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掌握 React Native 和 MERN Stack 中的 SOLID 原则

2024-09-03 15:23:01977浏览

Mastering SOLID Principles in React Native and MERN Stack
Robert C. Martin(Bob 叔叔)提出的 SOLID 原则构成了良好软件设计的基础。这些原则指导开发人员创建可维护、可扩展且易于理解的系统。在本博客中,我们将深入探讨每个 SOLID 原则,并探索如何将它们应用到 React Native 和 MERN 堆栈(MongoDB、Express.js、React、Node.js)的上下文中。



单一职责原则 (SRP) 确保类或模块专注于软件功能的一个方面。当一个类承担多个职责时,与一个职责相关的更改可能会无意中影响另一个职责,从而导致错误和更高的维护成本。

React Native 示例:
考虑 React Native 应用程序中的 UserProfile 组件。最初,该组件可能负责呈现用户界面并处理 API 请求以更新用户数据。这违反了 SRP,因为该组件正在执行两件不同的事情:管理 UI 和业务逻辑。


const UserProfile = ({ userId }) => {
  const [userData, setUserData] = useState(null);

  useEffect(() => {
      .then(response => response.json())
      .then(data => setUserData(data));
  }, [userId]);

  return (

在此示例中,UserProfile 组件负责获取数据和渲染 UI。如果您需要更改数据的获取方式(例如,通过使用不同的 API 端点或引入缓存),则必须修改组件,这可能会导致 UI 中出现意想不到的副作用。

为了遵守 SRP,请将数据获取逻辑与 UI 渲染逻辑分开。

// Custom hook for fetching user data
const useUserData = (userId) => {
  const [userData, setUserData] = useState(null);

  useEffect(() => {
    const fetchUserData = async () => {
      const response = await fetch(`/api/users/${userId}`);
      const data = await response.json();
  }, [userId]);

  return userData;

// UserProfile component focuses only on rendering the UI
const UserProfile = ({ userId }) => {
  const userData = useUserData(userId);

  return (

在此重构中,useUserData 挂钩处理数据获取,允许 UserProfile 组件仅专注于渲染 UI。现在,如果您需要修改数据获取逻辑,您可以在不影响 UI 代码的情况下进行操作。

Node.js 示例:
想象一下在 Node.js 应用程序中处理数据库查询和业务逻辑的 UserController。这违反了 SRP,因为控制者有多重职责。


class UserController {
  async getUserProfile(req, res) {
    const user = await db.query('SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ?', [req.params.id]);

  async updateUserProfile(req, res) {
    const result = await db.query('UPDATE users SET name = ? WHERE id = ?', [req.body.name, req.params.id]);

这里,UserController 负责与数据库交互和处理 HTTP 请求。数据库交互逻辑的任何更改都需要对控制器进行修改,从而增加出现错误的风险。

将数据库交互逻辑分离到存储库类中,让控制器专注于处理 HTTP 请求。

// UserRepository class handles data access logic
class UserRepository {
  async getUserById(id) {
    return db.query('SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ?', [id]);

  async updateUser(id, name) {
    return db.query('UPDATE users SET name = ? WHERE id = ?', [name, id]);

// UserController focuses on business logic and HTTP request handling
class UserController {
  constructor(userRepository) {
    this.userRepository = userRepository;

  async getUserProfile(req, res) {
    const user = await this.userRepository.getUserById(req.params.id);

  async updateUserProfile(req, res) {
    const result = await this.userRepository.updateUser(req.params.id, req.body.name);

现在,UserController 专注于处理 HTTP 请求和业务逻辑,而 UserRepository 负责数据库交互。这种分离使得代码更容易维护和扩展。

2. 开闭原理(OCP)


开放/封闭原则 (OCP) 强调类、模块和函数应该能够轻松扩展,而无需修改其现有代码。这促进了抽象和接口的使用,允许开发人员引入新功能,同时将在现有代码中引入错误的风险降至最低。

React Native 示例:
想象一个最初具有固定样式的按钮组件。随着应用程序的增长,您需要为不同的用例扩展不同样式的按钮。如果每次需要新样式时都不断修改现有组件,最终将违反 OCP。


const Button = ({ onPress, type, children }) => {
  let style = {};

  if (type === 'primary') {
    style = { backgroundColor: 'blue', color: 'white' };
  } else if (type === 'secondary') {
    style = { backgroundColor: 'gray', color: 'black' };

  return (
    <TouchableOpacity onPress={onPress} style={style}>

在此示例中,每次添加新按钮类型时都必须修改 Button 组件。这是不可扩展的,并且会增加出现错误的风险。

通过允许样式作为 props 传入,重构 Button 组件以开放扩展。

const Button = ({ onPress, style, children }) => {
  const defaultStyle = {
    padding: 10,
    borderRadius: 5,

  return (
    <TouchableOpacity onPress={onPress} style={[defaultStyle, style]}>

// Now, you can extend the button's style without modifying the component itself
<Button style={{ backgroundColor: 'blue', color: 'white' }} onPress={handlePress}>
  Primary Button

<Button style={{ backgroundColor: 'gray', color: 'black' }} onPress={handlePress}>
  Secondary Button

通过重构,Button 组件对修改关闭,对扩展开放,允许在不改变组件内部逻辑的情况下添加新的按钮样式。

Node.js 示例:
考虑 Node.js 应用程序中支持多种支付方式的支付处理系统。最初,您可能会想在一个类中处理每种付款方式。


class PaymentProcessor {
  processPayment(amount, method) {
    if (method === 'paypal') {
      console.log(`Paid ${amount} using PayPal`);
    } else if (method === 'stripe') {
      console.log(`Paid ${amount} using Stripe`);
    } else if (method === 'creditcard') {
      console.log(`Paid ${amount} using Credit Card`);

在此示例中,添加新的付款方式需要修改 PaymentProcessor 类,违反了 OCP。

Introduce a strategy pattern to encapsulate each payment method in its own class, making the PaymentProcessor open for extension but closed for modification.

class PaymentProcessor {
  constructor(paymentMethod) {
    this.paymentMethod = paymentMethod;

  processPayment(amount) {
    return this.paymentMethod.pay(amount);

// Payment methods encapsulated in their own classes
class PayPalPayment {
  pay(amount) {
    console.log(`Paid ${amount} using PayPal`);

class StripePayment {
  pay(amount) {
    console.log(`Paid ${amount} using Stripe`);

class CreditCardPayment {
  pay(amount) {
    console.log(`Paid ${amount} using Credit Card`);

// Usage
const paypalProcessor = new PaymentProcessor(new PayPalPayment());

const stripeProcessor = new PaymentProcessor(new StripePayment());

Now, to add a new payment method, you simply create a new class without modifying the existing PaymentProcessor. This adheres to OCP and makes the system more scalable and maintainable.

3. Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP)

Definition: Objects of a superclass should be replaceable with objects of a subclass without affecting the correctness of the program.

The Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP) ensures that subclasses can stand in for their parent classes without causing errors or altering the

expected behavior. This principle helps maintain the integrity of a system's design and ensures that inheritance is used appropriately.

React Native Example:
Imagine a base Shape class with a method draw. You might have several subclasses like Circle and Square, each with its own implementation of the draw method. These subclasses should be able to replace Shape without causing issues.

Correct Implementation:

class Shape {
  draw() {
    // Default drawing logic

class Circle extends Shape {
  draw() {
    // Circle-specific drawing logic

class Square extends Shape {
  draw() {
    // Square-specific drawing logic

function renderShape(shape) {

// Both Circle and Square can replace Shape without issues
const circle = new Circle();

const square = new Square();

In this example, both Circle and Square classes can replace the Shape class without causing any problems, adhering to LSP.

Node.js Example:
Consider a base Bird class with a method fly. You might have a subclass Sparrow that extends Bird and provides its own implementation of fly. However, if you introduce a subclass like Penguin that cannot fly, it violates LSP.


class Bird {
  fly() {

class Sparrow extends Bird {
  fly() {
    console.log('Sparrow flying');

class Penguin extends Bird {
  fly() {
    throw new Error("Penguins can't fly");

In this example, substituting a Penguin for a Bird will cause errors, violating LSP.

Instead of extending Bird, you can create a different hierarchy or use composition to avoid violating LSP.

class Bird {
  layEggs() {
    console.log('Laying eggs');

class FlyingBird extends Bird {
  fly() {

class Penguin extends Bird {
  swim() {

// Now, Penguin does not extend Bird in a way that violates LSP

In this refactor, Penguin no longer extends Bird in a way that requires it to support flying, adhering to LSP.

4. Interface Segregation Principle (ISP)

Definition: A client should not be forced to implement interfaces it doesn't use.

The Interface Segregation Principle (ISP) suggests that instead of having large, monolithic interfaces, it's better to have smaller, more specific interfaces. This way, classes implementing the interfaces are only required to implement the methods they actually use, making the system more flexible and easier to maintain.

React Native Example:
Suppose you have a UserActions interface that includes methods for both regular users and admins. This forces regular users to implement admin-specific methods, which they don't need, violating ISP.


interface UserActions {
  viewProfile(): void;
  deleteUser(): void;

class RegularUser implements UserActions {
  viewProfile() {
    console.log('Viewing profile');

  deleteUser() {
    throw new Error("Regular users can't delete users");

In this example, the RegularUser class is forced to implement a method (deleteUser) it doesn't need, violating ISP.

Split the UserActions interface into more specific interfaces for regular users and admins.

interface RegularUserActions {
  viewProfile(): void;

interface AdminUserActions extends RegularUserActions {
  deleteUser(): void;

class RegularUser implements RegularUserActions {
  viewProfile() {
    console.log('Viewing profile');

class AdminUser implements AdminUserActions {
  viewProfile() {
    console.log('Viewing profile');

  deleteUser() {
    console.log('User deleted');

Now, RegularUser only implements the methods it needs, adhering to ISP. Admin users implement the AdminUserActions interface, which extends RegularUserActions, ensuring that they have access to both sets of methods.

Node.js Example:
Consider a logger interface that forces implementing methods for various log levels, even if they are not required.


class Logger {
  logError(message) {

  logInfo(message) {

  logDebug(message) {

class ErrorLogger extends Logger {
  logError(message) {

  logInfo(message) {
    // Not needed, but must be implemented

  logDebug(message) {
    // Not needed, but must be implemented

In this example, ErrorLogger is forced to implement methods (logInfo, logDebug) it doesn't need, violating ISP.

Create smaller, more specific interfaces to allow classes to implement only what they need.

class ErrorLogger {
  logError(message) {

class InfoLogger {
  logInfo(message) {

class DebugLogger {
  logDebug(message) {

Now, classes can implement only the logging methods they need, adhering to ISP and making the system more modular.

5. Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP)

Definition: High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules. Both should depend on abstractions.

The Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP) emphasizes that high-level modules (business logic) should not be directly dependent on low-level modules (e.g., database access, external services). Instead, both should depend on abstractions, such as interfaces. This makes the system more flexible and easier to modify or extend.

React Native Example:
In a React Native application, you might have a UserProfile component that directly fetches data from an API service. This creates a tight coupling between the component and the specific API implementation, violating DIP.


const UserProfile = ({ userId }) => {
  const [userData, setUserData] = useState(null);

  useEffect(() => {
      .then(response => response.json())
      .then(data => setUserData(data));
  }, [userId]);

  return (

In this example, the UserProfile component is tightly coupled with a specific API implementation. If the API changes, the component must be modified, violating DIP.

Introduce an abstraction layer (such as a service) that handles data fetching. The UserProfile component will depend on this abstraction, not the concrete implementation.

// Define an abstraction (interface)
const useUserData = (userId, apiService) => {
  const [userData, setUserData] = useState(null);

  useEffect(() => {
  }, [userId]);

  return userData;

// UserProfile depends on an abstraction, not a specific API implementation
const UserProfile = ({ userId, apiService }) => {
  const userData = useUserData(userId, apiService);

  return (

Now, UserProfile can work with any service that conforms to the apiService interface, adhering to DIP and making the code more flexible.

Node.js Example:
In a Node.js application, you might have a service that directly uses a specific database implementation. This creates a tight coupling between the service and the database, violating DIP.


class UserService {
  getUserById(id) {
    return db.query('SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ?', [id]);

In this example, UserService is tightly coupled with the specific database implementation (db.query). If you want to switch databases, you must modify UserService, violating DIP.

Introduce an abstraction (interface) for database access, and have UserService depend on this abstraction instead of the concrete implementation.

// Define an abstraction (interface)
class UserRepository {
  constructor(database) {
    this.database = database;

  getUserById(id) {
    return this.database.findById(id);

// Now, UserService depends on an abstraction, not a specific database implementation
class UserService {
  constructor(userRepository) {
    this.userRepository = userRepository;

  async getUserById(id) {
    return this.userRepository.getUserById(id);

// You can easily switch database implementations without modifying UserService
const mongoDatabase = new MongoDatabase();
const userRepository = new UserRepository(mongoDatabase);
const userService = new UserService(userRepository);

By depending on an abstraction (UserRepository), UserService is no longer tied to a specific database implementation. This adheres to DIP, making the system more flexible and easier to maintain.


The SOLID principles are powerful guidelines that help developers create more maintainable, scalable, and robust software systems. By applying these principles in your React

Native and MERN stack projects, you can write cleaner code that's easier to understand, extend, and modify.

Understanding and implementing SOLID principles might require a bit of effort initially, but the long-term benefits—such as reduced technical debt, easier code maintenance, and more flexible systems—are well worth it. Start applying these principles in your projects today, and you'll soon see the difference they can make!

以上是掌握 React Native 和 MERN Stack 中的 SOLID 原则的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!
