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Oracle 中序列使用详解: create table test (pid integer primary key, name varchar(20) ); select * from test
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Oracle 中序列使用详解
[日期:2011-09-13] 来源:Linux社区 作者:myxx520 [字体:]
Oracle 中序列使用详解:
create table test
(pid integer primary key,
name varchar(20)
select * from test;
insert into test values(1,'Jack');
create sequence test_seq;--创建序列
select test_seq.nextval from dual;--每次使用后序列加一
select test_seq.currval from dual;--查询当前序列的值
insert into test values(test_seq.nextval,'Jack Or Duck?');--序列的使用
drop sequence test_seq;--删除序列
create sequence test_seq start with 8;--指定序列的初始值
alter sequence test_seq minvalue 9;--设置序列的最小值
alter sequence test_seq maxvalue 9999;--设置序列的最大值
alter sequence test_seq increment by 1;--设置序列的步长
drop sequence test_seq_1;
create sequence test_seq_1 start with 3 minvalue 1 maxvalue 30 increment by 1;
select test_seq_1.nextval from dual;
alter sequence test_seq_1 cycle;
alter sequence test_seq_1 nocycle;--关闭循环取值功能
alter sequence test_seq_1 cache 10;
create sequence test_seq_2 start with 1 minvalue 1 maxvalue 20 increment by 3;
alter sequence test_seq_2 cycle;
alter sequence test_seq_2 increment by 2;
alter sequence test_seq_2 cycle;
alter sequence test_seq_2 increment by 1;
alter sequence test_seq_2 cycle;
alter sequence test_seq_2 maxvalue 21;
alter sequence test_seq_2 cycle;
alter sequence test_seq_1 cache 5;
--start with 1 and maxvalue 10 step 1 then 10 times cycle and bigger than 5
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