规划多人游戏开发方法 - 在整个项目的进一步开发中发挥着最重要的作用之一,因为它包含了我们在创建真正高质量的产品时应该考虑的许多标准。在今天的宣言教程中,我们将看一个方法示例,该方法使我们能够创建真正快速的游戏,同时尊重所有安全和反违规规则。
首先,您需要在 Node.js 上设置一个服务器。服务器将负责所有关键计算并将更新的数据传输给玩家。
要在 Node.js 上创建服务器,请安装必要的依赖项:
mkdir multiplayer-game-server cd multiplayer-game-server npm init -y npm install socket.io
// Create a simple socket IO server const io = require('socket.io')(3000, { cors: { origin: '*' } }); // Simple example of game states let gameState = {}; let playerSpeedConfig = { maxX: 1, maxY: 1, maxZ: 1 }; // Work with new connection io.on('connection', (socket) => { console.log('Player connected:', socket.id); // Initialize player state for socket ID gameState[socket.id] = { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 }; // work with simple player command for movement socket.on('playerMove', (data) => { const { id, dx, dy, dz } = parsePlayerMove(data); // Check Maximal Values if(dx > playerSpeedConfig.maxX) dx = playerSpeedConfig.maxX; if(dy > playerSpeedConfig.maxY) dx = playerSpeedConfig.maxY; if(dz > playerSpeedConfig.maxZ) dx = playerSpeedConfig.maxZ; // update game state for current player gameState[id].x += dx; gameState[id].y += dy; gameState[id].z += dz; // Send new state for all clients const updatedData = serializeGameState(gameState); io.emit('gameStateUpdate', updatedData); }); // Work with unsafe data socket.on('dataupdate', (data) => { const { id, unsafe } = parsePlayerUnsafe(data); // update game state for current player gameState[id].unsafeValue += unsafe; // Send new state for all clients const updatedData = serializeGameState(gameState); io.emit('gameStateUpdate', updatedData); }); // Work with player disconnection socket.on('disconnect', () => { console.log('Player disconnected:', socket.id); delete gameState[socket.id]; }); }); // Simple Parse our binary data function parsePlayerMove(buffer) { const id = buffer.toString('utf8', 0, 16); // Player ID (16 bit) const dx = buffer.readFloatLE(16); // Delta X const dy = buffer.readFloatLE(20); // Delta Y const dz = buffer.readFloatLE(24); // Delta Z return { id, dx, dy, dz }; } // Simple Parse of unsafe data function parsePlayerUnsafe(buffer) { const id = buffer.toString('utf8', 0, 16); // Player ID (16 bit) const unsafe = buffer.readFloatLE(16); // Unsafe float return { id, unsafe }; } // Simple game state serialization for binary protocol function serializeGameState(gameState) { const buffers = []; for (const [id, data] of Object.entries(gameState)) { // Player ID const idBuffer = Buffer.from(id, 'utf8'); // Position (critical) Buffer const posBuffer = Buffer.alloc(12); posBuffer.writeFloatLE(data.x, 0); posBuffer.writeFloatLE(data.y, 4); posBuffer.writeFloatLE(data.z, 8); // Unsafe Data Buffer const unsafeBuffer = Buffer.alloc(4); unsafeBuffer.writeFloatLE(data.unsafeValue, 0); // Join all buffers buffers.push(Buffer.concat([idBuffer, posBuffer, unsafeBuffer])); } return Buffer.concat(buffers); }
现在让我们在 Unity 上创建一个与服务器交互的客户端部分。
要将 Unity 连接到 Socket.IO 上的服务器,您需要连接专为 Unity 设计的库。
Using reactive fields for synchronization
We will use reactive fields to update player positions. This will allow us to update states without having to check the data in each frame via the Update() method. Reactive fields automatically update the visual representation of objects in the game when the state of the data changes.
To get a reactive properties functional you can use UniRx.
Client code on Unity
Let's create a script that will connect to the server, send data and receive updates via reactive fields.
using UnityEngine; using SocketIOClient; using UniRx; using System; using System.Text; // Basic Game Client Implementation public class GameClient : MonoBehaviour { // SocketIO Based Client private SocketIO client; // Our Player Reactive Position public ReactiveProperty<Vector3> playerPosition = new ReactiveProperty<Vector3>(Vector3.zero); // Client Initialization private void Start() { // Connect to our server client = new SocketIO("http://localhost:3000"); // Add Client Events client.OnConnected += OnConnected; // On Connected client.On("gameStateUpdate", OnGameStateUpdate); // On Game State Changed // Connect to Socket Async client.ConnectAsync(); // Subscribe to our player position changed playerPosition.Subscribe(newPosition => { // Here you can interpolate your position instead // to get smooth movement at large ping transform.position = newPosition; }); // Add Movement Commands Observable.EveryUpdate().Where(_ => Input.GetKey(KeyCode.W)).Subscribe(_ => ProcessInput(true)); Observable.EveryUpdate().Where(_ => Input.GetKey(KeyCode.S)).Subscribe(_ => ProcessInput(false)); } // On Player Connected private async void OnConnected(object sender, EventArgs e) { Debug.Log("Connected to server!"); } // On Game State Update private void OnGameStateUpdate(SocketIOResponse response) { // Get our binary data byte[] data = response.GetValue<byte[]>(); // Work with binary data int offset = 0; while (offset < data.Length) { // Get Player ID string playerId = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data, offset, 16); offset += 16; // Get Player Position float x = BitConverter.ToSingle(data, offset); float y = BitConverter.ToSingle(data, offset + 4); float z = BitConverter.ToSingle(data, offset + 8); offset += 12; // Get Player unsafe variable float unsafeVariable = BitConverter.ToSingle(data, offset); // Check if it's our player position if (playerId == client.Id) playerPosition.Value = new Vector3(x, y, z); else UpdateOtherPlayerPosition(playerId, new Vector3(x, y, z), unsafeVariable); } } // Process player input private void ProcessInput(bool isForward){ if (isForward) SendMoveData(new Vector3(0, 0, 1)); // Move Forward else SendMoveData(new Vector3(0, 0, -1)); // Move Backward } // Send Movement Data private async void SendMoveData(Vector3 delta) { byte[] data = new byte[28]; Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(client.Id).CopyTo(data, 0); BitConverter.GetBytes(delta.x).CopyTo(data, 16); BitConverter.GetBytes(delta.y).CopyTo(data, 20); BitConverter.GetBytes(delta.z).CopyTo(data, 24); await client.EmitAsync("playerMove", data); } // Send any unsafe data private async void SendUnsafeData(float unsafeData){ byte[] data = new byte[20]; Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(client.Id).CopyTo(data, 0); BitConverter.GetBytes(unsafeData).CopyTo(data, 16); await client.EmitAsync("dataUpdate", data); } // Update Other players position private void UpdateOtherPlayerPosition(string playerId, Vector3 newPosition, float unsafeVariable) { // Here we can update other player positions and variables } // On Client Object Destroyed private void OnDestroy() { client.DisconnectAsync(); } }
To ensure smooth gameplay and minimize latency during synchronization, it is recommended:
In order to simplify your work with a binary protocol - create a basic principle of data processing, as well as schemes of interaction with it.
For our example, we can take a basic protocol where:
1) The first 4 bits are the maxa of the request the user is making (e.g. 0 - move player, 1 - shoot, etc.);
2) The next 16 bits are the ID of our client.
3) Next we fill in the data that is passed through the loop (some Net Variables), where we store the ID of the variable, the size of the offset in bytes to the beginning of the next variable, the type of the variable and its value.
For the convenience of version and data control - we can create a client-server communication schema in a convenient format (JSON / XML) and download it once from the server to further parse our binary data according to this schema for the required version of our API.
It doesn't make sense to process every data on the server, some of them are easier to modify on the client side and just send to other clients.
To make you a bit more secure in this scheme - you can use client-side anti-chit system to prevent memory hacks - for example, my GameShield - a free open source solution.
We took a simple example of developing a multiplayer game on Unity with a Node.js server, where all critical data is handled on the server to ensure the integrity of the game. Using a binary protocol to transfer data helps optimize traffic, and reactive programming in Unity makes it easy to synchronize client state without having to use the Update() method.
This approach not only improves game performance, but also increases protection against cheating by ensuring that all key calculations are performed on the server rather than the client.
And of course, as always thank you for reading the article. If you still have any questions or need help in organizing your architecture for multiplayer project - I invite you to my Discord
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以上是通过示例在 Unity 和 NodeJS 上的游戏中创建安全、快速的多人游戏的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!