PHP develops si...LOGIN

PHP develops simple guestbook adding message function

This section introduces the function of adding messages in a simple guestbook


The main thing is to add content in the text box, click submit, and then the user information and messages are displayed on the message page. information. And add this information to the database.

First we need to judge the <input> text box and <textarea> content box

or use jquery

Set the id first

昵称:<input type="text" name="nickname" id="nickname"/>
留言:<textarea name="message" id="message"></textarea>

Then judge by the character length

<script type="text/javascript">
function validate_input(){
     var l=$("#nickname").val().trim().length;
     if(l==0) {alert("昵称不能为空");return false;};
     if(l>6) {alert("昵称要6个字符以内");return false;}
     if(l==0) {alert("留言内容不能为空");return false;}
     if(l>300) {alert("留言内容要300字符以内");return false;}
     return true;

trim() function removes blank characters or other predefined characters on both sides of the string.

When adding a message, we are also adding data to the database. We need to connect to the database first and then use SQL statements to add data.

Here is a class LyDB that uses the database for our convenience.

class LyDB{

   var $_host="localhost";
   var $_user="username";
   var $_password="password";
   var $_database="test";
   var $link;
   public function  __construct(){   //设置公共函数
      $this->link = mysqli_connect($this->_host,$this->_user,$this->_password,$this->_database);  //连接数据库
      if (!$this->link) { 
         die('Could not connect to MySQL: ' . mysqli_connect_error());  //判断是否连接

   public function __destruct(){
   public function insert($nickname,$avatar,$message)
      $message=str_replace ("<" , "<" , $message);
      //str_replace() 函数以其他字符替换字符串中的一些字符(区分大小写)。
      $message=str_replace (">" , ">" , $message);
      $message=str_replace ("\n" , " " , $message);
      $message=trim($message);  //trim() 函数移除字符串两侧的空白字符或其他预定义字符。

      $lytime=date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
      $sql="insert into ly (nickname,message,avatar,lytime)values('$nickname','$message','$avatar','$lytime')";
         return true;
      else {
         return false;

str_replace() function replaces some characters in the string with other characters (case sensitive)

Next Section
<?php class LyDB{ var $_host="localhost"; var $_user="username"; var $_password="password"; var $_database="test"; var $link; public function __construct(){ //设置公共函数 date_default_timezone_set('PRC'); $this->link = mysqli_connect($this->_host,$this->_user,$this->_password,$this->_database); //连接数据库 if (!$this->link) { die('Could not connect to MySQL: ' . mysqli_connect_error()); //判断是否连接 } } public function __destruct(){ mysqli_close($this->link); } public function insert($nickname,$avatar,$message) { $message=str_replace ("<" , "<" , $message); //str_replace() 函数以其他字符替换字符串中的一些字符(区分大小写)。 $message=str_replace (">" , ">" , $message); $message=str_replace ("\n" , " " , $message); $message=trim($message); //trim() 函数移除字符串两侧的空白字符或其他预定义字符。 $lytime=date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $sql="insert into ly (nickname,message,avatar,lytime)values('$nickname','$message','$avatar','$lytime')"; $query=mysqli_query($this->link,$sql); if($query){ return true; } else { return false; } } } ?>
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