1, create the file MysqlPdo.class.php file to encapsulate the PDO operation database
The specific code is as follows:
<?php class MysqlPdo{ private $dbConfig=array( 'db'=>'mysql', 'host'=>'localhost', 'port'=>'3306', 'user'=>'root', 'pwd'=>'', 'charset'=>'utf8', 'dbname'=>'' ); private static $instance; //单例模式 private $db; //PDO实例 private $data=array(); //操作数据 private function __construct($params) { $this->dbConfig=array_merge($this->dbConfig,$params); $this->connect(); } //连接服务器 private function connect(){ //mysql:host=localhost //mysql:host:localhost;port=3306;dbname=php;charset=utf-8 $dsn="{$this->dbConfig['db']}:host={$this->dbConfig['host']};port={$this->dbConfig['port']};dbname={$this->dbConfig['dbname']};charset={$this->dbConfig['charset']}}"; try{ //实例化PDO $this->db=new PDO($dsn,$this->dbConfig['user'],$this->dbConfig['pwd']); }catch (PDOException $exception){ die("数据库连接失败"); } } public static function getInstance($params=array()){ if(!self::$instance instanceof self){ self::$instance=new self($params); } return self::$instance; //返回对象 } //私有化克隆,防止外部调用clone $对象 生成新的对象,因为是单例模式 private function __clone() { // TODO: Implement __clone() method. } //通过预处理方式执行sql public function query($sql,$batch=false){ $data=$batch?$this->data:array($this->data); $this->data=array(); //通过预处理方式执行SQL $stmt=$this->db->prepare($sql); foreach($data as $v){ if($stmt->execute($v)===false){ die("数据库PDO预处理操作失败"); } } return $stmt; } public function data($data){ $this->data=$data; return $this; //返回对象自身用于连贯操作 } //取得一行结果 public function fetchRow($sql){ return $this->query($sql)->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);//返回索引数组 } //取得多行结果 public function fetchAll($sql){ return $this->query($sql)->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); } }
1. This encapsulation class adopts singleton mode and privatizes the construction method and cloning method to ensure that there can only be one instantiated object and save database connection resources.
2, getInstance() must be called every time a database connection object is created. Pass in the database configuration information in getInstance to automatically call the constructor when instantiating the object to use the incoming database configuration information. Merge with the original information to facilitate the expansion of connections to other databases. To change the database, you only need to change the configuration information
3. Execute the sql statement through preprocessing
##4, the use of coherent operations
5, processing the query result set