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Python中的指標是什麼? Python中存在指標嗎?

2023-08-19 11:09:262962瀏覽

Python中的指標是什麼? Python中存在指標嗎?

低階程式語言,如C或C ,經常使用指標來直接處理記憶體。它們能夠實現有效的記憶體管理和低階資料操作。

The low-level complexities of memory administration are abstracted away in Python, a high-level language. Because of this, Python lacks express pointers in an equal manner that C or C . As an alternative, Python ma an equal manner that C or C . As an alternative, Python makes an equal anideause or C . comparable to this one known as references, which enables indirect access to objects in memory by variables. Python gives builders a sturdy toolkit without requiring them to have a thorough appilders a sturdy toolkit without requist them to have a thorough appreciation of low-leion memory svel sald sad​​dables sstr. .



a = 5
b = a
  • a = 5 − The Python statement "a = 5" declares a new variable and gives it the integer value of 5. Python produces a new integer object with the value 5 when this line is performed, and it then assigns a reference to that object to the variable a.

  • #b = a − In a comparable way, the statement b = a declares a new variable b and offers it the value of a. Since an object (in this case, an integer object with value 5) is referenced through an object (a), then object (b) is likewise referenced by using an object (a). As a result, references to the identical 5-valued int object are now sharedg b.

This is important because it means that changes made to a will also be reflected in b since they are both referencing the same object. For example −


a = 5
b = a
a = 6



As anticipated, yes? To understand the code sample above, follow these easy steps −

  • a = 5 − 這行程式碼建立了一個名為a的新變量,並將其賦值為5。

  • b = a − A new variable b is created and assigned the value of a. Variable b holds the integer value of 5 which is the same as variable a.

  • a = 6 − This changes the integer value of the variable a to a new value of 6. A now has a reference to a different integer object than b at this time.

  • print(b) − This commands outputs b's value to the console. The output of this line is 5 since b still has a reference to the initial integer object with the value of 5.

Memory management is an essential issue of programming, and Python makes use of computerized garbage collection to manage it. The garbage collector of Python takes care of memory allocation and deallocation autouto for, 適用於 Callyor Cemory for mem​​at maticor sat, for mult, for mem​​at maticion management.


This eliminates the want for guided memory management and frees builders to center their attention on writing 是management.


總之,Python不再像C或C 那樣有明確指針,但它使用引用,這是可比較的概念。 Python將所有東西都作為物件提供,變數作為指向這些物件的指標。因此,每當您將一個值賦給一個變量,這意味著您正在指向記憶體中的某個東西。理解Python的引用系統很重要,因為它是語言管理記憶體的關鍵組成部分。


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