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Introduction to common vscode plug-ins and markdown syntax

The 17th online training class of php Chinese website (2021.9.17) has officially started~~! The first 2 days of the course are free and open to the public, welcome to study! To register, please contact QQ27220243 (Teacher Zhong) or go to: http://www.php.cn/k.html
  • Difficulty:Elementary
  • Total of10 chapters
  • 9379 plays
  • About Instructor

    full-stack engineer
    You will learn:

    The learning objectives of the front-end development part of the 17th issue of PHP Chinese website: 1. Common HTML tags and attributes; 2. Common CSS selectors; focus: media query and mobile layout; 3. JavaScript, Node.js, ES6 basics and practical combat; 4.vue3 basics and practice

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