Home >Database >Mysql Tutorial >sql高级操作
同样也是用于记录以便日后联系用!里面基本包含了一般sql的高级用法! drop table if exists stu;create table stu(name varchar(30),age int,stuid int not null PRIMARY key AUTO_INCREMENT,idnum int,sex varchar(30),check(sex in ('男','女')))charset=
drop table if exists stu; create table stu( name varchar(30), age int, stuid int not null PRIMARY key AUTO_INCREMENT, idnum int, sex varchar(30), check(sex in ('男','女')) )charset=utf8; insert into stu (name,age,idnum,sex)VALUES('damon',789,4678945,'男'); insert into stu (name,age,idnum,sex) VALUES('coco',13,345,'女'); insert into stu (name,age,idnum,sex)values('kitty',13,46,'女'); insert into stu (name,age,idnum,sex)values('alice',14,123,'女'); SELECT * from stu; select * from stu limit 0,2; select * from stu where name like '%ce'; select * from stu where name REGEXP "a[sfdl][^ads]"; select * from stu where name in ('damon','alice'); select * from stu where name BETWEEN 'coco' and 'kitty'; select * from stu where name not between 'coco' and 'kitty'; select name as stuname,stuid as id from stu; drop view if EXISTS young_stu; create view young_stu as select name,age from stu where age between 10 and 20; select * from young_stu where age is not null;