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【Oracle Times Ten】用ttisql从oracle中映射表到timesten

2016-06-07 17:41:561209browse




CREATE TABLE "LION"."TEST" ( "ID" number PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "NAME" varchar2(20 byte), "NOTE" varchar2(20 byte), "MARK" varchar2(20 byte) );




C:\Users\lion>ttisql "DSN=mytt;UID=lion;PWD= ;OraclePWD=orcl"; Copyright (c) 1996-2011, Oracle. All rights reserved. Type ? or "help" for help, type "exit" to quit ttIsql. connect "DSN=mytt;UID=lion;PWD= ;OraclePWD=orcl;"; Connection successful: DSN=mytt;UID=lion;DataStore=D:\oracle\timesten\odbc;Datab aseCharacterSet=ZHS16GBK;ConnectionCharacterSet=ZHS16GBK;Temporary=1;DRIVER=D:\o racle\timesten\bin\ttdv1122.dll;LogDir=D:\oracle\timesten\log;TypeMode=0;PLSCOPE _SETTINGS=IDENTIFIERS:NONE;DDLReplicationLevel=1; (Default setting AutoCommit=1)


Command> createandloadfromoraquery test 2 select * from root.test;


Command> createandloadfromoraquery test 2 select * from root.test; Mapping query to this table: CREATE TABLE "LION"."TEST" ( "ID" number NOT NULL, "NAME" varchar2(20 byte), "NOTE" varchar2(20 byte), "MARK" varchar2(20 byte) ) Table test created 500000 rows loaded from oracle.


Command> createandloadfromoraquery test 2 select * from root.test; Mapping query to this table: CREATE TABLE "LION"."TEST" ( "ID" number NOT NULL, "NAME" varchar2(20 byte), "NOTE" varchar2(20 byte), "MARK" varchar2(20 byte) ) Table test created 802: Database permanent space exhausted 6220: Permanent data partition free space insufficient to allocate 33296 bytes of memory The command failed.


Command> select count(*) from test; 1 row found. Command> select * from test where id 20 rows found.

(5)使用java调用timesten查询刚刚导入的test表(如果有兴趣查看源代码,香港服务器,可以看我另外一篇博客:Java连接Times Ten)

 【Oracle Times Ten】用ttisql从oracle中映射表到timesten

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