属性 描述
column-count 指定元素应该被分割的列数。
column-fill 指定如何填充列
column-gap 指定列与列之间的间隙
column-rule 所有 column-rule-* 属性的简写
column-rule-color 指定两列间边框的颜色
column-rule-style 指定两列间边框的样式
column-rule-width 指定两列间边框的厚度
column-span 指定元素要跨越多少列
column-width 指定列的宽度
columns 设置 column-width 和 column-count 的简写
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title></title> <style> body{font:14px/1.5 georgia,serif,sans-serif;} p{margin:0;padding:5px 10px;background:#eee;} h1{margin:10px 0;font-size:16px;} .test{ width:628px; border:10px solid #000; -moz-columns:200px 3; -webkit-columns:200px 3; columns:200px 3; } .test2{ border:10px solid #000; -moz-columns:200px; -webkit-columns:200px; columns:200px; } </style> </head> <body> <h1>列数及列宽固定:</h1> <div> <p>This module describes multi-column layout in CSS. By using functionality described in this document, style sheets can declare that the content of an element is to be laid out in multiple columns. </p> <p>On the Web, tables have also been used to describe multi-column layouts. The main benefit of using CSS-based columns is flexibility; content can flow from one column to another, and the number of columns can vary depending on the size of the viewport. Removing presentation table markup from documents allows them to more easily be presented on various output devices including speech synthesizers and small mobile devices.</p> </div> <h1>列宽固定,根据容器宽度液态分布列数:</h1> <div> <p>This module describes multi-column layout in CSS. By using functionality described in this document, style sheets can declare that the content of an element is to be laid out in multiple columns. </p> <p>On the Web, tables have also been used to describe multi-column layouts. The main benefit of using CSS-based columns is flexibility; content can flow from one column to another, and the number of columns can vary depending on the size of the viewport. Removing presentation table markup from documents allows them to more easily be presented on various output devices including speech synthesizers and small mobile devices.</p> </div> </body> </html>
<integer> | auto 设置或检索对象的列数
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title></title> <style> .columns{width:300px;} .columns .title{margin-bottom:5px; line-height:25px; background:#f0f3f9; text-indent:3px; font-weight:bold; font-size:14px;} .columns .column_count{ -webkit-column-count:3; -moz-column-count:3; } </style> </head> <body> <div>columns-count</div> <div> 据俄罗斯《消息报》19日报道称,俄罗斯空军的2架苏-35战斗机近日抵达位于莫斯科近郊的葛罗莫夫试飞院。 根据消息,这2架苏-35将用于中国飞行员在俄进行的苏-35飞行培训。俄方曾表示,首批4架苏-35将于年底前交付中国, 预计届时在俄罗斯完成培训的中国飞行员将直接驾机回国,而且很可能回国就能形成战斗力。 </div> </body> </html>
<length> | normal 设置或检索对象的列与列之间的间隙
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title></title> <style> .columns{width:300px;} .columns .title{margin-bottom:5px; line-height:25px; background:#f0f3f9; text-indent:3px; font-weight:bold; font-size:14px;} .columns .column_gap{ -webkit-column-count:2; -moz-column-count:2; -webkit-column-gap:40px; -moz-column-gap:40px; } </style> </head> <body> <div>columns-gap</div> <div> 据俄罗斯《消息报》19日报道称,俄罗斯空军的2架苏-35战斗机近日抵达位于莫斯科近郊的葛罗莫夫试飞院。根据消息,这2架苏-35将用于中国飞行员在俄进行的苏-35飞行培训。俄方曾表示,首批4架苏-35将于年底前交付中国,预计届时在俄罗斯完成培训的中国飞行员将直接驾机回国,而且很可能回国就能形成战斗力。 </div> </body> </html>
[ column-rule-width ] || [ column-rule-style ] || [ column-rule-color ]设置或检索对象的列与列之间的边框。复合属性。相当于border属性
如:column-rule:10px solid #090;
column-rule-width 属性指定了两列的边框厚度:
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title></title> <style> .newspaper { column-count:3; column-gap:40px; column-rule-style:outset; column-rule-width:10px; /* Firefox */ -moz-column-count:3; -moz-column-gap:40px; -moz-column-rule-style:outset; -moz-column-rule-width:10px; /* Safari and Chrome */ -webkit-column-count:3; -webkit-column-gap:40px; -webkit-column-rule-style:outset; -webkit-column-rule-width:3px; } </style> </head> <body> <div class="newspaper"> 据俄罗斯《消息报》19日报道称,俄罗斯空军的2架苏-35战斗机近日抵达位于莫斯科近郊的葛罗莫夫试飞院。 根据消息,这2架苏-35将用于中国飞行员在俄进行的苏-35飞行培训。俄方曾表示,首批4架苏-35将于年底前交付中国, 预计届时在俄罗斯完成培训的中国飞行员将直接驾机回国,而且很可能回国就能形成战斗力。 </div> </body> </html>
column-rule-style 属性指定了列与列间的边框样式:
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title></title> <style> .newspaper { column-count:3; column-gap:40px; column-rule-style:dashed; /* Firefox */ -moz-column-count:3; -moz-column-gap:40px; -moz-column-rule-style:dashed; /* Safari and Chrome */ -webkit-column-count:3; -webkit-column-gap:40px; -webkit-column-rule-style:dashed; } </style> </head> <body> <div class="newspaper"> 据俄罗斯《消息报》19日报道称,俄罗斯空军的2架苏-35战斗机近日抵达位于莫斯科近郊的葛罗莫夫试飞院。根据消息,这2架苏-35将用于中国飞行员在俄进行的苏-35飞行培训。俄方曾表示,首批4架苏-35将于年底前交付中国,预计届时在俄罗斯完成培训的中国飞行员将直接驾机回国,而且很可能回国就能形成战斗力。 </div> </body> </html>
column-rule-color 属性指定了两列的边框颜色:
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title></title> <style> .newspaper { column-count:3; column-gap:40px; column-rule-style:outset; column-rule-color:blue; /* Firefox */ -moz-column-count:3; -moz-column-gap:40px; -moz-column-rule-style:outset; -moz-column-rule-color:blue; /* Safari and Chrome */ -webkit-column-count:3; -webkit-column-gap:40px; -webkit-column-rule-style:outset; -webkit-column-rule-color:blue; } </style> </head> <body> <div class="newspaper"> 据俄罗斯《消息报》19日报道称,俄罗斯空军的2架苏-35战斗机近日抵达位于莫斯科近郊的葛罗莫夫试飞院。根据消息,这2架苏-35将用于中国飞行员在俄进行的苏-35飞行培训。俄方曾表示,首批4架苏-35将于年底前交付中国,预计届时在俄罗斯完成培训的中国飞行员将直接驾机回国,而且很可能回国就能形成战斗力。 </div> </body> </html>
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title></title> <style> .newspaper { column-count:4; -moz-column-count:4; /* Firefox */ -webkit-column-count:4; /* Safari and Chrome */ } h3 { column-span:all; -webkit-column-span:all; /* Safari and Chrome */ } </style> </head> <body> <h3>最新军事消息</h3> <div class="newspaper"> 据俄罗斯《消息报》19日报道称,俄罗斯空军的2架苏-35战斗机近日抵达位于莫斯科近郊的葛罗莫夫试飞院。根据消息,这2架苏-35将用于中国飞行员在俄进行的苏-35飞行培训。俄方曾表示,首批4架苏-35将于年底前交付中国,预计届时在俄罗斯完成培训的中国飞行员将直接驾机回国,而且很可能回国就能形成战斗力。 </div> </body> </html>
column-width 属性指定了列的宽度。
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title></title> <style> body{font:14px/1.5 georgia,serif,sans-serif;} p{margin:0;padding:5px 10px;background:#eee;} h1{margin:10px 0;font-size:16px;} .test{ width:628px; border:10px solid #000; -moz-column-width:200px; -moz-column-count:3; -webkit-column-width:200px; -webkit-column-count:3; column-width:200px; column-count:3; } .test2{ border:10px solid #000; -moz-column-width:200px; -webkit-column-width:200px; column-width:200px; } .test3{ border:10px solid #000; -moz-column-count:5; -webkit-column-count:5; column-count:5; } </style> </head> <body> <h1>列数及列宽固定:</h1> <div class="test"> <p>This module describes multi-column layout in CSS. By using functionality described in this document, style sheets can declare that the content of an element is to be laid out in multiple columns. </p> <p>On the Web, tables have also been used to describe multi-column layouts. The main benefit of using CSS-based columns is flexibility; content can flow from one column to another, and the number of columns can vary depending on the size of the viewport. Removing presentation table markup from documents allows them to more easily be presented on various output devices including speech synthesizers and small mobile devices.</p> </div> <h1>列宽固定,根据容器宽度液态分布列数:</h1> <div class="test2"> <p>This module describes multi-column layout in CSS. By using functionality described in this document, style sheets can declare that the content of an element is to be laid out in multiple columns. </p> <p>On the Web, tables have also been used to describe multi-column layouts. The main benefit of using CSS-based columns is flexibility; content can flow from one column to another, and the number of columns can vary depending on the size of the viewport. Removing presentation table markup from documents allows them to more easily be presented on various output devices including speech synthesizers and small mobile devices.</p> </div> <h1>列数固定,根据容器宽度液态分布列宽:</h1> <div class="test3"> <p>This module describes multi-column layout in CSS. By using functionality described in this document, style sheets can declare that the content of an element is to be laid out in multiple columns. </p> <p>On the Web, tables have also been used to describe multi-column layouts. The main benefit of using CSS-based columns is flexibility; content can flow from one column to another, and the number of columns can vary depending on the size of the viewport. Removing presentation table markup from documents allows them to more easily be presented on various output devices including speech synthesizers and small mobile devices.</p> </div> </body> </html>