Building the database
First of all, novice friends can use phpmyadmin to create a message board registration table to store data. The database statements are given below. Just create a table on the left side
Then enter the sql statement
CREATE TABLE `message` ( `id` tinyint(1) NOT NULL auto_increment, `user` varchar(25) NOT NULL, `title` varchar(50) NOT NULL, `content` tinytext NOT NULL, `lastdate` timestamp NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 AUTO_INCREMENT=1 ;
The meaning of the above statement is that the table name message
ID incrementing function
user is used to store the user name character length 25
title is used To store the title Character length 50
Content Content Enter text
lastdate Time Store the time when the message was published
PRIMARY KEY (`id`) Primary key id is used as the primary key
ENGINE=InnoDB storage engine is innodb
DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 Set the character to utf8
AUTO_INCREMENT=1; Automatically grow 1
The table is set as follows
Create the required PHP files
add.html Comment page
add.php Submits the content transferred from the comment page to the database.
conn.php Configuration file for connecting data
css.css File beautification html style
del.php Delete comment file
list.php Obtain database All data is displayed on the page.
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