示例1 - str - “pqsr”
输出 - 是
In this article, we will develop a code to extract the current and the previous character from the string. It is then further checked if the characters differ by position non-equivalent to 1, then the boolean false value is returned.
sort(str.begin(), str.end())
str - The input string
end - 字符串中最后出现的字符
The length() method in C++ is used to compute the number of characters in the string.
str - The input string
The input string is sorted using the sort() method.
An iteration of the string is performed, using the for loop i.
The length of the string is computed using the length() method and stored in len variable.
每次提取第ith, ch和第i-1th, ch1位置的字符。
If the difference between these two characters is not equal to 1, then a boolean false value is returned
If all the corresponding characters satisfy the required condition, then the boolean value - true is returned.
//including the required libraries #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; //function to check of characters consecutive bool validateString(string str) { //length of the string int len = str.length(); // sorting the given string sort(str.begin(), str.end()); // Iterate for every index and // check for the condition for (int i = 1; i < len; i++) { //extract characters at the required pos char ch = str[i]; char ch1 = str[i-1]; if (ch-ch1 != 1) //in case characters are not consecutive return false; } //if condition holds return true; } //calling the main method int main() { // 1st example string str = "mpon"; cout << "Input String : " <<str << " \n"; bool res = validateString(str); if (res) cout << "Yes, the string contains only consecutive characters\n"; else cout << "No, the string doesn't contain only consecutive characters.\n"; return 0; }
Input String − mpon Yes, the string contains only consecutive characters