我们将直接从侧边栏启用 API 密钥输入。
在当前显示聊天历史记录的侧边栏中,我们在顶部添加了一个新表单,用于输入 API 密钥。
import { ApiKeyInput } from '~/components/sidebar/ApiKeyInput';
bolt.new/app/components/sidebar/ApiKeyInput.tsx 文件将在稍后创建。
接下来,添加一个用于在菜单中输入 API 密钥的表单。
... return ( <motion.div ref={menuRef} initial="closed" animate={open ? 'open' : 'closed'} variants={menuVariants} className="flex flex-col side-menu fixed top-0 w-[350px] h-full bg-bolt-elements-background-depth-2 border-r rounded-r-3xl border-bolt-elements-borderColor z-sidebar shadow-xl shadow-bolt-elements-sidebar-dropdownShadow text-sm" > <div className="flex items-center h-[var(--header-height)]">{/* Placeholder */}</div> <div className="flex-1 flex flex-col h-full w-full overflow-hidden"> <ApiKeyInput /> {/* Add this line */} <div className="p-4"> ...
import React, { useState } from 'react'; export function ApiKeyInput() { const [apiKey, setApiKey] = useState(localStorage.getItem('apiKey') || ''); const handleChange = (event: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => { const value = event.target.value; setApiKey(value); localStorage.setItem('apiKey', value); // Trigger API key change event window.dispatchEvent(new Event('apiKeyChanged')); }; return ( <div className="px-4 py-3 border-b border-bolt-elements-borderColor"> <label htmlFor="api-key" className="block text-bolt-elements-textSecondary text-sm mb-2" > Anthropic API Key </label> <input type="password" > <p>This component will allow the user to input and store the API key in localStorage and trigger a custom event when the key is changed. </p> <h3> Chat Screen Modification </h3> <p>Update the chat screen to disable message sending until an API key is entered.<br><br> Below is the revised code for bolt.new/app/components/chat/BaseChat.client.tsx, with additions marked between // Append start and // Append end:<br> </p> <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">export const BaseChat = React.forwardRef<HTMLDivElement, BaseChatProps>( ( { textareaRef, messageRef, scrollRef, showChat = true, chatStarted = false, isStreaming = false, enhancingPrompt = false, promptEnhanced = false, messages, input = '', sendMessage, handleInputChange, enhancePrompt, handleStop, }, ref, ) => { // Append start const [isApiKeyMissing, setIsApiKeyMissing] = useState(true); // Track API key presence useEffect(() => { const checkApiKey = () => { const apiKey = localStorage.getItem('apiKey'); console.log('apiKey:', apiKey); setIsApiKeyMissing(!apiKey); }; // Initial check checkApiKey(); // Add listener for API key changes window.addEventListener('apiKeyChanged', checkApiKey); return () => { window.removeEventListener('apiKeyChanged', checkApiKey); }; }, []); // Append end const TEXTAREA_MAX_HEIGHT = chatStarted ? 400 : 200; return ( <div ref={ref} className={classNames( styles.BaseChat, 'relative flex h-full w-full overflow-hidden bg-bolt-elements-background-depth-1', )} data-chat-visible={showChat} > <ClientOnly>{() => <Menu />}</ClientOnly> <div ref={scrollRef} className="flex overflow-y-auto w-full h-full"> <div className={classNames(styles.Chat, 'flex flex-col flex-grow min-w-[var(--chat-min-width)] h-full')}> {!chatStarted && ( <div> <p>This ensures that users cannot send messages until they enter an API key, with clear visual feedback provided.</p> <h3> Passing the API Key to the LLM </h3> <p>To ensure the API key entered on the interface is accessible to the LLM, update the file bolt.new/app/lib/.server/llm/api-key.ts as follows:<br> </p> <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">import { env } from 'node:process'; export function getAPIKey(cloudflareEnv: Env) { // Append start const localApiKey = typeof window !== 'undefined' ? localStorage.getItem('apiKey') : null; return localApiKey || env.ANTHROPIC_API_KEY || cloudflareEnv.ANTHROPIC_API_KEY; // Append end }
这可确保系统优先考虑通过 UI 输入的 API 密钥 (localApiKey)。如果在 localStorage 中找不到密钥,它将回退到环境变量(env.ANTHROPIC_API_KEY 或 cloudflareEnv.ANTHROPIC_API_KEY)。
pnpm run build pnpm run start
以上是修改本地bolt.new接口,允许输入API key的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!