提供了一些創新的互動。華為nova們更進一步,將一直被忽視或說弱化的小折疊屏的「外屏」物盡其用,給用戶開拓了全新的交互體驗,也讓小折疊屏手機在便攜折疊外,多了一重交互優勢。


相機,是nova Flip 外屏極其重要的特色應用,在折疊情況下,向左滑動外屏就能打開 nova Flip 的相機。考慮到這樣操作通常是為了自拍,用外螢幕打開相機時,nova Flip 會自動開啟人像模式,你可以直接設定自拍倒數和美顏效果。

华为 nova Flip「趣方屏」,要在小折叠市场另辟蹊径?


較為可惜的是,從外屏打開是開啟 nova Flip 外屏取景的唯一方式。如果在展開狀態下開啟相機,nova Flip 暫時還無法將取景畫面傳送到外螢幕。即使用外螢幕開啟相機後展開手機,預覽畫面也會切換到內螢幕中,讓自拍取景略有不便。還好這些問題並不涉及硬件,後期華為可透過 OTA 來解決。

华为 nova Flip「趣方屏」,要在小折叠市场另辟蹊径?


相機方面,nova Flip 擁有50MP 大底主攝,採用F1.9 大光圈的尺寸一像素技術,可實現更大的像素單位面積。

华为 nova Flip「趣方屏」,要在小折叠市场另辟蹊径?


從樣張上看,nova Flip 表現很不錯,在出色的軟體演算法優化下,即使是RYYB 也能做到顏色和光感出色的還原。另外,照片邊角位的畫質與中心區相比並沒有明顯的差異,看得出華為在相機優化上,確實有很深的造詣。

华为 nova Flip「趣方屏」,要在小折叠市场另辟蹊径?華為nova Flip 的人像模式同樣進行了升級,全新的華為達芬奇人

華為nova Flip 的人像模式同樣進行了升級,全新的華為達文西人像引擎2.0 可以分開任務中後景,帶來更有層次的虛化效果和肌膚細節。


华为 nova Flip「趣方屏」,要在小折叠市场另辟蹊径?

如果背景過於雜亂,nova Flip 的AI 消除可以消除大多數的背景雜物,且還有一個非常方便的設計:別的AI一般都要手動圈出消除的人或物,但華為的AI 消除只需要在消除的人物上劃一條線,手機就會自動識別具體的消除對象,不用再擔心手塗得不夠精細了,對小雷這樣的粗手指使用者很友善。


幾天體驗下來,nova Flip 給雷科技留下的印象還是非常深刻的。



华为 nova Flip「趣方屏」,要在小折叠市场另辟蹊径?


體驗下來感覺華為nova Flip 在關鍵點上都做得非常好:

出色的鉸鏈設計不僅保證了手機折疊、展開時的“一體性”,同時極大地延長了屏幕壽命-nova Flip 以玄武水滴鉸鏈獲得全球首個瑞士SGS 120 萬次摺疊認證。

與此同時,其將折疊屏在產品形態上的優勢實現了最大化展現:獨家的“1:1 外屏”可以在不破壞手機背面美學設計的情況下,帶來盡可能大的顯示面積。專為外螢幕互動而重新佈局的軟體介面,也讓外螢幕互動更加得心應手。

华为 nova Flip「趣方屏」,要在小折叠市场另辟蹊径?


不可否認的是,當前版本下的nova Flip 還有一些可以優化的地方,比如內外屏聯動的操作邏輯,同時我也期待華為nova Flip能與開發者一起,在「趣方螢幕」上帶來更多更有趣互動的主題。

對當前小折疊的行業生態來說,雷科技認為nova Flip 的貢獻不容忽視:其再一次證明了小折疊的外屏並不是“必須做大”,小屏也有小而美的優勢。在有限的形態內發揮出內外兩塊螢幕各自的優勢,而不是「偷懶」鏡像內屏,這樣的小折疊手機才能發揮物理特性,構成特色價值。

按照雷科技慣例,最後再按照我們的模板總結一下華為nova Flip 的優缺點:



2. 「趣方屏」的外屏交互設計「有態度」;

3、依托華為AI生態,系統AI 功能較豐富;



1. 缺少旗艦處理器,性能有提升空間;

2. 內外屏協同邏輯有待OTA提升。

nova Flip 到底值不值得買呢?以下是雷科技的建議:

1、如果你本身已是Pura 70 Ultra等華為旗艦機的用戶,想用折疊屏徹底取代旗艦手機作為主力機,那 nova Flip 可能不適合你。

2、如果你對手機的性能沒有太強的要求,比如不太玩遊戲,只需要日常使用和拍照,想要一個適合自拍的「自拍新神器」,或者是想要一個可玩性高的「潮流新裝備」,那華為nova Flip 確實非常合適。

3、如果你愛美愛潮,不喜歡帶「大物」出門,習慣輕裝出門,想在口袋甚至化妝包裡輕鬆放下一部手機,甚至將手機用鍊子穿戴起來作為搭配元素,華為nova Flip 也值得考慮。


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