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JavaScript Promise:您需要了解的基础知识

Patricia Arquette
Patricia Arquette原创
2024-09-29 20:18:31676浏览

JavaScript Promises: The Basics You Need to Know


JavaScript 是一种单线程编程语言,这意味着它一次只能运行一个任务。对于诸如获取数据或设置计时器之类的异步操作来说,这变得很棘手,这可能会阻塞执行流程并减慢您的应用程序的速度。

为了在不冻结线程的情况下处理这些异步任务,我们遇到了Promise——一个简化异步编程的强大工具。借助 Promises,您可以更有效地管理长时间运行的任务,编写更干净、更具可读性的代码,并避免可怕的“回调地狱。

在本文中,我的目标是让您熟悉 Promise 是什么、它们如何工作以及它们如何简化异步编程。


想象一下您正在一家餐厅点餐。下订单后,您无需在厨房等待食物准备好。相反,您可以在厨房在后台准备餐点的同时继续交谈或享受氛围。餐厅承诺一旦食物准备好就会为您提供食物。您可以相信这个承诺,因为最终会发生以下两种情况之一:您的餐食将到达(已完成),或者厨房会通知您他们无法完成订单(已拒绝) )。

在 JavaScript 中,Promise 以类似的方式工作。当您要求 JavaScript 执行一些需要时间的操作(例如从服务器获取数据)时,它会返回一个 Promise。这个Promise不会立即给你结果。相反,它会告诉您,“工作完成后我会回复您。”在此期间,其余代码将继续运行。任务完成后,Promise 为:

  • 已完成(任务成功),或
  • 已拒绝(任务失败),您可以相应处理结果。

Promise 在 JavaScript 中如何工作

Promise 代表一个可能现在、将来或永远不可用的值。它具有三种状态:

  • 待处理:任务仍在进行中,最终结果(完成或拒绝)尚未确定。
  • 已完成:任务已成功完成,结果已出。
  • 已拒绝:任务失败,有错误可处理

1. 创造一个承诺

要创建 Promise,可以使用 Promise 构造函数,它采用一个具有两个参数的函数(称为执行器):resolve 和reject。当 Promise 满足时,将调用resolve函数,而当被拒绝时,将调用reject函数。

const myPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  // Simulating an asynchronous task (e.g., fetching data)
  const success = true; // Simulate success or failure

  if (success) {
    resolve("Operation completed successfully!"); // Fulfill the promise
  } else {
    reject("Operation failed."); // Reject the promise

2. 解决和拒绝承诺


  • resolve(value):当异步操作成功完成时调用此函数。它将一个值传递给等待 Promise 履行的处理程序。
  • reject(error):当操作失败时调用该函数。它将错误消息传递给等待 Promise 被拒绝的处理程序。

3. 消费承诺

创建 Promise 后,下一步就是使用它。 JavaScript 提供了几种处理 Promise 结果的方法:.then()、.catch() 和 .finally()。这些方法中的每一个都有特定的目的,并允许您有效地管理异步操作的结果。

  • 使用 .then() 处理已解决的 Promise:.then() 方法用于指定当 Promise 完成时应该发生什么。它需要两个可选参数:一个用于解析值的回调,另一个用于处理拒绝。
const fetchData = () => {
  return new Promise((resolve) => {
    setTimeout(() => {
      resolve("Data fetched successfully!");
    }, 1000);

  .then(result => {
    console.log(result); // Logs: Data fetched successfully!
  • 使用 .catch() 处理拒绝:.catch() 方法专门用于处理 Promise 执行期间发生的错误。这使其成为处理拒绝的干净方法。
const fetchWithError = () => {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    setTimeout(() => {
      reject("Error fetching data."); // Simulating an error
    }, 1000);

  .then(result => {
  .catch(error => {
    console.error(error); // Logs: Error fetching data.
  • 使用 .finally() 进行最终或清理操作:.finally() 方法允许您在 Promise 解决后执行代码,无论它是被履行还是被拒绝。这对于应在成功和失败场景中运行的清理操作或任务非常有用。
  .then(result => {
    console.log(result); // Logs: Data fetched successfully!
  .catch(error => {
    console.error(error); // Handle error
  .finally(() => {
    console.log("Promise has settled."); // Logs after either success or failure


  • then(): Use this method to handle the resolved value of a Promise.
  • catch(): Use this method to handle errors when a Promise is rejected.
  • finally(): This method runs code after the Promise settles, regardless of the outcome, allowing for cleanup or final actions.

4. Promise Chaining

One of the most powerful features of Promises is their ability to be chained together, allowing you to perform multiple asynchronous operations in sequence. This means each operation waits for the previous one to complete before executing, which is particularly useful when tasks depend on each other.

Let's take a look at the following example:

const fetchUserData = () => {
  return new Promise((resolve) => {
    setTimeout(() => {
      resolve({ userId: 1, username: "JohnDoe" });
    }, 1000);

const fetchPosts = (userId) => {
  return new Promise((resolve) => {
    setTimeout(() => {
      resolve(["Post 1", "Post 2", "Post 3"]); // Simulated posts
    }, 1000);

// Chaining Promises
  .then(user => {
    console.log("User fetched:", user);
    return fetchPosts(user.userId); // Pass userId to the next promise
  .then(posts => {
    console.log("Posts fetched:", posts);
  .catch(error => {
    console.error("Error:", error);

In this example, the fetchUserData function returns a Promise that resolves with user information. The resolved value is then passed to the fetchPosts function, which returns another Promise. If any of these Promises are rejected, the error is caught in the final .catch() method, allowing for effective error handling throughout the chain.


In conclusion, Promises are a crucial part of modern JavaScript, enabling developers to handle asynchronous operations in a more structured and efficient way. By using Promises, you can:

  • Simplify the management of asynchronous tasks and avoid callback hell.
  • Chain multiple asynchronous operations to maintain a clear flow of execution.
  • Effectively handle errors with a unified approach.

As you implement Promises in your own projects, you'll find that they not only improve code readability but also enhance the overall user experience by keeping your applications responsive. I hope that this journey through JavaScript's foundational concepts has provided valuable insights for developers. Happy coding!

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