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只需几分钟即可掌握 Git 和 GitHub 的基本知识

2024-08-22 18:32:40503浏览


版本控制,也称为源代码控制,是跟踪和管理文件更改的做法。版本控制系统是记录文件随时间变化的系统,以便您以后可以记录它的版本。一些流行的版本控制系统是 Git,它是一种流行的控制系统/软件。

现在,让我们转向 git...

什么是 git?

Git 是一个版本控制系统,用于跟踪计算机文件的更改。 Git 用于跟踪代码更改、跟踪更改者以及编码协作。要开始使用 git,您需要先前往 下载并安装软件。

好的,现在让我们转到 GitHub

什么是 GitHub?

GitHub 是一个用于版本控制和协作的代码托管平台。它可以让您和其他人在任何地方共同处理项目。为了使用GitHub,您需要去注册一个帐户


Git 工作流程
Master the Essentials of Git and GitHub in Just Minutes

git 工作流程的 4 个基础知识

  1. 工作目录
  2. 停靠区
  3. 本地存储库
  4. 远程存储库


  • 可以暂存:这仅仅意味着对文件所做的任何更新都可以暂存并准备好提交。

  • 可以修改:在这里,我们只是说对文件所做的更改尚未存储在本地存储库(简称 repo)中。

  • 可以提交:您对文件所做的更改可以存储在本地存储库中。


现在让我们学习基本的 git 命令

$ git init

这将使 git 识别该文件夹。

$ git status


$ git add


$ git commit


$ git push

这用于将我们的代码从本地计算机推送到 GitHub。这里,本地仓库中所有提交的文件都被移动到远程仓库。

$ git fetch


$ git merge


$ git pull

这用于将文件从远程存储库获取到工作目录中。它完成 git fetch 和 git merge 的联合工作。因此,您可以简单地执行 git pull,而不是执行 git fetch 和 git merge。


第 1 步:创建 git hub 帐户




$ git -- version

如果您已经安装了 git,它会显示您已安装的版本。

第 3 步:设置您的身份

设置您的用户名和电子邮件地址。此信息非常重要,因为每当您进行提交时,git 都会使用您的身份(用户名和密码),并且它会一成不变地融入到您开始创建的提交中。要实现此目的,请键入以下命令。

$ git config –global user.name “Rose Abuba”
$ git config –global user. Email “roseabuba@outlook.com
$ git config --global –list # to check the data provided 

第 4 步:创建存储库

在 GitHub 上创建一个新的存储库。转到您的 GitHub 帐户并通过单击“新建”按钮并选择“创建存储库”来创建一个新的存储库(您可以将存储库命名为您想要的任何名称)。执行此操作后,您将看到用于推送新存储库或现有存储库的选项列表。



$ touch Index.html

第 6 步:初始化 git


$ git init

第 7 步:暂存文件以供提交


$ git add . 


$ git add Index.html


$ git status

Step 7: Commit changes to your git Repository

$ git commit -m "First Commit"

Add a remote origin and Push

To update the changes you have made to the main branch because it won’t be automatically updated on Git hub. All those changes are in the local Repository.

$ git remote add origin remote_repository_URL

To list connections with other repositories, type the following commands:

$ git remote -v 

This will list the URLS of the remote connections you have with other repositories

Step 9: Push Changes made from your local repository to the remote repository.

Type the following command:

$ git push -u origin main #pushes changes to origin

The next thing is to refresh. If you followed the above steps, you will see that your codes have been successfully pushed to GitHub.

HI Genie! If you followed up this far, You are one step to Collaboration! People can now view your code online. All you need to do is to share your repo link and you are good to go!

Note that each time you make changes on your local repository and you want it to reflect on your Github, These following commands are the most common command flow used.

$ git add .
$ git status
$ git commit -m "Second Commit"
$ git push -u origin main

In case you want to work with other people’s repositories on Github, you can clone their repos. To do this, type the following commands.

$ git clone remote_repository_URL

Now let’s move to collaboration

When you work with a team, That is, for example, a group of developers working on a project. Each time you make a change and push it into the main repo, your colleagues have to pull those changes that you pushed into the git repo. Simply put it this way. To keep up with updates and the latest changes on the git repo, all you need is a git pull command. To achieve this, type the following commands.

$ git pull origin main
$ git fetch
$ git merge  

git pull is equilavent to git fetch and git merge

Lastly, let me teach you the basic things you need to know about Branches

$ git branch develop

This creates a new branch called the develop

$ git branch

This shows a list of branches already created

$ git checkout develop

This automatically moves to the branch develop

These are just the basic things you need to know about Git and GitHub. Stay tuned for more articles on how to use git and GitHub.

Additional resources

…And always remember, in case of fire, Do these 3 things;

Git commit
Git Push
Leave Building
Okay, Byeeeee………

以上是只需几分钟即可掌握 Git 和 GitHub 的基本知识的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!
