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In-depth analysis of the similarities and differences between Golang and Ruby

2024-06-01 20:46:00650browse

The main difference between Go and Ruby is: Go is a statically typed compiled language that supports lightweight parallelism and efficient memory management, and is suitable for writing high-concurrency applications; Ruby is a dynamically typed interpreted language that supports true parallelism However, memory management requires manual control and is suitable for writing flexible Web applications.

深入分析 Golang 与 Ruby 的异同

In-depth analysis of the similarities and differences between Golang and Ruby


Go and Ruby are two widely used programming languages, but they differ greatly in philosophy and implementation. This article will provide an in-depth analysis of their similarities and differences to help developers make informed decisions.


  • Go: Static type, explicit type declaration, compact syntax.
  • Ruby: Dynamic typing, type inference, simple and flexible syntax.


  • Go: Goroutine and channel support lightweight parallelism .
  • Ruby: Threads and thread synchronization support true parallelism.


  • Go: High concurrency support, implemented through goroutine and channel.
  • Ruby: Concurrency support is weak, mainly implemented through threads.

Memory Management

  • Go: Garbage collection, precise memory management through concurrent mark and sweep algorithm.
  • Ruby: Manual memory management has high controllability, but memory leaks may occur.

Compilation and interpretation

  • Go: Compile the language and generate an executable binary file.
  • Ruby: Interpreted language, interpreted line by line at runtime.

Practical Case

Case 1: Concurrent API Request

  • Go: Use goroutines and channels to get multiple API responses concurrently.

    package main
    import (
    func main() {
      ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second*10)
      defer cancel()
      // 创建一个 channel 来接收响应
      ch := make(chan string)
      // 同时获取多个 API 响应
      for _, url := range []string{"url1", "url2", "url3"} {
          go func(url string) {
              resp, err := http.Get(url)
              if err != nil {
                  ch <- fmt.Errorf("failed to get %s: %w", url, err)
              } else {
                  defer resp.Body.Close()
                  ch <- resp.Status
      // 从 channel 中取回并输出响应
      for i := 0; i < len([]string{"url1", "url2", "url3"}); i++ {
          s := <-ch
          if s != "" {
  • Ruby: Use threads to get API responses concurrently.

    require 'net/http'
    require 'concurrent'
    # 创建一个线程池来并行获取响应
    pool = Concurrent::FixedThreadPool.new(num_threads: 3)
    urls = ['url1', 'url2', 'url3']
    results = []
    urls.each do |url|
    pool.post do
        resp = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse(url))
        results << resp.code
      rescue StandardError => e
        puts "Error fetching #{url}: #{e}"
    # 等待所有线程完成并输出响应
    results.each { |code| puts code }

Case 2: Data structure

  • Go: Built-in map and slice ), efficient and easy to use.
  • Ruby: Built-in hashes (hash) and arrays, providing richer operations, but less efficient.


Go and Ruby each have their own pros and cons. Go is suitable for writing applications that require efficient concurrency and low memory consumption, such as microservices and system tools. Ruby is suitable for applications that require dynamism, flexibility, and integration with scripting languages, such as web applications and data science.

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