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Practical practice of getting started with Python projects from scratch

Introduction >
Chapter1Python network and crawler

How to monitor GitHub project updates and automatically open web pages

25 minutes01 seconds

How to quickly compare values ​​from multiple libraries

32 minutes13 seconds

How to send new library reminder to mobile phone

31 minutes30 seconds

How to monitor a certain Weibo data in real time

43 minutes29 seconds

How to automatically follow each other on Zhihu

26 minutes47 seconds

How to crawl Weibo data for a certain period of time

49 minutes35 seconds
Chapter2Python graphical interface development

How to make a small tool that displays hidden files

21 minutes51 seconds

How to make a small tool for compressing images

30 minutes27 seconds

How to implement real-time network speed monitoring

29 minutes52 seconds

How to make a small tool that runs a script

24 minutes49 seconds

How to make a countdown widget

46 minutes46 seconds

How to make a scheduled script runner (Part 1)

22 minutes49 seconds

How to make a scheduled script runner (Part 2)

36 minutes37 seconds
Chapter3Pythonartificial intelligence

Manually implement a simple iris classifier

43 minutes22 seconds

Implement iris classification using scikit-learn’s kNN classification algorithm

22 minutes02 seconds

The impact of hyperparameters of kNN algorithm on iris classification

21 minutes38 seconds

Use sklearn's linear regression algorithm to achieve house price prediction

24 minutes57 seconds

Visual linear model for house price prediction

19 minutes42 seconds

Comparing the iris classification accuracy of various algorithms

26 minutes08 seconds

Use cross-validation to adjust parameters of the iris classification model

20 minutes07 seconds

Using feature preprocessing to improve the performance of housing price prediction models

28 minutes31 seconds
Chapter4Python script

How to fuzzy search files with Python

17 minutes53 seconds

How to realize automatic classification of files?

21 minutes33 seconds

How to automatically decompress and delete compressed packages

16 minutes14 seconds

How to customize group WeChat messages

34 minutes11 seconds

How to keep programs running normally

18 minutes21 seconds

How to automatically create a WeChat group

30 minutes07 seconds

How to use object-oriented implementation to switch workspaces

43 minutes31 seconds

How to implement a reminder to read later

39 minutes52 seconds

How to customize shortcut key input

44 minutes11 seconds
Chapter5Pythondata analysis

Compare the average riding time of shared bikes per quarter

34 minutes07 seconds

Compare the average riding time trends of various types of shared bicycle users

37 minutes06 seconds

Compare the proportion of each user category of shared bicycles

17 minutes26 seconds

Statistical histogram of riding time for different user categories of shared bicycles

26 minutes35 seconds

Grouped bar chart that counts the quarterly riding time of various types of shared bicycle users

26 minutes13 seconds

Compare the quantity and calories of various drinks in coffee shops

31 minutes08 seconds

Analyze video game sales by country and present them using stacked bar charts

32 minutes49 seconds

Analyze variable relationship data of Pokémon

33 minutes35 seconds

Analyze data usage of different mobile operating systems

23 minutes54 seconds

Analyze GP market values

26 minutes21 seconds

Analyzing the Global Happiness Report by Year and Region

27 minutes44 seconds

Level analysis of happiness index

25 minutes25 seconds
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