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开启高质量娱乐新篇章:三星携多款电竞显示器亮相 2024 ChinaJoy

2024-07-29 16:25:24334浏览

7 月 26 日至 29 日,第二十一届中国国际数码互动娱乐展览会(ChinaJoy)在上海新国际博览中心盛大举办。作为当今全球数字娱乐领域最具知名度与影响力的年度盛会之一,本届 ChinaJoy 以 " 初心‘游’在,精彩无限 " 为主题,深度聚焦科技创新与数字娱乐的融合。三星秉承 " 真玩家,玩真的 " 理念,联合游戏厂商与知名科技媒体,为广大游戏玩家和电竞爱好者打造沉浸式游戏娱乐互动展台,彰显了三星在推动游戏产业技术进步方面的引领作用,强化了其作为游戏产业繁荣发展的重要驱动力和增长极的地位。


作为数字娱乐和电竞显示领域的引领者,三星显示器一直致力于为全球电竞玩家提供更先进的显示技术与更前沿、更具竞争力的硬件电竞设备。在 TCL 华星展区,三星玄龙骑士电竞显示器 NeoG9(G95NC),在本届展会上依旧以其惊人的广阔视野与强悍的游戏性能成为玩家的硬件物理 " 外挂 "。该产品是三星首款双 4K 电竞显示器,57 英寸、32:9 超宽屏辅以 1000R 曲率打造了逼真的虚拟世界。三星 NeoG9(G95NC)拥有 7680x2160 超高画质分辨率,采用全新的量子点矩阵技术配以量子点 Mini-LED,并获得 VESADisplay HDR1000 认证,高达 2392 个控光分区实现精准控光。240Hz 的高刷新率提供流畅的画面及动作,低输入延迟减少了游戏画面撕裂、卡顿的现象。其也是三星首款搭载 DP2.1 接口的显示器,实现高达 80Gbps 带宽画面输出,综合素质极高。

 开启高质量娱乐新篇章:三星携多款电竞显示器亮相 2024 ChinaJoy

三星 Mini-LED 电竞显示器家族可谓群星璀璨。展会现场,三星玄龙骑士电竞显示器 NeoG8(G85NB)以 240Hz 刷新率与迅捷的响应速度,极佳的光线追踪效果帮助玩家轻松取胜。三星 NeoG7(G75NB)是玄龙骑士电竞显示器家族的 " 常青树 "。通过量子点 Min-LED 技术通过专业机构 VDE 的量子点 HDR2000 认证,升级了画面细节深度。在 2000nit 峰值亮度和 1000000:1 超高对比度的加持下,可以洞察不易察觉的细节,从而先发制敌。

 开启高质量娱乐新篇章:三星携多款电竞显示器亮相 2024 ChinaJoy

现场参观体验者络绎不绝,明星 coser 汪东城、知名英雄联盟电竞选手 TheShy 也来到展区亲身感受三星显示器的电竞魅力。

 开启高质量娱乐新篇章:三星携多款电竞显示器亮相 2024 ChinaJoy

 开启高质量娱乐新篇章:三星携多款电竞显示器亮相 2024 ChinaJoy



 开启高质量娱乐新篇章:三星携多款电竞显示器亮相 2024 ChinaJoy

作为中国领先的游戏开发公司,网易游戏携旗下大量游戏产品参展,通过三星玄龙骑士电竞显示器 OLEDG6(G60SD)打造了风格独特的游戏场景,让玩家打破现实与虚拟的次元壁,尽情畅游迷人的游戏世界。作为新一代电竞产品,三星 OLEDG6(G60SD)采用先进的 OLED 显示技术呈现惊艳视觉,诠释出生动逼真的色彩和纯粹深邃的黑色表达。防眩光技术能够摆脱干扰,充分展示游戏环境。三星 OLEDG6(G60SD)搭载新一代动态冷却系统大大提升散热效率,并在热量调节系统、标识和任务栏检测与屏幕保护程序的辅助下,极大减少烧屏风险。此外,该显示器拥有前所未有的 360Hz 刷新率和近乎瞬时的 0.03msGTG 响应时间,以超快速度克敌制胜。

 开启高质量娱乐新篇章:三星携多款电竞显示器亮相 2024 ChinaJoy


As a well-known technology media in the industry, Zhongguancun Online Exhibition Area has also won the attention of a large number of technology enthusiasts. Technology media is an important channel for consumers to obtain authoritative and in-depth technology information and product reviews, helping consumers understand and keep up with the pace of technological progress. Samsung Display also adheres to the innovative concept of focusing on consumer needs. Through continuous investment in research and development, it brings consumers a more high-quality and personalized visual experience, demonstrating the company's deep insight into and respect for consumer needs.

 开启高质量娱乐新篇章:三星携多款电竞显示器亮相 2024 ChinaJoy

In this exhibition area, Samsung Odyssey gaming monitor OLEDG9 (G95SC) is loved by the majority of gamers for its high performance, high configuration and high image quality. The quantum dot ProAI processor equipped on this product can optimize the display frame by frame, supplemented by VESADisplayHDR True Black400 high dynamic range imaging technology, reaching the pinnacle of cool game visual effects. The 240Hz ultra-high refresh rate and 0.03ms ultra-fast response time allow players to perform their ultimate moves at lightning speed. Its built-in game toolbar allows players to modify the screen ratio, zoom in or out of the map, and change the game screen mode without leaving the game screen, helping players to navigate freely. Samsung Display continues to break through product boundaries to ensure that every technological innovation can accurately meet market needs and strive for a perfect gaming experience.

 开启高质量娱乐新篇章:三星携多款电竞显示器亮相 2024 ChinaJoy

In recent years, China’s game industry has developed rapidly. Samsung adheres to the persistent pursuit of high-quality entertainment life, continues to deepen the research and development of e-sports products, and achieves double leaps in technological innovation and user experience. In the future, Samsung will continue to actively expand the game ecological industry chain, lead the upgrade of interactive entertainment experience, and contribute to building a richer, diversified, and high-quality mass entertainment lifestyle.

以上是开启高质量娱乐新篇章:三星携多款电竞显示器亮相 2024 ChinaJoy的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!
