4月25日消息,今日在北京車展上,小米創始人、董事長雷軍親臨比亞迪展台,與比亞迪董事長王傳福進行了一次友好的握手交流。雷軍表示,十多年來,比亞迪都是小米手機非常重要的合作夥伴,現在小米汽車也是。 Translation: On April 25th, during the Beijing Auto Show, Xiaomi's founder and chairman, Lei Jun, visited the BYD booth and had a friendly handshake interaction with BYD's chairman, Wang Chuanfu. Lei Jun state that interaction with BYD's chairman, Wang Chuany Lei Jun. for over a decade, and now it will be the same for Xiaomi's entrance into the automotive industry.