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重新表述: 什麼是生成式人工智慧,以及人工智慧的演進過程?

2023-05-09 17:22:162391瀏覽






自從1966年麻省理工學院(MIT)開發出模擬與治療師交談的聊天機器人ELIZA以來,生成式人工智慧已經存在多年。但是,隨著新的生成式人工智慧系統的發布,人工智慧和機器學習領域多年的工作最近取得了成果。人們肯定聽過ChatGPT,這是一種基於文字的人工智慧聊天機器人,可以產生非常像人類的散文。 DALL-E和StableDiffusion也因其基於文字提示創建充滿活力和逼真的圖像的能力而引起關注。我們經常將這些系統和其他類似的系統稱為模型,因為它們代表了基於一個子集(有時是一個非常大的子集)的資訊來模擬或建模現實世界的某些方面的嘗試。






開發模型以適應所有這些資料的過程稱為訓練。對於不同類型的模型,這裡使用了一些基礎技術。 ChatGPT使用所謂的轉換器(T就是這個意思)。轉換器從長文本序列中獲取意義,以理解不同的單字或語義組件之間的關係,然後確定它們彼此接近出現的可能性。這些變形器在一個被稱為預訓練(PinChatGPT)的過程中,在無人監督的情況下在大量自然語言文本的語料庫上運行,然後由人類與模型交互進行微調。





Chris Phipps is the former director of natural language processing at IBM and participated in the development of Watson artificial intelligence products. He described ChatGPT as a "very good prediction machine."

It's very good at predicting what humans will find coherent. It's not always coherent (most of the time it is), but that's not because ChatGPT "understands" it. The opposite is true: the people consuming the output are really good at making whatever implicit assumptions we need to make the output meaningful.

Phipps, who is also a comedian, compared it to a common improv game called MindMeld.

Two people each think of a word and then say it out loud at the same time - you can say "boot", I say "tree". We came up with the words completely independently, and initially, they had no relationship to each other. The next two participants take the two words and try to find what they have in common while saying them out loud. The game continues until both participants say the same word.

Maybe both people said "lumberjack". This may seem magical, but it's actually us using the human brain to reason about the input ("boot" and "tree") and find connections. We are in the business of understanding, not machines. There's a lot more going on in ChatGPT and DALL-E than people admit. ChatGPT can write a story, but it takes a lot of work for us humans to make it meaningful.

Testing the Limits of Computer Intelligence

People can give these AI models some hints that will make Phipps' point quite obvious. For example, consider this puzzle: "Which is heavier, a pound of lead or a pound of feathers?" The answer is, of course, that they weigh the same (one pound), even though our instinct or common sense might tell us that feathers are lighter.

ChatGPT will answer this puzzle correctly, and you might think it does so because it's a cold, logical computer with no "common sense" tripping it up. But that's not what happens behind the scenes. ChatGPT does not logically reason out an answer; it simply produces output based on predictions from a question about a pound of feathers and a pound of lead. Because its training set contains a bunch of text explaining the puzzle, it assembles a version of the correct answer. However, if you ask ChatGPT if two pounds of feathers weigh more than one pound of lead, it will confidently tell you that they weigh the same because, based on its training set, this is still the most likely result to output to a prompt about feathers and lead. .

以上是重新表述: 什麼是生成式人工智慧,以及人工智慧的演進過程?的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
