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The Adventures of a Low-Cost Chrome Host: It Can’t Install Black Apple, but It Can Be Considered a Qualified PC

2024-07-11 16:38:51470browse

The Adventures of a Low-Cost Chrome Host: It Can’t Install Black Apple, but It Can Be Considered a Qualified PC

Speaking of which, we have already produced many issues of the foreign junk series, but most of them were mobile phones and assembled PCs before. The former has average playability, while the latter is full of uncertainty. For example, the computer we spent 300 to install last time has now entered a state of non-stop driver removal.

However, "picking up rags" is what it is, and the coexistence of risks and benefits is the norm. For example, I "picked up" the ASUS ChromeBox this time. I originally wanted to make it into a Mac mini (fake), but I encountered many unexpected problems during the process and failed to achieve the intended goal. In the end, I had to settle for the next best thing and choose to flash Windows on it.

Although the attempt to brush black apples fell to the last step, I had a lot of fun in the whole process. And when used as a Windows computer, the stability of this Chrome Box is still very good, and it can be said to be of high quality and low price.

High-quality and low-priced small PC - ASUS Chrome Box3

What I picked up this time is a mini PC with ChromeOS system, the price is less than 600 yuan, the specific configuration is: i7 -8550U+4GB DDR4L+32GB solid state drive, supports 2*DDR4L and Nvme M.2 hard drives. To be honest, except for the processor, which is still visible, the rest of the hardware configuration is at a decent enough level, and it is only barely enough in the ChromeOS environment.

However, compared to laptops, ChromeOS's interface configuration is relatively complete, providing 5 USB-A interfaces (only the two on the front support power supply), 1 Type-C interface (supports DP output, power supply and data transmission), 1 HDMI 1.4 interface, 1 RJ45 wired network interface, 1 SD card interface, 1 3.5mm headphone jack and 1 DC power interface.

The Adventures of a Low-Cost Chrome Host: It Can’t Install Black Apple, but It Can Be Considered a Qualified PC

Front (Photo source: Photo by Lei Technology)

The Adventures of a Low-Cost Chrome Host: It Can’t Install Black Apple, but It Can Be Considered a Qualified PC

Reverse (Photo source: Photo by Lei Technology)

You can see the Chrome logo on the top of the fuselage, description This is a Chrome device.

The Adventures of a Low-Cost Chrome Host: It Can’t Install Black Apple, but It Can Be Considered a Qualified PC

(Photo source: Photographed by Lei Technology)

Everyone in China is probably relatively unfamiliar with ChromeOS. In fact, you can think of it as a PC streamlined version of Android. ChromOS cannot install ordinary x86 PC software, and can only install adaptation applications from the Chrome Store and Google Play. To some extent, you can even think of it as a larger hardware version of the Chrome browser.

The Adventures of a Low-Cost Chrome Host: It Can’t Install Black Apple, but It Can Be Considered a Qualified PC

(Source: Lei Technology)

ChromeOS is mainly targeted at schools and educational institutions, small and medium-sized enterprises that do not have high requirements for device performance, and consumers with limited budgets. ChromeOS has very low hardware configuration requirements for the system. Even an antique-level dual-core processor or a low-performance ARM processor can run smoothly, and the memory and storage space requirements are as low as 2GB+16GB.

Although there are not many ChromeOS applications, relying on Google's Android ecosystem, it can still easily meet daily office, entertainment and other needs. Its smoothness, ease of use, and high security make it a very suitable tool for the elderly and children to access the Internet.

Thanks to the popularity of Chrome devices in enterprises and institutions, we can often buy Chrome devices that are "discarded" by these units at cheap prices. Moreover, although it is said to be scrapped equipment, most of it can actually be used normally, but it has reached the upper limit of use time, so it needs to be scrapped.

These "scrap" devices are the best toys for those of us who are tossing around. After all, compared to brand-new mini hosts, ChromeBox is indeed high-quality and affordable.

The Adventures of a Low-Cost Chrome Host: It Can’t Install Black Apple, but It Can Be Considered a Qualified PC

(Source: an e-commerce platform)

For example, the most common CPUs for mini hosts under a thousand yuan are Intel's N100, N5095, N5105, etc. In addition, there are a bunch of recycled products using the 4th, 5th and 6th generation Core low-voltage U, and the prices are generally 400, 500 or more.

The N series is Intel's low-end line. It has a more familiar name - Celeron. Although the performance is not that bad, it has 4 cores and 4 threads, a maximum frequency of 3.4GHz, and proper Internet processing. devices, and the fourth, fifth and sixth generation Cores are actually not much better.

The Adventures of a Low-Cost Chrome Host: It Can’t Install Black Apple, but It Can Be Considered a Qualified PC



这么一对比,四核八线程,睿频可达4.0GHz的i7-8550U,简直就是降维打击般的存在,其性能甚至能够满足轻度的图片编辑、视频剪辑等工作。而且,采用11代以前的酷睿处理器还有个好处,那就是可以尝试着刷入macOS,而i7-8550U与MacBook 13英寸版2018/2019所使用的i7-8559U是同一款(后者为前者超频版),理论上是适配性更是没有问题。



500元就能拥有Mac Mini?做梦吧!



不过在此之前,首先需要打开Chrome OS的开发者模式,方法是用卡针顶住Reset键然后按住开机键,稍等片刻后松开Reset,再按开机键就会进入恢复界面。此时按下左右键可以切换语言,有中文,不过因为需要操作的步骤不多,所以我就懒得切换了。

The Adventures of a Low-Cost Chrome Host: It Can’t Install Black Apple, but It Can Be Considered a Qualified PC



The Adventures of a Low-Cost Chrome Host: It Can’t Install Black Apple, but It Can Be Considered a Qualified PC



The Adventures of a Low-Cost Chrome Host: It Can’t Install Black Apple, but It Can Be Considered a Qualified PC





确认系统运行正常后,接下来就是解除物理防护了。以我手上的华硕Chrome Box3为例,固定螺丝在减震垫底部,撬开减震垫即可看到,拧开后不费吹灰之力就能看到主板。


The Adventures of a Low-Cost Chrome Host: It Can’t Install Black Apple, but It Can Be Considered a Qualified PC



The Adventures of a Low-Cost Chrome Host: It Can’t Install Black Apple, but It Can Be Considered a Qualified PC



sudo: The "no new privileges" flag is set, which prevents sudo from running as root.sudo: The "no new privileges" flag is set, which prevents sudo from running as root.
sudo: If sudo is running in a container, you may need to adjust the container configuration to disable the flag.sudo: If sudo is running in a container, you may need to adjust the container configuration to disable the flag.







The Adventures of a Low-Cost Chrome Host: It Can’t Install Black Apple, but It Can Be Considered a Qualified PC


接下来就是按照提示输入对应字符并敲击回车,分别是Y、I ACCEPT和Y,之后会提醒进行bios备份。

The Adventures of a Low-Cost Chrome Host: It Can’t Install Black Apple, but It Can Be Considered a Qualified PC





The Adventures of a Low-Cost Chrome Host: It Can’t Install Black Apple, but It Can Be Considered a Qualified PC



The Adventures of a Low-Cost Chrome Host: It Can’t Install Black Apple, but It Can Be Considered a Qualified PC


到了这里,我们就已经成功一半了。接下来如果想刷Windows系统,那么只需要用微软的官方系统安装程序制作一个启动盘,插入任意一个数据接口后重启到bios,进入“boot menu”并选择对应的U盘敲击回车,就可以进入Windows的系统安装界面。

这里需要提醒一下,因为Chrome设备不一定配备有TPM 2.0模块(就算有,失去原生bios也大概率无法再启动),所以建议大家选择Windows 10,或者是Windows 11 PE(这个要麻烦一些,相关教程可在网上搜索)。


更换硬盘同样需要拆机,图中最上方的接口就是Nvme M.2,拆下原装硬盘后更换即可,这里我已经换了一个金邦512GB硬盘。

The Adventures of a Low-Cost Chrome Host: It Can’t Install Black Apple, but It Can Be Considered a Qualified PC


接下来就是制作macOS启动盘了,相关教程在网上有很多,所以我就不再重复了。考虑到兼容性等问题,建议选择macOS 13 Ventura的版本,EFI文档可以在github搜索ASUS ChromeBox i7-8550U等关键词查找,然后根据教程替换EFI即可。


根据我搜索到的信息来看,花屏的原因可能有两个:1、驱动不匹配;2、引导有问题。此外还有个玄学原因:U盘速度过快,保险起见,个人建议使用USB 2.0的U盘。

针对以上两个问题,我进行了逐个排查,最终所有努力都宣告失败,更换EFI和U盘都无法进入安装步骤。甚至在后续重新尝试时,macOS的安装引导都无法唤醒,只能进入Windows 11 PE系统,至此,所有尝试刷入macOS的方法都以失败告终。

最终我也只能是接受这个事实,并选择安装Windows 10,整个过程十分顺利,系统自动安装了核显驱动,后续我又通过360驱动大师对驱动进行了修复,除3.5mm接口无法使用外,其余功能一切正常。


成功安装好Windows 10系统后,我对这台迷你PC进行了一系列的测试,CPU-Z的测试中,i7-8550U获得了单核434、多核2106的分数,理论性能与i7-4790K十分接近,如果对比移动端,则可以媲美十代i5低压处理器。

The Adventures of a Low-Cost Chrome Host: It Can’t Install Black Apple, but It Can Be Considered a Qualified PC


在AIDA 64的单烤FPU测试中,5分钟后温度稳定在87-88度,风扇声音几乎听不见,猜测是已经撞了温度墙,此时CPU主频为2.3GHz,基本与采用同类型处理器的笔记本电脑相当,符合预期。

The Adventures of a Low-Cost Chrome Host: It Can’t Install Black Apple, but It Can Be Considered a Qualified PC



The Adventures of a Low-Cost Chrome Host: It Can’t Install Black Apple, but It Can Be Considered a Qualified PC


作为一款要价仅五六百元的设备,华硕Chrome Box3整体表现并不算差,作为对比,我找来了目前市面上同价位普遍采用的N100处理器的相关数据。这款处理器的CPU-Z测试成绩为单核364、多核1222(同15W功耗情况下),鲁大师测试中CPU分数仅为18万左右,核显分数为35000左右。


对于设备要求不高的朋友来说,华硕Chrome Box3的性能已经能够满足日常娱乐和上网的需求。而且相较于该价位段迷你电脑普遍的单内存卡槽设计,这款Chrome设备的双内存卡槽也意味着更高的升级空间。

The Adventures of a Low-Cost Chrome Host: It Can’t Install Black Apple, but It Can Be Considered a Qualified PC


此外,得益于不错的多核性能,华硕Chrome Box3也很适合作为软路由等设备来使用,不过相关操作就不在本文的讨论范围内了,有兴趣的朋友可以买一台类似的产品回家自己折腾,单论处理器性能,肯定是比市面上绝大多数路由器都强悍的。



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