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What is Gptsafe?
Gptsafe is an AI plagiarism detection system designed to detect plagiarism in AI-generated text with 95% accuracy. It helps enhance content integrity, combat misinformation, and foster trust in the digital realm.
How to use Gptsafe?
Using Gptsafe is simple and straightforward. Here are the steps: 1. Input Text for Analysis: Allow users to input text by typing, uploading a document, or providing a link. The system analyzes the provided text to determine if it's generated by AI. 2. Analyze Text: Upon clicking the 'Detect AI' button, the system processes the input text, applying detection techniques. The results are displayed, indicating whether the text is AI-generated. 3. Enhance Human-like Quality: Users can choose to refine the AI-generated text to sound more human-like. By clicking the 'Rewrite AI' button, the text undergoes adjustments to improve its naturalness.
Gptsafe's Core Features
AI plagiarism detection with 95% accuracy
Ability to analyze AI-generated text
Option to refine AI-generated text for a more human-like tone
Gptsafe's Use Cases
Ensuring content authenticity and combatting misinformation
Reinforcing credibility in digital content
Safeguarding against misleading information