Sliding Window Approach
The Brute-Force The approach for finding the fewest characters to be supplanted to form a string concatenation of a K-length palindromic string includes checking all possible substrings of length Kwo within the string includes checking all possible substrings of length Kwo within the given string It ps pointers, cleared out and right, to the begin and conclusion of the K-character substring, initialize a variable to track the least substitutions, and iterate over the string, upgrading the window with the proper pointer moving one step right each each right moeach y right。 window, check in case it could be a palindrome by comparing characters from left and right, and tally the number of substitutions required on the off chance that it's not a palindrome. Keep track of the fewest place found the conclusion of the string. The result will be the fewest substitutions required to realize the specified K-length palindromic substring. In any case, this approach has high time complexity, making it wasteful for huge approach has high time complexity, making it wasteful for strings.
Consider each substring of length K as you iterate through the provided string.
Count how many characters would need to be changed if it weren't already a palindrome.
Make a palindrome by changing the characters in the minimal replacement substring.
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; string minimalReplacementPalindromeSubstring(const string& str, int K) { int n = str.length(); string minReplacementSubstr; for (int i = 0; i <= n - K; i++) { string substr = str.substr(i, K); int replacements = 0; for (int j = 0; j < K / 2; j++) { if (substr[j] != substr[K - 1 - j]) { replacements++; } } if (replacements < minReplacementSubstr.length() || minReplacementSubstr.empty()) { minReplacementSubstr = substr; } } return minReplacementSubstr; } int main() { string input = "iurefhuhfrati"; int K = 4; string result = minimalReplacementPalindromeSubstring(input, K); cout << "Minimal Replacement Substring: " << result << endl; return 0; }
Minimal Replacement Substring: rati
為了追蹤所需的最低替換次數,初始化變數 min_replacements
Calculate the amount of replacements required and, if necessary, change min_replacements if the current window is not a palindrome.
To update the window, move the left pointer one space to the right.
Up to the string's conclusion, repeat steps 4 through 7.
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int minReplacementsForPalindrome(string s, int k) { int left = 0, right = k - 1, min_replacements = 0; while (right < s.length()) { int i = left, j = right; while (i < j) { if (s[i] != s[j]) min_replacements++; i++; j--; } left++; right++; } return min_replacements; } int main() { string input_string = "abcxyzuvw"; // Replace this with your desired input string int k = 3; // Replace this with the desired value of K int result = minReplacementsForPalindrome(input_string, k); cout << "Minimum replacements required: " << result << endl; return 0; }
Minimum replacements required: 7