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PHP development to create a simple calendar setting tr and td in the table


Set the draw method, draw the table, and set the tr and td in the table

1) The data will be displayed using the table tag, so here you need to set the tr and td under each tr. td arranged

 2)$index % 7 == 0 Calculate the first column of each row of the table

 3)$index % 7 == 6 || $index == ($length -1) Calculate the last column of each row, or the last data of $caculate

 4) Add the middle row to $tr, which is the array

function draw($caculate) {  //$caculate 通过caculate方法计算后的数据
      $tr = array();
      $length = count($caculate);
      $result = array();
      foreach ($caculate as $index => $date) {
         if($index % 7 == 0) {//第一列
            $tr = array($date);
         }elseif($index % 7 == 6 || $index == ($length-1)) {
            array_push($tr, $date);
            array_push($result, $tr);//添加到返回的数据中
            $tr = array();//清空数组列表
         }else {
            array_push($tr, $date);
      return $result;


# of each row ##Next Section

<?php function draw($caculate) { //$caculate 通过caculate方法计算后的数据 $tr = array(); $length = count($caculate); $result = array(); foreach ($caculate as $index => $date) { if($index % 7 == 0) {//第一列 $tr = array($date); }elseif($index % 7 == 6 || $index == ($length-1)) { array_push($tr, $date); array_push($result, $tr);//添加到返回的数据中 $tr = array();//清空数组列表 }else { array_push($tr, $date); } } return $result; } ?>
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