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Summary of js event listening mechanism (event capture)_javascript skills

2016-05-16 16:40:101301browse

In the process of front-end development, we often encounter the problem of adding events to page elements. There are many js methods for adding events. Some are directly added to the page structure, and some use some js event monitoring methods. Due to various browser Servers have different mechanisms for event bubbling and event monitoring. LE browser only has event bubbling and no event monitoring mechanism. The compatibility issue for event monitoring is the biggest problem:

1. Write event methods directly on the page structure

function eventfun(){ 
<input type="button" onclick="eventfun()" value="button" />//这里涉及到一个this作用域的问题,eventfun再这里是一个全局函数, 对象是[object Window],this指向的是window.

To solve the problem of this scope, you can use the method of adding event variables to the global function, and pass this object as a parameter to the function inside the page structure

<input type="button" onclick="eventfun2(this)" value="button2" /> 
function eventfun2(eve){//在这里把事件对象作为参数传递到全局方法里 
console.log(this);//[object Window] 
console.log(eve);// [object HTMLInputElement] 
console.log(this.name);// robin 
console.log(eve.name);// alexvar 

2. Using the method of assigning values ​​to event attributes is a method of binding events. However, the limitation of this method is that it can only bind one method to the event. If multiple methods are bound, the next method will be used. Subject to

HTMLElementobject.onclick = fucntion(){//Using this method of assigning values ​​to event attributes, the pointer of this will point to the window object, not the event object, so this method is a reference

//js code 
function dosomething(){ 
//js code 
HTMLElementobject.onclick = dosomething;//使用这种为事件对象属性赋值的形式,this指针指向事件执行对象 

3. Event propagation - bubbling and capturing
The DOM event standard defines two event flows that are significantly different and may have a considerable impact on your application. The two event streams are capturing and bubbling. Like many Web technologies, Netscape and Microsoft each implemented them differently before they became standards. Netscape chose to implement the capture event stream, and Microsoft implemented the bubbling event stream. Fortunately, the W3C decided to use a combination of these two methods, and most new browsers follow both event streaming methods.
By default, events use the bubbling event stream and do not use the capturing event stream. However, in Firefox and Safari, you can explicitly specify to use the capture event stream by passing the useCapture parameter when registering the event and setting this parameter to true.
Bubbling event stream
When an event is triggered on a certain DOM element, such as the user clicking the mouse on the customer name node, the event will follow the parent nodes that the node inherits from and bubble through the entire DOM node hierarchy until it encounters the node that is attached to it. The node of the event type handler. At this time, the event is an onclick event. Event bubbling can be terminated at any time during the bubbling process. In browsers that comply with W3C standards, you can call the stopPropagation() method on the event object. In Internet Explorer, you can set the cancelBubble property of the event object to true. . If you don't stop the propagation of the event, the event will keep bubbling through the DOM until it reaches the document root.
Capture event stream
Event processing will start from the root of the DOM hierarchy, rather than starting from the target element that triggered the event. The event is passed down from all ancestor elements of the target element in order. In this process, the event will be captured by each inherited element from the document root to the event target element. If the event listener sets the useCapture attribute to true when it is registered, then they can be dispatched to any element during this period. element to handle the event; otherwise, the event is then passed to the next element on the path to the derived element, up to the target element. After the event reaches the target element, it will then bubble up through the DOM nodes.
Modern event binding methods
As discussed in the previous lesson, there are many drawbacks to using traditional event binding, such as the inability to register multiple event handlers for the same event on an object. Browsers and the W3C have not taken this into consideration, so in modern browsers, they have their own methods for binding events.
obj.addEventListener(evtype,fn,useCapture)——Method provided by W3C to add event handling function. obj is the object to add the event, evtype is the event type without on prefix, fn is the event processing function, if useCapture is true, the event processing function is executed in the capture phase, otherwise it is executed in the bubbling phase
obj.removeEventListener(evtype,fn,useCapture)——Method provided by W3C to delete event handler function
Microsoft IE method
obj.attachEvent(evtype,fn)——The method provided by IE to add event processing function. obj is the object to add the event, evtype is the event type, with on prefix, fn is the event processing function, IE does not support event capture
obj.detachEvent(evtype,fn,)——The method provided by IE to delete event processing functions. evtype contains the on prefix

Methods to integrate the two

function addEvent(obj,evtype,fn,useCapture) { 
if (obj.addEventListener) { 
} else { 
} else { 
function delEvent(obj,evtype,fn,useCapture) { 
if (obj.removeEventListener) { 
} else { 
} else { 

There is a problem with IE's attach method. When using attachEvent, inside the event processing function, this points to window, not obj! Of course, there is a solution for this!

But IE’s attachEvent method has another problem. The same function can be registered to the same object and the same event multiple times. The solution: abandon IE’s attachEvent method! The attachEvent method under IE does not support capture, and is not much different from traditional event registration (except that it can bind multiple event processing functions), and IE's attachEvent method has a memory leak problem!
addEvent,delEvent modern version

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> 
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> 
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> 
table td{font:12px; border-bottom:1px solid #efefef;} 

<div id="outEle" style="padding:10px; border:1px solid #b2b2b2; background:#efefef;"> 
<input type="button" onclick="eventfun()" id="button" value="button" /><br /> 
<input type="button" onclick="eventfun2(this);" id="button2" value="button2" /><br /> 
<input type="button" id="button3" value="button3" /><br /> 
<input type="button" id="button4" value="button4" /><br /> 
<table id="htmlEleTable" width="100%" border="0" style="border:1px solid #b2b2b2; background:#fff;"> 
<tr id="1111"><td>111111111111111111111111111111</td></tr> 
<tr id="22222"><td>222222222222222222222222222222</td></tr> 
<tr id="33333"><td>333333333333333333333333333333</td></tr> 
<tr id="4444"><td>444444444444444444444444444444</td></tr> 
<tr id="55555"><td>555555555555555555555555555555</td></tr> 
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> 
function eventfun(){//1.直接把js方法写在页面结构上 
console.log(this);//这里涉及到一个this作用域的问题,eventfun再这里是一个全局函数, 对象是window,this指向的是window 
function eventfun2(eve){//在这里把事件对象作为参数传递到全局方法里 
console.log(this);//[object Window] 
console.log(eve);// [object HTMLInputElement] 
console.log(this.name);// robin 
console.log(eve.name);// alex 
var self=eve; 
function eventfun3(){//1.直接把js方法写在页面结构上 
console.log(this);//这里涉及到一个this作用域的问题,eventfun再这里是一个全局函数, 对象是window,this指向的是window 
//var outEleObj = EventUtil.$("outEle"); 
var EventUtil = {}; 
EventUtil.$ = function(id){ 
return document.getElementById(id); 
EventUtil.openmes = eventfun3; 
EventUtil.addEventHandle = function(eventTarget,eventtype,eventHandle){//定义事件监听的对象元素,事件类型,事件函数 
}else if(eventTarget.addEventListener){ 
eventTarget["on" + eventtype] = null; 

EventUtil.deleEventHandle = function(eventTarget,eventtype,eventHandle){//定义事件监听的对象元素,事件类型,事件函数 
}else if(eventTarget.removeEventListener){ 
eventTarget["on" + eventtype] = null; 

var EventUtil={ 
return document.getElementById(id); 
eventfun3:function (){ 
function addEvent(obj,evtype,fn,useCapture){ 
if (obj.addEventListener) { 
}else if(obj.attachEvent){ 
obj.attachEvent("on"+evtype,function () { 
}else { 
function delEvent(obj,evtype,fn,useCapture) { 
if (obj.removeEventListener) { 
} else if(obj.detachEvent){ 
} else { 

function addEvent(obj,evtype,fn,useCapture) { 
if (obj.addEventListener) {//优先考虑W3C事件注册方案 
} else {//当不支持addEventListener时(IE),由于IE同时也不支持捕获,所以不如使用传统事件绑定 
if (!fn.__EventID) {fn.__EventID = addEvent.__EventHandlesCounter++;} 

if (!obj.__EventHandles) {obj.__EventHandles={};} 

if (!obj.__EventHandles[evtype]) {//第一次注册某事件时 
if (obj["on"+evtype]) {//以前曾用传统方式注册过事件处理函数 

addEvent.execEventHandles = function (evt) {//遍历所有的事件处理函数并执行 
if (!this.__EventHandles) {return true;} 
evt = evt || window.event; 
var fns = this.__EventHandles[evt.type]; 
for (var i in fns) { 
function delEvent(obj,evtype,fn,useCapture) { 
if (obj.removeEventListener) {//先使用W3C的方法移除事件处理函数 
} else { 
if (obj.__EventHandles) { 
var fns = obj.__EventHandles[evtype]; 
if (fns) {delete fns[fn.__EventID];} 

function fixEvent(evt) {//fixEvent函数不是单独执行的,它必须有一个事件对象参数,而且只有事件发生时它才被执行!最好的方法是把它整合到addEvent函数的execEventHandles里面 
if (!evt.target) { 
evt.target = evt.srcElement; 
evt.preventDefault = fixEvent.preventDefault; 
evt.stopPropagation = fixEvent.stopPropagation; 
if (evt.type == "mouseover") { 
evt.relatedTarget = evt.fromElement; 
} else if (evt.type =="mouseout") { 
evt.relatedTarget = evt.toElement; 
evt.charCode = (evt.type=="keypress")&#63;evt.keyCode:0; 
evt.eventPhase = 2;//IE仅工作在冒泡阶段 
evt.timeStamp = (new Date()).getTime();//仅将其设为当前时间 
return evt; 
fixEvent.preventDefault =function () { 
this.returnValue = false;//这里的this指向了某个事件对象,而不是fixEvent 
fixEvent.stopPropagation =function () { 
this.cancelBubble = true; 
//EventUtil.$("button3").onclick= eventfun;//2.使用为对象事件属性赋值的方法来实现事件的监听 
//EventUtil.$("button3").onclick= eventfun2;//为事件属性添加多个方法时,为后者 
//EventUtil.$("button3").onclick= eventfun;//事件捕获是从事件对象逐层外父级检察一直到window对象 
var EventUtil =function(){ 
function getByid(id){ 
return document.getElementById(id); 
// written by Dean Edwards, 2005 
// with input from Tino Zijdel, Matthias Miller, Diego Perini 

// http://dean.edwards.name/weblog/2005/10/add-event/ 

function addEvent(element, type, handler) { 
if (element.addEventListener) { 
element.addEventListener(type, handler, false); 
} else { 
// assign each event handler a unique ID 
if (!handler.$$guid) handler.$$guid = addEvent.guid++; 
// create a hash table of event types for the element 
if (!element.events) element.events = {}; 
// create a hash table of event handlers for each element/event pair 
var handlers = element.events[type]; 
if (!handlers) { 
handlers = element.events[type] = {}; 
// store the existing event handler (if there is one) 
if (element["on" + type]) { 
handlers[0] = element["on" + type]; 
// store the event handler in the hash table 
handlers[handler.$$guid] = handler; 
// assign a global event handler to do all the work 
element["on" + type] = handleEvent; 
// a counter used to create unique IDs 
addEvent.guid = 1; 

function removeEvent(element, type, handler) { 
if (element.removeEventListener) { 
element.removeEventListener(type, handler, false); 
} else { 
// delete the event handler from the hash table 
if (element.events && element.events[type]) { 
delete element.events[type][handler.$$guid]; 

function handleEvent(event) { 
var returnValue = true; 
// grab the event object (IE uses a global event object) 
event = event || fixEvent(((this.ownerDocument || this.document || this).parentWindow || window).event); 
// get a reference to the hash table of event handlers 
var handlers = this.events[event.type]; 
// execute each event handler 
for (var i in handlers) { 
this.$$handleEvent = handlers[i]; 
if (this.$$handleEvent(event) === false) { 
returnValue = false; 
return returnValue; 

function fixEvent(event) { 
// add W3C standard event methods 
event.preventDefault = fixEvent.preventDefault; 
event.stopPropagation = fixEvent.stopPropagation; 
return event; 
fixEvent.preventDefault = function() { 
this.returnValue = false; 
fixEvent.stopPropagation = function() { 
this.cancelBubble = true; 
function tableAddEvent(){ 



var outEleObj = EventUtil.$("outEle"); 
var inputObj = EventUtil.$("button4"); 
var tableEle = EventUtil.$("htmlEleTable"); 
var tabTrEle = tableEle.getElementsByTagName("tr"); 
for (i=0; i<tabTrEle.length; i++){ 

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