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LLM is really not good for time series prediction. It doesn't even use its reasoning ability.

2024-07-15 15:59:411493browse

Can language models really be used for time series prediction? According to Betteridge's Law of Headlines (any news headline ending with a question mark can be answered with "no"), the answer should be no. This seems to be the case: such a powerful LLM cannot handle time series data well.

LLM is really not good for time series prediction. It doesnt even use its reasoning ability.

Time series, that is, time series, as the name suggests, refers to a set of data point sequences arranged in the order of occurrence.

Time series analysis is critical in many fields, including disease spread prediction, retail analytics, healthcare, and finance. In the field of time series analysis, many researchers have recently been studying how to use large language models (LLM) to classify, predict, and detect anomalies in time series. These papers assume that language models that are good at handling sequential dependencies in text can also generalize to sequential dependencies in time series data. This assumption is not surprising, after all, language models are now the most popular in the field of machine learning.

So, how much help can language models bring to traditional timing tasks?

Recently, a team from the University of Virginia and the University of Washington tried to answer this question, and finally made a simple but important proposition: For time series prediction tasks, the performance of common methods using language models is close to or worse than basic ablation method, but the former requires orders of magnitude more calculations than the latter.

LLM is really not good for time series prediction. It doesnt even use its reasoning ability.

  • Paper title: Are Language Models Actually Useful for Time Series Forecasting?

  • Paper address: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2406.16964

These findings were obtained by the team through a large number of ablation obtained from the study, which revealed a "worrying trend" in current time series forecasting research.

But the team also said: "Our goal is not to imply that language models can never be used for time series." In fact, some recent studies have shown that there is good potential for interaction between language and time series to handle time series reasoning and tasks such as social understanding.

Instead, their goal is to highlight this surprising finding: for existing time series tasks, existing methods make little use of the innate reasoning capabilities of pre-trained language models.

Experimental setup

The team used three state-of-the-art time series prediction methods and proposed three ablation methods for LLM: w/o LLM, LLM2Attn, LLM2Trsf.

To evaluate the effectiveness of LLM on time series forecasting tasks, they tested these methods on 8 standard datasets.

Reference Methods for Language Models and Time Series

They experimented with three recent methods for time series forecasting using LLM. See Table 2. The base model used by these methods is GPT-2 or LLaMA, and different alignment and fine-tuning strategies are used.

LLM is really not good for time series prediction. It doesnt even use its reasoning ability.

OneFitsAll: The OneFitsAll (sometimes also called GPT4TS) method first uses instance normalization and patching techniques on the input time series and then feeds it to a linear layer to obtain the input representation for the language model . During training, the multi-head attention and feed-forward layers of the language model are frozen, while position embeddings and layer normalization are optimized. The role of the final layer is to convert the final hidden state of the language model into prediction results.

Time-LLM: When using Time-LLM, the input time series is tokenized by the patching technique, and multi-head attention aligns it with the low-dimensional representation of the word embedding. The output of this alignment process is then fed to a frozen pre-trained language model along with an embedding of descriptive statistical features. The output representation of this language model is then flattened and passed through a linear layer, resulting in predictions.

LLaTA: The way LLaTA embeds the input time series is by treating each channel as a token. One half of the architecture is the “text branch,” which uses cross-attention to align the time series representation with the low-dimensional representation of the language model’s word embeddings. This representation is then passed to a frozen pre-trained language model, resulting in a "textual prediction". At the same time, the "temporal" branch of the architecture learns a low-rank adapter for the pre-trained language model based on the input time series, thereby obtaining a "temporal prediction" for inference. The model contains an additional loss term that takes into account the similarity between these representations.

Ablation methods proposed by the team

For LLM-based predictors, in order to isolate the impact of LLM, the team proposed three ablation methods: removing the LLM component or replacing it with a simple module.

LLM is really not good for time series prediction. It doesnt even use its reasoning ability.

Specifically, for each of the above three methods, they made the following three modifications:

w/o LLM, see Figure 1b. Remove the language model completely and pass the input token directly to the final layer of the reference method.

LLM2Attn, see Figure 1c. Replace the language model with a single randomly initialized multi-head attention layer.

LLM2Trsf, see Figure 1d. Replace the language model with a single randomly initialized Transformer module.

In the above ablation study, the rest of the predictor is kept unchanged (trainable). For example, as shown in Figure 1b, after removing the LLM, the input encoding is passed directly to the output map. And as shown in Figure 1c and 1d, after replacing the LLM with attention or Transformer, they are trained together with the remaining structure of the original method.

Datasets and Evaluation Metrics

Benchmark Datasets. The evaluation uses the following real-world datasets: ETT (which contains 4 subsets: ETTm1, ETTm2, ETTh1, ETTh2), Illness, Weather, Traffic, Electricity. Table 1 gives the statistics of these data sets. Also available are Exchange Rate, Covid Deaths, Taxi (30 min), NN5 (Daily) and FRED-MD.

LLM is really not good for time series prediction. It doesnt even use its reasoning ability.

Evaluation indicators. The evaluation metrics reported in this study are the mean absolute error (MAE) and mean squared error (MSE) between predicted and true time series values.


Specifically, the team explored the following research questions (RQ):

  • (RQ1) Can pre-trained language models help improve prediction performance?

  • (RQ2) Are LLM-based methods worth the computational cost they consume?

  • (RQ3) Does language model pre-training help the performance of prediction tasks?

  • (RQ4) Can LLM characterize sequential dependencies in time series?

  • (RQ5) Does LLM help with few-shot learning?

  • (RQ6) Where does the performance come from?

Does pre-training language models help improve prediction performance? (RQ1)

Experimental results show that pre-trained LLM is not yet very useful for time series forecasting tasks.

LLM is really not good for time series prediction. It doesnt even use its reasoning ability.

LLM is really not good for time series prediction. It doesnt even use its reasoning ability.

Overall, as shown in Table 3, on 8 data sets and 2 indicators, the ablation method is better than the Time-LLM method in 26/26 cases and outperforms the Time-LLM method in 22/26 cases. Better than LLaTA and better than OneFitsAll in 19/26 cases.

In conclusion, it is difficult to say that LLM can be effectively used for time series forecasting.

Are LLM-based methods worth the computational cost they consume? (RQ2)

Here, the computational intensity of these methods is evaluated based on their nominal performance. Language models in the reference approach use hundreds of millions or even billions of parameters to perform time series predictions. Even when the parameters of these language models are frozen, they still have significant computational overhead during training and inference.

For example, Time-LLM has 6642 M parameters and takes 3003 minutes to complete training on the Weather data set, while the ablation method only has 0.245 M parameters and the average training time is only 2.17 minutes. Table 4 gives information on training other methods on the ETTh1 and Weather datasets.

LLM is really not good for time series prediction. It doesnt even use its reasoning ability.

As for inference time, the approach here is to divide by the maximum batch size to estimate the inference time per example. On average, Time-LLM, OneFitsAl, and LLaTA take 28.2, 2.3, and 1.2 times more inference time compared to the modified model.

LLM is really not good for time series prediction. It doesnt even use its reasoning ability.

Figure 3 gives some examples where the green markers (ablation methods) are generally lower than the red markers (LLM) and concentrated on the left side, which illustrates that they are less computationally expensive but have better prediction performance.

In short, in time series prediction tasks, the computational intensity of LLM cannot bring corresponding improvements in performance.

Does language model pre-training help the performance of prediction tasks? (RQ3)

The evaluation results show that for time series forecasting tasks, pre-training with large datasets is really not necessary. In order to test whether the knowledge learned during pre-training can bring meaningful improvements to prediction performance, the team experimented with the effects of different combinations of pre-training and fine-tuning on LLaTA on time series data.

  • Pre-training + fine-tuning (Pre+FT): This is the original method, which is to fine-tune a pre-trained language model on time series data. For LLaTA here, the approach is to freeze the base language model and learn a low-rank adapter (LoRA).

  • 隨機初始化 + 微調(woPre+FT):預先訓練得到的文字知識是否有助於時間序列預測?這裡,隨機初始化語言模型的權重(由此清除了預訓練的效果),再在微調資料集上從頭開始訓練 LLM。

  • 預訓練 + 不使用微調(Pre+woFT):在時間序列資料上進行微調又能為預測效能帶來多大提升呢?這裡是凍結語言模型,同時放棄學習 LoRA。這能反映語言模型自身處理時間序列的表現。

  • 隨機初始化 + 無微調(woPre+woFT):很明顯,這就是將輸入時間序列隨機投射到一個預測結果。該結果被用作與其它方法進行比較的基準。

LLM is really not good for time series prediction. It doesnt even use its reasoning ability.

整體結果如表 5。在 8 個資料集上,依照 MAE 和 MSE 指標,「預訓練 + 微調」有三次表現最佳,而「隨機初始化 + 微調」獲得了 8 次最佳。這說明語言知識對時間序列預測的幫助有限。但是,「預訓練 + 無微調」與基準「隨機初始化 + 無微調」各自有 5 和 0 次最佳,這說明語言知識對微調過程的幫助也不大。


LLM 能否表徵時間序列中的順序依賴關係? (RQ4)

大多數使用 LLM 來微調位置編碼的時間序列預測方法都有助於理解序列中時間步驟的位置。該團隊預計,對於一個具有優良位置表徵的時間序列模型,如果將輸入的位置打亂,那麼其預測性能將會大幅下降。他們實驗了三種打亂時間序列資料的方法:隨機混洗整個序列(sf-all)、僅隨機混洗前一半序列(sf-half)、交換序列的前半和後半部(ex-half) 。結果見表 6。

LLM is really not good for time series prediction. It doesnt even use its reasoning ability.

輸入混洗對基於 LLM 的方法與其消融方法的影響差不太多。這說明 LLM 在表徵時間序列中的順序依賴關係方面並沒有什麼突出能力。

LLM 是否有助於少樣本學習? (RQ5)

評估結果表明,LLM 對少樣本學習情境而言意義不大。

他們的評估實驗是取用每個資料集的 10%,再訓練模型及其消融方法。具體來說,這裡評估的是 LLaMA(Time-LLM)。結果見表 7。

LLM is really not good for time series prediction. It doesnt even use its reasoning ability.

LLM is really not good for time series prediction. It doesnt even use its reasoning ability.

可以看到,有無 LLM 的表現差不多 —— 各自都有 8 個案例表現更好。該團隊也使用基於 GPT-2 的方法 LLaTA 進行了類似的實驗。結果見表 8,這裡消融法在少樣本場景的表現還優於 LLM。

性能從何而來? (RQ6)

這一節評估的是 LLM 時間序列模型中常用的編碼技術。結果發現,將 patching 和單層注意力組合起來是一種簡單卻有效的選擇。

前面發現對基於 LLM 的方法進行簡單的消融並不會降低其性能。為了理解這現象的原因,團隊研究了 LLM 時間序列任務中常用的一些編碼技術,例如 patching 和分解。一種基本的 Transformer 模組也可用於輔助編碼。

結果發現,一種組合了 patching 和注意力的結構在小數據集(時間戳少於 100 萬)上的表現優於其它大部分編碼方法,甚至能與 LLM 方法媲美。

LLM is really not good for time series prediction. It doesnt even use its reasoning ability.

其詳細結構如圖 4 所示,其中涉及將「實例歸一化」用於時間序列,然後進行 patching 和投射。然後,在 patch 之間使用一層注意力進行特徵學習。對於 Traffic(約 1500 萬)和 Electricity(約 800 萬)等更大的資料集,則使用了基本 Transformer 的單層線性模型的編碼表現更優。在這些方法中,最後還要使用單層線性層來投射時間序列嵌入,從而得到預測結果。

總之,patching 對編碼非常重要。此外,基本的注意力和 Transformer 模組也能為編碼帶來有效助益。

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