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You are introduced to Gold very early in Elder Scrolls Castles, and it suddenly becomes very important. You need to know the best strats for farming Gold in the early-game to get started off on the right foot.

Best ways to farm Gold in the early-game in Elder Scrolls Castles

Alongside executing orders to gain Gold in Elder Scrolls Castles, crafting and selling items produced by the Workshop and Sewing Table gets you Gold fast. As these items only require Iron and Burlap, they are fantastic for the early game and incredibly easy to produce.

The best items to produce and sell are those that can be produced for little and sold for lots. Although the values aren’t going to be huge here, the idea is that you’ll make lots of these cheap items and mass sell them, earning a chunk of Gold that’s great for starting out Elder Scrolls Castles.

You can sell the following equipment straight from the inventory in Elder Scrolls Castles, accessed by the chest icon in the lower right corner of the screen.

A special thank you to Boukrarez on the ESCastles subreddit for providing the statistics for this strategy. I highly recommend checking out their chart.

Best early Sewing Table items to mass produce and sell

Best early-game Gold farming guide for Elder Scrolls Castles

The Sewing Table is unlocked at level 16 and can instantly produce the most cost-effective early-game equipment.

The Lamplighter’s Coat and Chef’s Uniform can both be produced from a mere six Burlap and are sold for seven Gold each. This is a great Burlap to Gold conversion, and you can get to producing them right away.

All other equipment costs much more than Burlap but only a little more Gold, so it’s not worth producing more valuable items. For example, selling two Chef’s Uniforms will get you 14 Gold for 12 Burlap, and one Ruler’s Attire may net you 10 Gold, but it costs 15 Burlap.

Best early Workshop items to mass produce and sell

Best early-game Gold farming guide for Elder Scrolls Castles

The Workshop is unlocked at level 18, and like the Sewing Table, already has access to the most cost-effective items: the Iron Spoon and Iron Oil Lamp.

Both can be made from four Iron and can be sold for seven Gold, making them technically more cost-effective than the Sewing Table goods.

So long as you have a level four furnace, you can repeatedly make this order and gain seven Gold every couple minutes (plus any Sewing Table goods income), so long as your workers have appropriate gear and good enough work skill. Not bad for the beginning.

When you’re in a pinch for Gold, it’s best to have both of these stations producing these goods as fast as possible to sell for large bursts of Gold in Elder Scrolls Castles.

