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Introduction to common vscode plug-ins and markdown syntax

Introduction >
Chapter1First lesson of school

Course introduction, development environment and VSCODE common plug-ins 01

19 minutes55 seconds

Course introduction, development environment and VSCODE common plug-ins 02

20 minutes06 seconds

Course introduction, development environment and VSCODE common plug-ins 03

20 minutes06 seconds

markdown and emmet syntax 01

22 minutes35 seconds

markdown and emmet syntax 02

23 minutes26 seconds
Chapter2Commonly used HTML tags

Document structure and layout tag usage skills and link and image tags and application scenarios 01

23 minutes53 seconds

Document structure and layout tag usage skills and link and image tags and application scenarios 02

25 minutes03 seconds

Lists and navigation, tables and practice, inline frames and website backend layout 01

20 minutes04 seconds

Lists and navigation, tables and practice, inline frames and website backend layout 02

20 minutes13 seconds

Lists and navigation, tables and practice, inline frames and website backend layout 03

17 minutes53 seconds
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