「科技昨夜今晨」時間,大家好,現在是2024 年1 月29 日星期一,今天的重要科技資訊有:
1、特斯拉賽博越野旅行車Cybertruck 中國巡展今日開啟,涵蓋北京、上海、深圳8 城
特斯拉Cybertruck 中國巡展1 月28 日正式開啟,中文名為「特斯拉賽博越野旅行車”,覆蓋8 個城市。
重慶・龍湖時代天街>> 看詳情
# 2.承接訂單超4000 萬,聞泰科技預計將重新成為三星手機最大ODM 供應商
根據中國證券報,三星近期已經釋放2024 年手機ODM 訂單,其中聞泰科技承接了超4000 萬部手機ODM 訂單,或重新成為三星最大的ODM 供應商。
ODM 全名為 Original Design Manufacturer,指原始設計製造商。原始設計製造商是由採購方委託製造方提供從研發、設計到生產、後期維護的全部服務,而由採購方負責銷售的生產方式。 >> 看詳情
3、「成都造」飛行汽車AE200 完成首飛:續航最高300km,可坐5 人
據成都發布,日前,成都高新區企業沃飛長空研發的AE200 電動垂直起降飛行器(eVTOL)適航技術驗證機完成首飛,eVTOL 公務航空出行未來預計在成都率先落地。 AE200 由沃飛長空研發,是全國首個獲得民航局適航審定受理批復的有人駕駛載人eVTOL,翼展14.5 米,機高4.6 米,機長9 米,標準座艙可搭載1 名駕駛員和4 名乘客,最大航程為200 公里至300 公里。 >> 看詳情
4、古爾曼:蘋果iOS 18 可能是iPhone 史上最重磅的軟體更新
根據彭博社記者馬克‧古爾曼(Mark Gurman)的消息,蘋果正計劃為其行動作業系統iOS 18 帶來重大升級,iOS 18 有望成為iPhone 史上「最大」的軟體更新。 >> 看詳情
5、消息稱小米14 Ultra 手機下個月發布,外殼模具已曝光
博主@智慧皮卡丘1 月28 日分享了一張外殼模具照片,據稱來自即將發布的小米14 Ultra。從圖上可以看到,這款新機延續了上一代的外觀設計,配備大圓形相機模組,機身邊框預計會有一定的弧度,其他方面暫時未知。 >> 看詳情
6、古爾曼:2024 年蘋果iPad Pro 和M3 MacBook Air 已投產,將於3 月底發布######彭博社記者馬克・古爾曼(Mark Gurman)在最新一期的Power On 時事通訊中透露,新款iPad Pro 和M3 MacBook Air 已在蘋果供應鏈中開始生產,預計將在今年3 月底正式發布。 >> 看詳情######7、馬斯克的神秘新飛機:SpaceX 買下國航波音737,用途成謎######埃隆・馬斯克領導的太空探索科技公司SpaceX 最近悄悄購入了一架波音737-800 噴射機,引發外界猜測。這架飛機先前隸屬於中國國際航空公司,如今被塗成低調的深灰色,上週被目擊降落在洛杉磯國際機場。 >> 看詳情######8、消息稱國產新款特斯拉Model 3 Performance 車型預計Q2 上市######據懂車帝視線報道,國產版新款特斯拉Model 3 Performance預計第二季上市,其售價或將接近40 萬元。曝光的使用手冊顯示,新款Model 3 高性能版車尾配備了碳纖維尾翼,同時還帶有與Model S / X Plaid 版相同造型的彩色放射狀圖案,下方則是代表高性能版車型的“Dual motors”標識。 >> 看詳情######9、第三方搶票軟體不比官方快:鐵路12306 已升級,攔截惡意「搶票」軟體######鐵路12306 官方表示:自1 月12 日鐵路春運售票啟動以來,至1 月26 日已累計發售火車票2.3 億張,其中春運車票9,182.8 萬張,較去年同期成長131%。 ######官方還表示:針對透過第三方平台購票以及各種“加速包”等搶票“招數”,鐵路12306 已提前進行系統資源補強、網絡頻寬擴容升級,攔截惡意“搶票」軟體,保障售票系統安全穩定運作。 >> 看詳情###
10. Li Xiang: Li Xiang will not invite celebrities to endorse, and will try to embed products in variety shows, movies, and TV series
Li Xiang, CEO of Li Auto, issued a statement stating that he will not invite celebrities to endorse, insisting that car owners are The best spokesperson; in 2024, I will try product placement in a small number of popular variety shows, movies, and TV series. This type of placement is not expensive compared to the revenue scale. >> View details
11. Apple's 2024 Spring Festival short film "Little Garlic" is online: Starring Fan Wei, shot on iPhone 15 Pro Max
Apple's 2024 Spring Festival short film "Little Garlic" January 28 Officially launched today, starring the famous actor Fan Wei, shot using iPhone 15 Pro Max, lasting 15:32. The short film tells the story of a garlic-nosed girl who was born with the ability to transform, but eventually gave up using her superpowers to create a perfect life for herself. >> View details
12. Microsoft’s game department laid off 1,900 people, and netizens angrily criticized Phil Spencer, the head of Xbox
Microsoft’s game department recently announced that it would lay off 1,900 people, triggering online public opinion Strong criticism, players and industry insiders have expressed dissatisfaction with Microsoft executives. >> View details
13. Nintendo’s next-generation Switch handheld console broke the news: an 8-inch LCD screen version will be launched this year, and the annual output is expected to reach 10 million units
Analysts from Omdia, a market research agency Hiroshi Hayase said on January 26 that Nintendo will launch a game handheld with an 8-inch LCD screen this year and will double the display shipments in the "entertainment" category this year. >> View details
14, 2023 Global semiconductor revenue fell by 8.8%: Intel returned to first place, Samsung fell by 38%, second, Nvidia increased by 86%, third
According to market research According to the latest report released by the agency Counterpoint Research, global semiconductor industry revenue fell by 8.8% in 2023 due to a slowdown in corporate and consumer spending. As Samsung's growth slowed due to the decline of its storage business, Intel regained its No. 1 revenue position in 2023; Nvidia used artificial intelligence investments to nearly double its revenue in 2023, jumping to No. 3. >> View details
Let’s stop talking about technology last night and this morning. Let’s see you tomorrow.
以上是科技新聞0129:蘋果 iOS 18 或成史上最重要的 iPhone 軟體更新;微軟遊戲部門裁員幅度達1900人;蘋果發表2024年春節短片《小蒜頭》的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!