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使用 React、Tailwind CSS 和 Dnd-kit 实现拖放来排列/排序项目

2024-07-25 08:23:121017浏览

Implementing Drag and Drop to Arrange/Sort Items with React, Tailwind CSS, and Dnd-kit


您是否想知道 Trello 或 Asana 等应用程序如何管理其直观的拖放界面?想象一下您有一个应用程序,用户需要轻松地对其项目进行排序。如果没有流畅的拖放功能,这项任务可能会变得乏味且令人沮丧。在这篇博文中,我们将探讨如何使用 React、Tailwind CSS 和 Dnd-kit 实现动态拖放功能,以创建用于排列和排序项目的无缝用户体验。





  • 将新想法添加到列表中。

  • 通过将这些想法拖放到所需的顺序来对它们进行排序和优先级。

  • 在不同类别之间转移想法(例如,新想法与旧想法)。

为了实现这一目标,我们将使用 Vite 进行项目设置、使用 Tailwind CSS 进行样式设置、使用 Dnd-kit 进行拖放功能来构建 React 应用程序。此设置将使我们能够创建一个用户友好的界面,从而提高生产力和用户体验。


  • 初始化Vite项目

npm create vite@latest my-drag-drop-app --template React
cd my-drag-drop-app
npm 安装

  • 安装所需的依赖项:

npm install tailwindcss dnd-kit React-hot-toast React-icons

  • 配置 Tailwind CSS:

npx tailwindcss 初始化

  • 更新 tailwind.config.js:
module.exports = {
  content: [
  theme: {
    extend: {},
  plugins: [],
  • 将 Tailwind 指令添加到 index.css:
@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;



App.jsx 文件是设置应用程序整体布局并管理全局状态的主要组件。


  • 管理整个应用程序状态的主要组件。

  • 利用 useState 处理项目数据和更新。

  • 合并了用于 UI 和功能的 Header 和 DragDropArrange 组件。

  • 包括来自react-hot-toast的Toaster用于通知。


  • 状态管理:管理项目数据的状态。

  • 处理新数据:将新数据添加到项目数据状态的函数。

  • 布局: 设置布局,包括标题、主要内容和通知。

import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { Toaster } from 'react-hot-toast';
import Header from './screens/Navigation/Header';
import DragDropArrange from './screens/DDA/DragDropArrange';
import projectDataJson from "./Data/data.json"

function App() {

  const [projectData, setProjectData] = useState(projectDataJson)
  function handleNewData(data){
    const tempData = projectData.newIdea;
    const maxNumber = (Math.random() * 100) * 1000;
    tempData.push({_id: maxNumber, idea: data});
    setProjectData({...data, newIdea: tempData})

  return (
    <div className="h-auto overflow-auto">
      <div className='w-full h-auto overflow-auto fixed z-50'>
      <Header handleNewData={handleNewData}/>
      <div className="h-auto overflow-auto my-16 flex items-center justify-center">
        <DragDropArrange projectData={projectData}/>
          className: 'text-xs',
          duration: 3000,

export default App;


Header.jsx 文件用作导航栏,提供一个按钮来打开用于添加新项目的表单。


  • 包含导航和用于打开项目输入表单的按钮。

  • 使用 useState 来管理项目输入表单可见性的状态。

  • 处理添加新项目的用户交互。


  • 项目表单切换:管理项目输入表单的可见性。

  • 处理新数据:将新项目数据传递给父组件。

import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { PiNotepadFill } from "react-icons/pi";
import AddIdea from '../DDA/AddIdea';

const Header = ({handleNewData}) => {
  const [ideaTabOpen, setIdeaTabOpen] = useState(false)
  return (
      <nav className='w-full h-auto p-2 float-left overflow-auto bg-black flex items-center justify-center'>
        <div className='w-2/5 mdw-3/5 lg:w-4/5 h-auto px-6'>
            <span className='font-bold text-white text-xl lg:text-2xl flex items-center justify-start'><PiNotepadFill/> DDA</span>
        <div className='w-3/5 md:w-2/5 lg:w-1/5 h-auto flex items-center justify-end px-4'>
          <button className='text-sm lg:text-lg font-bold text-white border p-2 rounded-lg hover:bg-white hover:text-black border-white active:bg-gray' onClick={() => setIdeaTabOpen(!ideaTabOpen)}>{ideaTabOpen ? "Cancel" : "New Idea"}</button>
      {ideaTabOpen && (
        <div className='float-left overflow-auto relative w-full'>
          <AddIdea handleNewData={handleNewData} setIdeaTabOpen={setIdeaTabOpen}/>

export default Header


AddIdea.jsx 文件提供了添加新项目的表单,包括验证和提交功能。


  • 用于将新项目添加到列表的组件。

  • 使用 useState 管理表单输入数据和字符数。

  • 验证输入长度并向父组件提交新数据。


  • 处理更改:管理表单输入和字符计数。

  • 处理提交:验证表单数据并将其提交给父组件。

import React, { useState } from 'react';
import toast from "react-hot-toast";
import { Helmet } from 'react-helmet';

const AddIdea = ({ handleNewData, setIdeaTabOpen }) => {
    const maxLengths = 100;

    const [formData, setFormData] = useState();

    const [remainingChars, setRemainingChars] = useState(80)

    const handleChange = (e) => {
        if (e.target.value.length > maxLengths) {
            toast.error(`${`Input can't be more than ${maxLengths} characters`}`);
        } else {
            setRemainingChars(maxLengths - e.target.value.length);

    const handleSubmit = (e) => {
        if (!formData) {
            toast.error(`You don't have an idea.`);

    return (
        <section className='h-screen'>
            <div className='flex items-center justify-center bg-blue rounded-b-xl border-b-[10px] py-8 lg:p-10'>
                <div className='m-1 w-full h-auto flex flex-wrap items-center justify-center'>
                    <div className='sm:w-[90%] w-3/5 h-auto'>
                            className='w-full h-auto overflow-auto outline-none border p-2 sm:text-sm '
                        <p className={` text-xs ${remainingChars < 15 ? "text-red" : "text-white"}`}>{remainingChars} characters remaining</p>
                    <div className='sm:w-4/5 w-1/5 p-2 flex items-center justify-center'>
                        <button className='bg-primary_button text-white px-4 py-1 rounded-md font-bold' onClick={handleSubmit}>Submit</button>
                    <Helmet><title>Drag Drop & Arrange | New Idea</title></Helmet>
            <div className='w-full h-full fixed backdrop-blur-[1px]' onClick={()=>setIdeaTabOpen(false)}></div>


export default AddIdea;


DragDropArrange.jsx 文件负责管理拖放功能并根据用户交互更新项目的顺序。


  • Main component for handling drag-and-drop functionality.

  • Uses DndContext and SortableContext from @dnd-kit/core for drag-and-drop behavior.

  • Manages state for the data array and updates the order of items based on drag events.

  • Fetches initial data from projectData and sets it to the state.

Key Functions:

  • Handle Drag End: Manages the logic for rearranging items based on drag-and-drop actions.

  • Fetch Data: Fetches initial data and sets it to the component state.

import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import { DndContext, closestCenter } from '@dnd-kit/core';
import { arrayMove, SortableContext } from '@dnd-kit/sortable';
import { Helmet } from 'react-helmet';
import Arrange from './Arrange';
import Loader from '../Navigation/Loader';

const DragDropArrange = ({projectData}) =>  {
  const [dataArray, setDataArray] = useState({
    newIdea: undefined,
    oldIdea: undefined,
    updateValue: []

  const handleDragEnd = ({ active, over }) => {
    if (!over) return;

    const { fromList, targetId } = active.data.current;
    const { toList, index } = over.data.current;

    if (fromList === toList) {
      const sortedItems = arrayMove(dataArray[toList], dataArray[toList].findIndex((idea) => idea._id === targetId), index);
      setDataArray((prev) => ({ ...prev, [toList]: sortedItems }));
    } else {
      const draggedItem = dataArray[fromList].find((idea) => idea._id === targetId);
      const updatedFromList = dataArray[fromList].filter((idea) => idea._id !== targetId);
      const updatedToList = [...dataArray[toList].slice(0, index), draggedItem, ...dataArray[toList].slice(index)];

      setDataArray((prev) => ({ ...prev, [fromList]: updatedFromList, [toList]: updatedToList }));

  const fetchData = async () => {
    const { newIdea, oldIdea } = projectData;
    setTimeout(() => {
      setDataArray((prev) => ({ ...prev, newIdea, oldIdea }));
    }, 500);

  useEffect(() => {
  }, []);

  return (
    <section className='w-full h-auto md:w-11/12 lg:w-10/12 py-12 md:p-4 lg:p-12'>
      <div className='w-full h-auto my-2 overflow-auto'>
        <div className='w-full h-auto my-4 overflow-auto'>
          {dataArray.newIdea && dataArray.oldIdea && (
            <DndContext collisionDetection={closestCenter} onDragEnd={handleDragEnd}>
              <SortableContext items={dataArray?.newIdea}>
                <Arrange dataArray={dataArray} />
          {!dataArray.newIdea && !dataArray.oldIdea && (
            <div className='w-full h-auto flex items-center justify-center'><Loader/></div>
            <div className='w-full text-center text-xl font-bold'>
              <span className='text-gradient'>Loading...</span>
      <Helmet><title>Drag Drop & Arrange | Home</title></Helmet>

export default DragDropArrange


The Arrange.jsx file handles the arrangement of new and old ideas, displaying them in sortable contexts.


  • Manages the arrangement of new and old ideas.
  • Uses SortableContext for sortable behavior.

  • Displays items and manages their order within each category.

Key Functions:

  • Display Items: Renders items in their respective categories.

  • Handle Sorting: Manages the sortable behavior of items.

import React from 'react';
import { SortableContext } from '@dnd-kit/sortable';
import Drag from "./Drag";
import Drop from "./Drop";
import Lottie from 'react-lottie';
import NoData from '../../Lottie/NoData.json';

const Arrange = ({ dataArray }) => {
  const { newIdea, oldIdea } = dataArray;

  const defaultOptions = {
    loop: true,
    autoplay: true,
    animationData: NoData,
    rendererSettings: {
      preserveAspectRatio: "xMidYMid slice"

  return (
    <section className='w-full h-auto rounded-md overflow-auto'>
      <div className='h-auto overflow-auto flex flex-wrap items-start justify-around'>

        <div className='w-[48%] min-h-80 h-auto border border-blue shadow-md shadow-white-input-light rounded-md'>
          <h2 className='bg-blue text-white text-xl text-center font-extrabold py-2'>New Idea</h2>
          <SortableContext items={newIdea.map(item => item._id)}>
            {newIdea.length > 0 && (
                {newIdea?.map((data) => (
                  <React.Fragment key={data._id}>
                    <Drag data={data} listType="newIdea"/>
                <Drop index={newIdea.length} listType="newIdea" />
            {newIdea.length < 1 && (
                <div className='w-full h-52 flex items-center justify-center'>
                <Drop index={newIdea.length} listType="newIdea" />

        <div className='w-[48%] min-h-80 h-auto border border-blue shadow-md shadow-white-input-light rounded-md'>
          <h2 className='bg-blue text-white text-xl text-center font-extrabold py-2'>Old Idea</h2>
          <SortableContext items={oldIdea.map(item => item._id)}>
            {oldIdea.length > 0 && (
                {oldIdea?.map((data) => (
                  <React.Fragment key={data._id}>
                    <Drag data={data} listType="oldIdea" />
                <Drop index={oldIdea.length} listType="oldIdea" />
            {oldIdea.length < 1 && (
                <div className='w-full h-52 flex items-center justify-center'>
                <Drop index={oldIdea.length} listType="oldIdea" />


export default Arrange


The Drag.jsx file manages the draggable items, defining their behavior and style during the drag operation.


  • Manages the behavior and style of draggable items.

  • Uses useDraggable from @dnd-kit/core for draggable behavior.

  • Defines the drag and drop interaction for items.

Key Functions:

  • useDraggable: Provides drag-and-drop functionality.

  • Style Management: Updates the style based on drag state.

import React from 'react';
import { useDraggable } from '@dnd-kit/core';
import { IoMdMove } from "react-icons/io";

const Drag = ({ data, listType }) => {

    const { attributes, listeners, setNodeRef, transform, isDragging } = useDraggable({
        id: data._id,
        data: { fromList: listType, targetId: data._id },

    const style = {
        transform: transform ? `translate3d(${transform.x}px, ${transform.y}px, 0)` : undefined,
        opacity: isDragging ? 0.5 : 1,
        pointerEvents: isDragging ? 'none' : 'auto',

    return (
                className="w-auto h-auto bg-yellow rounded-md border overflow-hidden m-2"
                    <div className="w-auto p-2 h-auto bg-yellow">
                        <p className="h-auto text-xs lg:text-sm text-black break-all">{data?.idea}</p>

export default Drag;


The Drop.jsx file defines the droppable areas where items can be dropped, including visual feedback during the drag operation.


  • Manages the behavior of droppable areas.
  • Uses useDroppable from @dnd-kit/core for droppable behavior.

  • Provides visual feedback during drag-and-drop interactions.

Key Functions:

  • useDroppable: Provides droppable functionality.

  • Handle Drop: Manages drop actions and updates the state accordingly.

import React from 'react';
import { useDroppable } from '@dnd-kit/core';

const Drop= ({ index, setDragged, listType }) => {
    const { isOver, setNodeRef } = useDroppable({
        id: `${listType}-${index}`,
        data: { toList: listType, index },

    const handleDrop = (e) => {
        setDragged({ toList: listType, index });

    return (
            onDragOver={(e) => e.preventDefault()}
            className={`w-auto h-16 rounded-lg flex items-center justify-center text-xs text-secondary_shadow ${isOver ? ` opacity-100` : `opacity-0`}`}
            style={{ pointerEvents: 'none' }}

export default Drop 


By following this comprehensive guide, you can create a dynamic and user-friendly drag-and-drop interface for your applications. This setup not only enhances user experience but also makes managing and organizing items intuitive and efficient. The combination of React, Tailwind CSS, and Dnd-kit provides a robust foundation for building such interactive features.

Feel free to customize and extend this implementation to suit your specific needs. Happy coding!

Source Code

You can find the complete source code for this project in my GitHub repository:
Github Link

以上是使用 React、Tailwind CSS 和 Dnd-kit 实现拖放来排列/排序项目的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!
