Home >Database >Mysql Tutorial >PickedLamportschemetogenerateSCNs
故障现象: 数据库节点1由于卡死重启后,数据库实例无法open,警告日志没有错误只有一条记录:Picked Lamport scheme to generate SCNs,节点2正常,应用可以正常使用。 分析处理: 1 检查数据库系统的警告日志包括节点1:alert_szm21.log,节点2:alert_szm2
数据库节点1由于卡死重启后,数据库实例无法open,警告日志没有错误只有一条记录:Picked Lamport scheme to generate SCNs,节点2正常,应用可以正常使用。
1 检查数据库系统的警告日志包括节点1:alert_szm21.log,节点2:alert_szm22.log,没有报错现象。
2 节点1数据库实例: oradubug dump systemstate 10 oradebug analyze 3,ass109.awk分析没有等待和死锁现象。
3 metlink上对Picked Lamport scheme to generate SCNs的理解分析发现
Lamport 10.1 前:
Commit Broadcas 10.2后:
系统有如下问题的时候应该scn 推荐Commit:(文档 ID 259454.1
However, if any of the following conditions exist, there may be a need to
deviate from the default and explicitly set max_commit_propagation_delay=0.
- The data consistency between the different instances must be guaranteed and
immediate i.e. if commits must be seen instantaneously on remote instances.
- When rapid inserts (or updates) and immediate queries of the same dataset are
done from different instances.
- If middle-tier connection pools are being used in tandem with connection load
balancing to the RAC instances, and the application is arbitrarily selecting a
connection (and hence an instance) for each SQL operation.
- Some packaged applications (e.g. SAP) might recommend setting this parameter
to a specific value (mostly 0), in which case you should follow the
application vendor’s recommendations.