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使用 Angular 和 Tailwind CSS 构建 URL 缩短应用程序

2024-07-26 18:53:311204浏览

Building a URL Shortener App with Angular and Tailwind CSS

在本博客中,我们将引导您完成使用 Angular 作为前端并使用 Tailwind CSS 进行样式创建 URL 缩短应用程序的过程。 URL 缩短器是一个方便的工具,可以将长 URL 转换为更短、更易于管理的链接。该项目将帮助您了解如何使用现代 Web 开发技术构建功能齐全且美观的 Web 应用程序。


要学习本教程,您应该对 Angular 有基本的了解,并对 Tailwind CSS 有一定的了解。确保您的计算机上安装了 Node.js 和 Angular CLI。


1. 创建一个新的 Angular 项目

首先,通过在终端中运行以下命令来创建一个新的 Angular 项目:

ng new url-shortener-app
cd url-shortener-app

2. 安装 Tailwind CSS

接下来,在您的 Angular 项目中设置 Tailwind CSS。通过 npm 安装 Tailwind CSS 及其依赖项:

npm install -D tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer
npx tailwindcss init

通过更新 tailwind.config.js 文件来配置 Tailwind CSS:

module.exports = {
  content: [
  theme: {
    extend: {},
  plugins: [],

将 Tailwind 指令添加到您的 src/styles.scss 文件中:

@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;

构建 URL 缩短器

3. 创建 URL 模型

创建 URL 模型来定义 URL 数据的结构。添加新文件 src/app/models/url.model.ts:

export type Urls = Url[];

export interface Url {
  _id: string;
  originalUrl: string;
  shortUrl: string;
  clicks: number;
  expirationDate: string;
  createdAt: string;
  __v: number;

4. 设置 URL 服务

创建一个服务来处理与 URL 缩短相关的 API 调用。添加新文件 src/app/services/url.service.ts:

import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { Url, Urls } from '../models/url.model';
import { environment } from '../../environments/environment';

  providedIn: 'root',
export class UrlService {
  private apiUrl = environment.apiUrl;

  constructor(private http: HttpClient) {}

  shortenUrl(originalUrl: string): Observable<Url> {
    return this.http.post<Url>(`${this.apiUrl}/shorten`, { originalUrl });

  getAllUrls(): Observable<Urls> {
    return this.http.get<Urls>(`${this.apiUrl}/urls`);

  getDetails(id: string): Observable<Url> {
    return this.http.get<Url>(`${this.apiUrl}/details/${id}`);

  deleteUrl(id: string): Observable<Url> {
    return this.http.delete<Url>(`${this.apiUrl}/delete/${id}`);

5. 创建缩短 URL 组件

生成一个用于缩短 URL 的新组件:

ng generate component shorten

将组件的 HTML (src/app/shorten/shorten.component.html) 更新为如下所示:

<div class="max-w-md mx-auto p-4 shadow-lg rounded-lg mt-4">
    <h2 class="text-2xl font-bold mb-2">URL Shortener</h2>
    <form [formGroup]="urlForm" (ngSubmit)="shortenUrl()">
        <div class="flex items-center mb-2">
            <input class="flex-1 p-2 border border-gray-300 rounded mr-4" formControlName="originalUrl"
                placeholder="Enter your URL" required />
            <button class="px-4 py-2 bg-blue-500 text-white rounded hover:bg-blue-600" type="submit">
        @if (urlForm.get('originalUrl')?.invalid && (urlForm.get('originalUrl')?.dirty ||
        urlForm.get('originalUrl')?.touched)) {
        <div class="text-red-500" role="alert" aria-live="assertive">
            @if (urlForm.get('originalUrl')?.errors?.['required']) {
            URL is required.
            @if (urlForm.get('originalUrl')?.errors?.['pattern']) {
            Invalid URL format. Please enter a valid URL starting with http:// or https://.
    @if (errorMsg) {
    <div class="p-4 bg-red-100 rounded mt-4">
        <p class="text-red-500">{{ errorMsg }}</p>
    @if (shortUrl) {
    <div class="p-4 bg-green-100 rounded">
        <p>Shortened URL: <a class="text-blue-500 hover:text-blue-600" [href]="redirectUrl + shortUrl"
                target="_blank">{{ shortUrl }}</a>
            <button class="ml-2 px-2 py-1 bg-gray-200 text-gray-800 border border-slate-950 rounded hover:bg-gray-300"
                (click)="copyUrl(redirectUrl + shortUrl)">Copy</button>
            @if (copyMessage) {
            <span class="text-green ml-2">{{ copyMessage }}</span>

<div class="max-w-md mx-auto mt-4 p-2">
    <h2 class="text-2xl font-bold mb-4">All URLs</h2>
    @if (isloading) {
    <div class="max-w-md mx-auto p-4 shadow-lg rounded-lg">
        <div class="text-center p-4">
    @else if (error) {
    <div class="max-w-md mx-auto p-4 shadow-lg rounded-lg">
        <div class="text-center p-4">
            <p class="text-red-500">{{ error }}</p>
    @else {
    @if (urls.length > 0 && !isloading && !error) {
        @for (url of urls; track $index) {
        <li class="p-2 border border-gray-300 rounded mb-2">
            <div class="flex justify-between items-center">
                    <a class="text-blue-500 hover:text-blue-600" [href]="redirectUrl + url.shortUrl" target="_blank">{{
                        url.shortUrl }}</a>
                <div class="flex justify-between items-center">
                    <button class="px-2 py-1 bg-blue-200 text-blue-800 rounded hover:bg-blue-300"
                    <button class="ml-2 px-2 py-1 bg-gray-200 text-gray-800 rounded hover:bg-gray-300"
                        (click)="copyListUrl(redirectUrl + url.shortUrl, $index)">{{
                        copyIndex === $index ? 'Copied' : 'Copy'
                    <button class="ml-2 px-2 py-1 bg-red-200 text-red-800 rounded hover:bg-red-300"
    @else {
    <div class="max-w-md mx-auto p-4 shadow-lg rounded-lg">
        <div class="text-center p-4">
            No URLs found.

@if (showDeleteModal) {
<div class="fixed inset-0 flex items-center justify-center bg-black bg-opacity-50">
    <div class="bg-white p-4 rounded shadow-lg">
        <h3 class="text-xl font-bold mb-2">Confirm Deletion</h3>
        <p class="mb-4">Are you sure you want to delete this URL?</p>
        <button class="px-4 py-2 bg-red-500 text-white rounded hover:bg-red-600" (click)="confirmDelete()">Yes,
        <button class="px-4 py-2 bg-gray-300 text-gray-800 rounded hover:bg-gray-400 ml-2"
            (click)="showDeleteModal = false">Cancel</button>

@if (showDetailsModal) {
<div class="fixed inset-0 flex items-center justify-center bg-black bg-opacity-50">
    <div class="bg-white p-4 rounded shadow-lg">
        <h3 class="text-xl font-bold mb-2">URL Details</h3>
        @if (isLoading) {
        <p class="mb-4">Loading...</p>
        @else {
        <p class="mb-4">Short URL: <a class="text-blue-500 hover:text-blue-600"
                [href]="redirectUrl + selectedUrl.shortUrl" target="_blank">{{ selectedUrl.shortUrl }}</a></p>
        <p class="mb-4">Original URL: <a class="text-blue-500 hover:text-blue-600" [href]="selectedUrl.originalUrl"
                target="_blank">{{ selectedUrl.originalUrl }}</a></p>
        <p class="mb-4">Clicks: <span class="text-green-500">{{ selectedUrl.clicks }}</span></p>
        <p class="mb-4">Created At: {{ selectedUrl.createdAt | date: 'medium' }}</p>
        <p class="mb-4">Expires At: {{ selectedUrl.expirationDate | date: 'medium' }}</p>
        <button class="px-4 py-2 bg-gray-300 text-gray-800 rounded hover:bg-gray-400"
            (click)="showDetailsModal = false">Close</button>

6. 向组件添加逻辑

更新组件的 TypeScript 文件 (src/app/shorten/shorten.component.ts) 以处理表单提交和 API 交互:

import { Component, inject, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { UrlService } from '../services/url.service';
import {
} from '@angular/forms';
import { Url } from '../models/url.model';
import { environment } from '../../environments/environment';
import { DatePipe } from '@angular/common';
import { Subject, takeUntil } from 'rxjs';

  selector: 'app-shorten',
  standalone: true,
  imports: [DatePipe, ReactiveFormsModule],
  templateUrl: './shorten.component.html',
  styleUrl: './shorten.component.scss',
export class ShortenComponent implements OnInit {
  shortUrl: string = '';
  redirectUrl = environment.apiUrl + '/';
  copyMessage: string = '';
  copyListMessage: string = '';
  urls: Url[] = [];
  showDeleteModal = false;
  showDetailsModal = false;
  urlToDelete = '';
  copyIndex: number = -1;
  selectedUrl: Url = {} as Url;
  isLoading = false;
  isloading = false;
  error: string = '';
  errorMsg: string = '';
  urlForm: FormGroup = new FormGroup({});
  private unsubscribe$: Subject<void> = new Subject<void>();

  urlService = inject(UrlService);

  ngOnInit() {
    this.urlForm = new FormGroup({
      originalUrl: new FormControl('', [

  shortenUrl() {
    if (this.urlForm.valid) {
        next: (response) => {
          // console.log('Shortened URL: ', response);
          this.shortUrl = response.shortUrl;
        error: (error) => {
          console.error('Error shortening URL: ', error);
          this.errorMsg = error?.error?.message || 'An error occurred!';

  getAllUrls() {
    this.isloading = true;
      next: (response) => {
        // console.log('All URLs: ', response);
        this.urls = response;
        this.isloading = false;
      error: (error) => {
        console.error('Error getting all URLs: ', error);
        this.isloading = false;
        this.error = error?.error?.message || 'An error occurred!';

  showDetails(id: string) {
    this.showDetailsModal = true;

  getDetails(id: string) {
    this.isLoading = true;
      next: (response) => {
        // console.log('URL Details: ', response);
        this.selectedUrl = response;
        this.isLoading = false;
      error: (error) => {
        console.error('Error getting URL details: ', error);
        this.error = error?.error?.message || 'An error occurred!';

  copyUrl(url: string) {
      .then(() => {
        // Optional: Display a message or perform an action after successful copy
        console.log('URL copied to clipboard!');
        this.copyMessage = 'Copied!';
        setTimeout(() => {
          this.copyMessage = '';
        }, 2000);
      .catch((err) => {
        console.error('Failed to copy URL: ', err);
        this.copyMessage = 'Failed to copy URL';

  copyListUrl(url: string, index: number) {
      .then(() => {
        // Optional: Display a message or perform an action after successful copy
        console.log('URL copied to clipboard!');
        this.copyListMessage = 'Copied!';
        this.copyIndex = index;
        setTimeout(() => {
          this.copyListMessage = '';
          this.copyIndex = -1;
        }, 2000);
      .catch((err) => {
        console.error('Failed to copy URL: ', err);
        this.copyListMessage = 'Failed to copy URL';

  prepareDelete(url: string) {
    this.urlToDelete = url;
    this.showDeleteModal = true;

  confirmDelete() {
    // Close the modal
    this.showDeleteModal = false;
    // Delete the URL

  deleteUrl(id: string) {
      next: (response) => {
        // console.log('Deleted URL: ', response);
      error: (error) => {
        console.error('Error deleting URL: ', error);
        this.error = error?.error?.message || 'An error occurred!';

  ngOnDestroy() {




import { ApplicationConfig, provideZoneChangeDetection } from '@angular/core';
import { provideRouter } from '@angular/router';

import { routes } from './app.routes';
import { provideHttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';

export const appConfig: ApplicationConfig = {
  providers: [
    provideZoneChangeDetection({ eventCoalescing: true }),


import { Routes } from '@angular/router';

export const routes: Routes = [
    path: '',
    loadComponent: () =>
      import('./shorten/shorten.component').then((m) => m.ShortenComponent),


您已经使用 Angular 和 Tailwind CSS 成功构建了 URL 缩短器应用程序。该项目演示了如何集成现代前端技术来创建功能强大且时尚的 Web 应用程序。借助 Angular 的强大功能和 Tailwind CSS 实用优先的方法,您可以轻松构建响应灵敏且高效的 Web 应用程序。



访问 GitHub 存储库以详细探索代码。

以上是使用 Angular 和 Tailwind CSS 构建 URL 缩短应用程序的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!
