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Tailwind 填充:快速入门

Barbara Streisand
Barbara Streisand原创
2024-09-25 06:26:32669浏览

任何项目中最常见的设计问题之一是管理间距,这就是 Tailwind 填充发挥作用的地方。 Tailwind 提供了一组专门用于填充的实用程序类,使开发人员能够灵活地控制间距,而无需编写自定义 CSS 的麻烦。在本指南中,我们将深入了解 Tailwind 填充的工作原理,探索可用选项,并演示如何将它们应用到实际项目中。

Tailwind Padding: A Quick Start


使用 Tailwind 填充时,了解如何将填充应用于元素的各个部分非常重要。 Tailwind 通过为元素的不同边、轴或所有边提供简单的实用程序类来简化这一过程。以下是基本填充用例的快速细分:


Tailwind Padding: A Quick Start

您可以使用 Tailwind 的实用程序(如 pt-*、pr-*、pb-* 和 pl-*)轻松将填充应用到元素的特定侧面。


<div class="pt-6 ...">pt-6</div>
<div class="pr-4 ...">pr-4</div>
<div class="pb-8 ...">pb-8</div>
<div class="pl-2 ...">pl-2</div>


  • pt-6 在顶部添加了 1.5rem 的填充。
  • pr-4 在右侧添加 1rem 的填充。
  • pb-8 在底部添加 2rem 的填充。
  • pl-2 在左侧添加 0.5rem 的填充。



Tailwind Padding: A Quick Start

为了向元素添加水平内边距,Tailwind 提供了 px-* 实用程序类,该类将相等的内边距应用于元素的左侧和右侧。


<div class="px-8 ...">px-8</div>


  • px-4 向左侧和右侧添加 1rem 的填充。
  • px-6 两侧各增加 1.5rem。



Tailwind Padding: A Quick Start

要控制 Tailwind 中的垂直填充,您可以使用 py-* 实用程序类,它会向元素的顶部和底部添加相等的填充。


<div class="py-8 ...">py-8</div> 


  • py-4 在顶部和底部添加 1rem 的填充。
  • py-8 添加了 2rem 的垂直填充。

使用 py-* 非常适合管理垂直间距,特别是在容器或部分等元素中,平衡的顶部和底部填充可增强可读性和布局结构。


Tailwind Padding: A Quick Start

为了在元素的所有侧面添加相等的填充,Tailwind 提供了 p-* 实用程序类,它对顶部、右侧、底部和左侧应用相同数量的填充。


<div class="p-8 ...">p-8</div>


  • p-4 在所有四个边上添加 1rem 的填充。
  • p-8 在元素上均匀应用 2rem 的填充。



Tailwind Padding: A Quick Start

Tailwind 还提供 ps-* 和 pe-* 实用程序来控制逻辑填充,根据文本方向进行调整。这些逻辑属性根据内容是从左到右 (LTR) 还是从右到左 (RTL) 流动来调整开始和结束填充。


<div dir="ltr">
  <div class="ps-8 ...">ps-8</div> 
  <div class="pe-8 ...">pe-8</div>

<div dir="rtl">
  <div class="ps-8 ...">ps-8</div> 
  <div class="pe-8 ...">pe-8</div>


  • ps-4 在元素的开头添加 1rem 的填充,这将是 LTR 中的左侧和 RTL 中的右侧。
  • pe-6 在元素末尾添加 1.5rem 的填充,在 LTR 中映射到右侧,在 RTL 中映射到左侧。



Tailwind 填充允许您使用变体修饰符有条件地应用实用程序类。当您需要根据用户交互(例如悬停或焦点)修改样式或根据屏幕尺寸和媒体查询应用样式时,这非常有用。

Hover, Focus, and Other States

Tailwind Padding: A Quick Start

You can use variant modifiers to apply padding (or other utilities) only when certain states like hover or focus are active. For example, hover:py-8 will apply a vertical padding of 2rem when the element is hovered over.


<div class="bg-blue-500 text-white p-4 hover:py-8">
  Hover over me to see the vertical padding increase!

In this example, the element will have a base padding of 1rem, but when you hover over it, the vertical padding increases to 2rem.

Breakpoints and Media Queries

Tailwind Padding: A Quick Start

Tailwind also supports variant modifiers for different screen sizes using responsive breakpoints like md, lg, xl, etc. For instance, md:py-8 will apply a vertical padding of 2rem only on medium-sized screens and above.


<div class="bg-green-500 text-white p-4 md:py-8">
  Resize your browser to see the padding change at medium screen sizes.

In this example, the element will have default padding, but when the screen size reaches the medium breakpoint (768px and above), the vertical padding will change to 2rem.

Using Custom Values in Tailwind

Tailwind padding provides a flexible way to customize padding by allowing you to modify the default spacing scale or apply one-off, arbitrary values. This feature is incredibly helpful when you need specific padding that goes beyond the default scale.

Customizing Your Theme

By default, Tailwind's padding scale follows the default spacing system, but you can easily modify it by editing your tailwind.config.js file. You have two ways to do this: either by adjusting the overall spacing scale or just focusing on padding specifically.

Example: Customizing the Spacing Scale: In your tailwind.config.js file, you can extend the spacing scale to include custom values, such as a 5px padding.

module.exports = {
  theme: {
    extend: {
      spacing: {
        '5px': '5px',

With this, you can use your custom spacing value across padding, margin, and other spacing utilities:

<div className="p-5px">
  Custom padding of 5px applied here!

Alternatively, you can extend only the padding scale:

module.exports = {
  theme: {
    extend: {
      padding: {
        '5px': '5px',

This method keeps the customizations isolated to padding without altering the broader spacing scale.

Arbitrary Values

If you need a unique padding value that doesn’t fit within the predefined or extended scale, Tailwind lets you apply arbitrary values using square brackets. This allows you to quickly add one-off custom padding values without modifying your tailwind.config.js file.

Example: Arbitrary Padding Value

<div className="p-[5px]">
  This element has an arbitrary padding of 5px!

Using this approach, you can generate any CSS property on the fly by specifying the value within square brackets. This is particularly useful when you need custom spacing that doesn’t warrant a permanent change in your theme configuration.


Tailwind padding simplifies spacing with utilities like pt-*, pr-*, pb-*, and pl-* for specific sides, and px-* and py-* for horizontal and vertical padding. The p-* utility applies equal padding on all sides. Logical properties (ps-*, pe-*) adjust padding based on text direction, ideal for multilingual layouts.

You can conditionally apply padding using hover states (hover:py-8) or responsive breakpoints (md:py-8). Tailwind also allows custom padding values in tailwind.config.js or arbitrary values like p-[5px].

These utilities provide a flexible, efficient way to manage padding in any project. For more details, visit the official Tailwind CSS documentation.

以上是Tailwind 填充:快速入门的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!
