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CCTV praised the domestic AI resurrection summoning technique, and the terracotta warriors actually rapped with Uncle Gemstone?

2024-07-15 17:09:10839browse
The Terracotta Warriors and Horses, which have been sleeping for more than two thousand years, have awakened?

CCTV praised the domestic AI resurrection summoning technique, and the terracotta warriors actually rapped with Uncle Gemstone?

The opening line of Qin Opera brought us to the Loess Plateau. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, many viewers might not have imagined that they would ever see Terracotta Warriors and Gem perform "Army March" on the same stage in their lifetime.

"The long clouds and dark snow-capped mountains in Qinghai, the lonely city looking at Yumen Pass in the distance." Although the ancient tune has changed in music, the sound is still touching:

CCTV praised the domestic AI resurrection summoning technique, and the terracotta warriors actually rapped with Uncle Gemstone?

The "AI resurrection summoning technique" behind this performance is called EMO, From Alibaba Tongyi Lab. With just a photo and audio, EMO can turn a still image into a lifelike singing video, and accurately capture the ups and downs and ups and downs in the audio.

In CCTV's "2024 China AI Festival", also based on EMO technology, the Northern Song Dynasty writer Su Shi was "resurrected" and sang a song "Shui Tiao Ge Tou" with Li Yugang on the same stage. "AI Su Shi"'s movements are simple and natural, as if he has traveled through time and space:

CCTV praised the domestic AI resurrection summoning technique, and the terracotta warriors actually rapped with Uncle Gemstone?

Inspired by cutting-edge technologies in the AI ​​field such as EMO, the first national-level technology feast with artificial intelligence as the core "2024 China AI Festival" is grand At the opening, the most cutting-edge domestic AI technology power will be delivered to every audience before the show in the form of "media + technology + art" integration: CCTV praised the domestic AI resurrection summoning technique, and the terracotta warriors actually rapped with Uncle Gemstone?This is not the first time that EMO has "out of the circle". The "Gao Qiqiang Integrated Luo Xiang Pufa" that once exploded on social media was also created by EMO: CCTV praised the domestic AI resurrection summoning technique, and the terracotta warriors actually rapped with Uncle Gemstone?
After logging into Tongyi APP, with the help of players' various imaginative trials, EMO has become so popular today Not reduced. Friends who haven't tried it yet can download this app, enter "Channel" and select "National Stage" to have a smooth experience.

CCTV praised the domestic AI resurrection summoning technique, and the terracotta warriors actually rapped with Uncle Gemstone?

In fact, as early as February this year, Tongyi Laboratory published EMO (Emote Portrait Alive) related papers. This paper received rave reviews when it was first launched. Some people even praised: "EMO is a revolutionary research."

CCTV praised the domestic AI resurrection summoning technique, and the terracotta warriors actually rapped with Uncle Gemstone?

  • 论文地址:https://arxiv.org/pdf/2402.17485
  • 项目主页:https://humanaigc.github.io/emote-portrait-alive/

为什么它能获得如此高度的评价?这还要从当前视频生成技术的发展现状和 EMO 的底层技术创新说起。

如此出圈,EMO 凭什么?

过去几年,AI 在图像生成方面的成功是有目共睹的。当前,AI 领域的研究热点是攻克一个更困难的任务:视频生成。

EMO 面对的恰好是其中非常难的一项任务:基于音频驱动的人物视频生成。


在此前的方法中,模型大多先针对人脸、人头或者身体部分做 3D 建模或人脸关键点标记,以此作为中间表达再生成最终的视频。但借助中间表达的方法可能会导致音频中的信息被过度压缩,影响最终生成视频中的情绪表达效果。

通义实验室应用视觉团队负责人薄列峰表示,EMO 的关键创新点「弱控制设计」很好地解决了上述问题,不仅降低视频生成成本,还大幅提升了视频生成质量。

CCTV praised the domestic AI resurrection summoning technique, and the terracotta warriors actually rapped with Uncle Gemstone?

「弱控制」体现在两个方面:首先,EMO 无需建模,直接从音频中提取信息来生成表情动态和嘴唇同步的视频,从而在不需要复杂预处理的情况下,端到端地创造出自然流畅且表情丰富的人像视频。其次,EMO 对生成表情和身体动作不做过多「控制」,最终生成结果的自然和流畅,都是源于模型本身对高质量数据的学习而训练出的泛化能力。

拿兵马俑和宝石 Gem 同框对唱《从军行》来说,歌声中所要传达的情绪(如激扬)在其面部得到了很好的展现,不会给人违和感:

CCTV praised the domestic AI resurrection summoning technique, and the terracotta warriors actually rapped with Uncle Gemstone?

基于弱控制的理念,研究团队为 EMO 模型构建了一个庞大而多样的音视频数据集,总计超过 250 小时的录影和超过 1.5 亿张图像,涵盖各种内容,包括演讲、电影和电视片段以及歌唱表演,包括中文和英文在内的多种语言,视频的丰富多样性确保了训练材料捕捉了广泛的人类表达和声音风格。


因此,团队在训练过程中设计了高保真数据编码算法,保证了在压缩或处理数据的过程中,尽可能保持原始信息的丰富细节和动态范围。具体到 EMO 的训练上,只有音频信息完整,人物情绪才能很好的展现。

CCTV praised the domestic AI resurrection summoning technique, and the terracotta warriors actually rapped with Uncle Gemstone?


今年 2 月初,Sora 的发布点燃了视频生成赛道,背后的多项技术随之受到关注,其中就包括 DiT(Diffusion Transformer )。

我们知道,扩散模型中的 U-Net 能模拟信号从噪声中逐渐恢复的过程,理论上能够逼近任意复杂的数据分布,在图像质量方面优于生成对抗网络(GAN)和变分自编码器(VAE),生成具有更自然纹理和更准确细节的现实世界图像。但 DiT 论文表明,U-Net 归纳偏置对扩散模型的性能并非不可或缺,可以很容易地用标准设计(如 Transformer)取代,这就是该论文提出的基于 Transformer 架构的新型扩散模型 DiT。

最重要的是,以 DiT 为核心的 Sora 验证了视频生成模型中仍存在 Scaling Law ,研究者们可以通过增加更多的参数和数据来扩大模型规模实现更好的结果。

DiT 模型在生成真实视频方面的成功,让 AI 社区看到了这一方法的潜力,促使视频生成领域从经典 U-Net 架构转变到基于 Transformer 的扩散主干架构的范式。基于 Transformer 注意力机制的时序预测、大规模的高质量视频数据都是推动这一转变的关键力量。


EMO 并不是建立在类似 DiT 架构的基础上,也就是没有用 Transformer 去替代传统 U-Net,同样能够很好地模拟真实物理世界,这给整个研究领域带来了启发。


薄列峰表示,本质上,当前的语言模型、图像 / 视频生成模型都没有超越统计机器学习的框架。即使是 Scaling Law ,也有自身的限制。尽管各个模型对强关系和中等关系的生成把握比较精准,但对弱关系的学习仍然不足。如果研究者们不能持续提供足够多的高质量数据,模型的能力就难以有质的提升。

换个角度来看,即使视频生成领域会出现一种「占据半壁江山」的大一统架构,也并不意味其具备绝对的优越性。就像是自然语言领域,一直稳居 C 位的 Transformer 也会面临被 Mamba 超越的情况。


通义实验室是国内最早布局视频生成技术的机构之一,目前已有文生视频、图生视频等多个方向的研发积累,特别是在人物视频生成方面,已经形成了包括物动作视频生成框架 Animate Anyone、人物换装视频生成框架 Outfit Anyone、人物视频角色替换框架 Motionshop、人物唱演视频生成框架 Emote Portrait Alive 在内的完整研究矩阵。

CCTV praised the domestic AI resurrection summoning technique, and the terracotta warriors actually rapped with Uncle Gemstone?


比如在 EMO 之前,Animate Anyone 一度霸屏社交媒体和朋友圈。该模型解决了人物运动视频生成中保持人物外观短时连续性和长时一致性的问题,随后上线通义 App「全民舞王」功能,掀起了一波全民热舞小高潮。CCTV praised the domestic AI resurrection summoning technique, and the terracotta warriors actually rapped with Uncle Gemstone?


目前,视频内容呈现爆发式增长的趋势,人们都在期待能够出现一个人人「可用」且「实用」的 AI 视频生成平台。EMO 可能是打破这一局面的重要技术突破,通义 App 则提供了一个技术落地的广阔平台。


科技公司们希望将 AI 技术转化为真正的生产力工具,去服务短视频博主、影视制作人、广告和游戏创意人。这也是为什么视频生成应用不能只停留在「通用内容」的水准。

环顾目前大部分的视频生成应用,大多是基于 3 到 5 秒的视频生成模型,在应用和体验上的限制比较明显。但 EMO 技术对于音频时长的包容度很高,而且生成内容质量可以达到演播标准。比如登陆央视的这段「兵马俑唱演」,全程四分钟的兵马俑部分表演视频无一秒需要人工后期针对性「微调」。

如今看来,以 EMO 为代表的人物视频生成技术是最接近「专业级生成水准」的落地方向之一。相比于文生视频技术中用户 Prompt 存在的诸多不确定性,EMO 技术高度符合人物视频创作对内容连贯性和一致性的核心需求,展示了极具潜力的应用空间。

EMO 之所以「出圈」,人们看到的不光是研发团队的技术实力,更重要的是看到了视频生成技术落地的加速度。


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