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如何在 JavaScript 中将日期转换为另一个时区?

2023-09-08 23:17:021195浏览

如何在 JavaScript 中将日期转换为另一个时区?

JavaScript has a new Date() constructor which is used to create a date object to get the current date and time. This date object uses the UTC timezone or the client browser's timezone, i.e. if you are in India and use the new Date() constructor to get the date and time, you will get your local time. But sometimes, we may need to get the timezone of another country, which we can't do directly. These can be done using the toLocaleString() method or the format() method. By the end of the article, you will be able to get the date of any other timezone in JavaScript.

The two methods that we will use in this article to convert a date to another time zone are as follows −

  • Using toLocaleString() Method

  • 使用format()方法

使用 toLocaleString() 方法

toLocaleString() 方法可以使用日期对象调用。该方法具有根据传入的参数将数据从一个时区转换为另一个时区的能力。它接受两个参数,第一个参数是“locale”,它是应该使用的格式约定的语言,对于英语来说是“en-US”,第二个参数是“options”,对于我们来说是{timeZone:“countryName”},其中countryName是我们想要更改时区的国家的名称。


  • 使用Date构造函数创建一个日期对象

  • Use the date object with toLocaleString() method and pass the first argument as 'en-US' for English language date and time formatting, and the second argument {timeZone: "America/New_York"} for getting the timezone of New York

  • Store the value return from this method into a variable, that variable is our required timezone.



<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
   <title>Converting date to another timezone in JavaScript</title>
   <h3>Convert date to America/New_York Time Zone using toLocaleString() Method</h3>
   <p id="input">Local Time: </p>
   <p id="output">America/New_York Time Zone: </p>
      // date objec
      let date = new Date();
      document.getElementById("input").innerText += date ;
      // convert date to another timezone
      let output = date.toLocaleString("en-US", {
         timeZone: "America/New_York"
      // display the result
      document.getElementById("output").innerText += output;

Using Format() Method

We can use the format() method with the "Intl.DateTimeFormat" object and use the date object passed as an argument to the format() method to convert the timezone to a timezone passed while creating the "Intl.DateTimeFormat" object. It sounds complicated but it is very simple if you look at the example below.

Here is the step-wise procedure to convert a date to another timezone in JavaScript using format() Method.

  • Create a date object using the Date constructor.

  • 在创建“Intl.DateTimeFormat”对象时,将第一个参数设置为'en-US'以进行英语语言的日期和时间格式化,第二个参数{timeZone: "America/New_York"}用于获取纽约的时区。

  • Use the format() method with this object and pass the date object as an argument and store it in a variable, that variable is our required timezone.


In this example, we are converting a date to another timezone in JavaScript using the format() Method.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
   <title>Convert date to America/New_York timezone in JavaScript</title>
   <h3>Convert date to America/New_York timezone using format() Method</h3>
   <p id="input">Local Time: </p>
   <p id="output">America/New_York Time Zone: </p>
      // date objec
      let date = new Date();
      document.getElementById("input").innerText += date ;
      // create a new date object
      let newObj = Intl.DateTimeFormat('en-US', {
         timeZone: "America/New_York"
      // convert date to another timezone
      let newDate = newObj.format(date);
      // display the result
      document.getElementById("output").innerHTML += newDate;



以上是如何在 JavaScript 中将日期转换为另一个时区?的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!
