首页 >后端开发 >Golang >如何优雅地关闭Go监听服务器?


Patricia Arquette
Patricia Arquette原创
2024-12-24 03:15:12674浏览

How to Gracefully Shut Down a Go Listening Server?

如何在 Go 中优雅地停止监听服务器

在 Go 中,listen.Accept 函数会阻塞执行,这使得终止监听服务器变得困难。优雅地监听服务器。要确定何时终止服务器,一种方法是关闭侦听套接字并检测指示关闭的网络连接的特定错误。然而,这个错误并没有被 net 包导出,导致开发者只能求助于尴尬的错误处理。


package main

import (

// Echo server struct
type EchoServer struct {
    listen net.Listener
    done   sync.WaitGroup

// Respond to incoming connection
// Write the address connected to then echo
func (es *EchoServer) respond(remote *net.TCPConn) {
    defer remote.Close()
    _, err := io.Copy(remote, remote)
    if err != nil {
        log.Printf("Error: %s", err)

// Listen for incoming connections
func (es *EchoServer) serve() {
    for {
        conn, err := es.listen.Accept()
        if err != nil {
            select {
            case <-es.done:
                // Server has been stopped, so we can exit without showing the error.
                log.Printf("Accept failed: %v", err)
        es.done.Add(1) // Increment the waitgroup for each incoming connection
        go func() {
            es.done.Done() // Decrement the waitgroup when done handling the connection

// Stop the server by closing the listening listen
func (es *EchoServer) stop() {
    es.done.Wait() // Wait for all outstanding connections to finish handling
    es.listen.Close() // Now it the Accept will have an error above

// Make a new echo server
func NewEchoServer(address string) *EchoServer {
    listen, err := net.Listen("tcp", address)
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("Failed to open listening socket: %s", err)
    es := &amp;EchoServer{
        listen: listen,
    go es.serve()
    return es

// Main
func main() {
    log.Println("Starting echo server")
    es := NewEchoServer("")
    // Run the server for 1 second
    time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
    // Close the server
    log.Println("Stopping echo server")

在此代码中,serve 函数通过在完成通道上收到值时返回来优雅地终止服务器。 main 函数演示了如何启动服务器、等待连接,然后正常终止它。通过利用完成通道,错误处理与关闭逻辑完全分离,从而形成更易于维护且无错误的服务器。

