首頁 >後端開發 >C++ >如何使用正規表示式驗證IFSC代碼?


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印度金融系統代碼是縮寫。參與電子資金轉移系統的印度銀行分行由一個特殊的11位元字元代碼進行識別。印度儲備銀行在網路交易中使用此代碼在銀行之間轉移資金。 IFSC程式碼分為兩個部分。銀行由前四個字元進行標識,而分行由最後六個字元進行標識。 NEFT(全國電子資金轉移)、RTGS(即時毛額結算)和IMPS(即時支付服務)是一些需要IFSC代碼的電子交易。



  • 檢查長度是否正確。

  • 檢查前四個字元。

  • Check the fifth character.

  • #Check the last six characters .


11 characters should make up the IFSC Code. To determine the length, use the following regular expression −


This regular expression matches any 11 characters.



  • ^  Marks the beginning of the string

  • #([A-Z]{4}  匹配IFSC代碼的前4個字符,應為大寫字母

  • [0]  符合IFSC代碼的第五個字符,應為零

  • #[A-Z0-9]{6}  Matches the last 6 characters of IFSC code, which should be either uppercase letters or numbers.

  • $  Marks the end of the string



Here is a detailed procedure for utilising regular expressions to validate an IFSC code's length −

Step 1 − Describe the regular expression pattern for an IFSC code: An IFSC code is an 11-character alphanumeric code. The bank code is represented by first four characters, bch 代碼, and always-zero fifth character. An IFSC code's regular expression pattern is as follows−

[A-Z]{4}[0] [A-Z0-9]{6} $

步驟2 - 檢查正規表示式模式:可以使用線上正規表示式測試工具,如regex101.com和regexr.com來測試正規表示式模式。將模式輸入到測試工具中,然後輸入IFSC代碼來檢查是否與模式相符。

步驟 3 − 驗證IFSC程式碼的長度:在進行模式測試後,您必須驗證IFSC程式碼的長度。 Python中的len()方法可以用來確定IFSC程式碼是否是需要的確切長度,也就是11個字元。

第四步驟 - 使用正規表示式模式:在確定長度之後,您可以使用正規表示式模式來確定IFSC程式碼的格式是否符合預期。若要在Python中將此模式應用於IFSC程式碼,請使用re模組。

Example 1


  • 代碼的前四個字母(從[A-Z])必須是大寫。

  • The number zero (0) must be the fifth character.

  • #最後六個字元([A-Z0-9]6$] 可以是大寫字母或數字。


#include <iostream>
#include <regex>

using namespace std;

int main() {
   string ifsc_code = "SBIN0000123"; // Example IFSC code
   regex ifsc_regex("^[A-Z]{4}0[A-Z0-9]{6}$"); // Regular expression for IFSC code
   if (regex_match(ifsc_code, ifsc_regex)) {
      cout << "Valid IFSC code\n";
   } else {
      cout << "Invalid IFSC code\n";
   return 0;


Valid IFSC code

Method 2: Check the first four characters

The first four characters of IFSC Code identify the bank. One can use a regular expression to check that the first four characters are alphabets.




這是一個用於檢查IFSC程式碼前四個字元的正規表示式 -


這個正規表示式使用以下語法 -

  • ^  符合字串的開頭。

  • [A-Z]  符合任何大寫字母。

  • {4}  指定前面的模式應該剛好出現四次。

  • ()  Creates a capture group to extract the matched text.



Here is a step-by-step algorithm for validating the first four characters of an IFSC code using a regular expression −


步骤1 − 为IFSC代码的前四个字符指定正则表达式模式。前四个字符应仅使用字母,其中前两个字符代表银行代码,后两个字符代表位置代码。可以用正则表达式表示为[A-Z]4。

Step 2 − Obtain the input IFSC code that requires validation.

第三步 - 删除提供的IFSC代码的前四个字符。

Step 4 − Verify whether the extracted first four characters fit the specified pattern using the regular expression match () function. The input IFSC code is regarded as valid if the match is successful and the validation is successful. If there is no match, the validation is unsuccessful and the input IFSC code is deemed invalid.

Note: This algorithm only checks the first four characters of the IFSC code. The complete validation of the IFSC code requires additional checks for the remaining characters.

Example 2

In this illustration, the IFSC code we want to validate is represented by the string "ifsc_code." Then, in accordance with the IFSC code format, we build a regular expression pattern using the std::regex class that matches any string that begins with four letters.


#include <iostream>
#include <regex>

int main() {
   std::string ifsc_code = "ABCD123456";
   std::regex pattern("^[A-Za-z]{4}");
   if (std::regex_search(ifsc_code, pattern)) {
      std::cout << "IFSC code is valid." << std::endl;
   } else {
      std::cout << "IFSC code is invalid." << std::endl;
   return 0;


IFSC code is valid.

Method 3: Check the fifth character

The fifth character of the IFSC Code is a zero (0) and is reserved for future use. One can use a regular expression to check that the fifth character is a zero.




To check the fifth character and validate an IFSC code using a regular expression, you can use the following general syntax −

  • ^ and $  represent the start and end of the string, respectively, ensuring that the entire string matches the pattern.

  • [A-Z]{4}  匹配正好四个大写字母字符。这表示银行代码。

  • [0]{1} 匹配正好一个零。这代表了IFSC代码中的第五个字符。

  • [A-Z0-9]{6} 匹配恰好六个字符,可以是大写字母或数字。这代表分行代码。

  • 总的来说,该模式匹配以四个大写字母开头,后跟一个零,并以六个大写字母或数字结尾的IFSC代码。


这里有一个使用正则表达式检查IFSC代码第五个字符的算法 -

步骤 1 − 输入 IFSC 代码。

Step 2 − Define the regular expression pattern for IFSC codes: "^.{4}.{1}.*$"

Step 3 − Use the regular expression pattern to match the input IFSC code.

Step 4 − If there is a match −

  • 获取IFSC代码的第五个字符。

  • Check if the fifth character is valid according to your criteria (e.g., a specific range of characters, specific characters, etc.).

  • If the fifth character is valid: - Output "IFSC code is valid."

  • If the fifth character is not valid: - Output "IFSC code is not valid."

第五步 - 如果没有匹配 -

  • Output "IFSC code is not valid."

Example 3


示例 3



#include <iostream>
#include <regex>

int main() {
   std::string ifscCode = "SBIN0001234"; // Example IFSC code

   // Regular expression pattern to match IFSC code
   std::regex pattern("^[A-Za-z]{4}0[A-Z0-9]{6}$");

   // Check if the IFSC code matches the pattern
   if (std::regex_match(ifscCode, pattern)) {
      // Extract the fifth character
      char fifthCharacter = ifscCode[4];

      // Perform validation on the fifth character
      if (std::isalpha(fifthCharacter) && std::isupper(fifthCharacter)) {
         std::cout << "Fifth character is valid: " << fifthCharacter << std::endl;
      } else {
         std::cout << "Fifth character is invalid: " << fifthCharacter << std::endl;
   } else {
      std::cout << "Invalid IFSC code." << std::endl;
   return 0;


Fifth character is invalid: 0

Method 4: Check the last six characters



This regular expression matches any four characters followed by six alphanumeric characters.

By combining the above regular expressions, you can create a regular expression to validate the entire IFSC Code.




The regular expression pattern ^[A-Z]{4}\d{6}$ consists of the following components −

  • ^ indicates the start of the string.

  • [A-Z]{4} 匹配正好四个大写字母字符。

  • \d{6} 匹配正好六个数字。

  • $ indicates the end of the string.


使用正则表达式检查IFSC代码的最后六个字符,您可以按照以下算法进行操作 -

步骤 1 − 定义一个正则表达式模式,该模式匹配 IFSC 编码的最后六个字符。例如,该模式可以是 "[A-Z0-9]{6}"。

步骤 2 - 创建一个用于测试的样本 IFSC 代码列表。这些代码应该是有效的 IFSC 代码。

第三步 - 对列表中的每个IFSC代码 -

Extract the last six characters from the IFSC code.


If the match is successful, the last six characters are valid.

If the match fails, the last six characters are not valid.

第四步 - 打印每个IFSC代码的结果(有效或无效)。

Example 4


示例 4

在这里,我们定义了一个正则表达式模式[A-Z0-9] $,它匹配任何一组大写字母(A-Z)或数字(0-9),恰好出现六次(6),在字符串的末尾($)。然后,为了检查ifscCode字符串是否与模式匹配,我们使用std::regex_match()。在这种情况下,我们发布"IFSC code is valid",而在没有匹配的情况下,我们打印"IFSC code invalid"。

#include <iostream>
#include <regex>

int main() {
   std::string ifscCode = "SBIN0001234";  // Example IFSC code

   // Regular expression pattern to match the last six characters of an IFSC code
   std::regex pattern("[A-Z0-9]{6}$");

   // Checking if the last six characters of the IFSC code match the pattern
   if (std::regex_match(ifscCode, pattern)) {
      std::cout << "IFSC code is valid." << std::endl;
   } else {
      std::cout << "IFSC code is invalid." << std::endl;
   return 0;


IFSC code is invalid.



Prior to applying regular expressions to validate an IFSC code, it's critical to comprehend the format and structure of the code. The bank code is represented by the first four characters of the IFSC code, the branch code by the next six characters, and the zero as the fifth character.

