jsPDF貌似不支持中文 复制代码 代码如下: Downloadify <BR>body {background: #fff; width: 500px; margin: 20px auto;} <BR>input, textarea, p { font-family: 宋体, 黑体; font-size: 12pt;} <BR>input, textarea { border: solid 1px #aaa; padding: 4px; width: 98%;} <BR> <BR>window.load=function(){ <BR>Downloadify.create('downloadify',{ <BR>filename: function(){ <BR>return document.getElementById('filename').value; <BR>}, <BR>data: function(){ <BR>var doc = new jsPDF(); <BR>doc.text(20, 20, document.getElementById('data').value); <BR>doc.addPage(); <BR>doc.text(20, 20, document.getElementById('data').value); <BR>return doc.output(); <BR>}, <BR>onComplete: function(){ alert('成功保存文件!'); }, <BR>onCancel: function(){ alert('您已经取消保存文件'); }, <BR>onError: function(){ alert('出现错误了'); }, <BR>swf: 'js/downloadify.swf', <BR>downloadImage: 'js/download.png', <BR>width: 100, <BR>height: 30, <BR>transparent: true, <BR>append: false <BR>}); <BR>} <BR> it seem do not support to Chinese You must have Flash 10 installed to download this file.