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2023-04-14 14:40:032484瀏覽














作為RedHat公司的自動化套件,Ansible支援各種平台,包括Windows環境,而不僅僅是Linux社群。 Ansible平台的很大一部分是在管理的系統以及設計和管理自動化工作流程的複雜性方面實現規模化。 Ansible包含現代應用程式堆疊,包括基於容器的基礎架構管理。它可以利用容器平台來託管基於容器的執行環境,作為自動化任務的起點,從而實現快速部署、可擴展性和即時部署。 Ansible透過啟用自動化內容集合的建置來促進更複雜的自動化部署,這些集合將多個依賴自動化集合組合成一個可以部署為單一任務的集合。


BMC TrueSightOrchestration是一個IT流程自動化套件,它提供了一個龐大的預先建置工作流程和腳本庫來快速啟動自動化流程,以及促進與現有IT系統整合的應用程式適配器。 BMC還提供圖形工作流程設計器,以協助視覺化流程,並優化基於邏輯的決策點和系統互動。它可以利用基於容器的基礎架構進行部署,從而實現彈性和靈活性。 TrueSight還與現有的服務台應用程式集成,以幫助幫助台快速解決常見問題或為最終用戶提供自助服務功能。


Chef可以為核心基礎架構和應用程式的自動化管理提供工具。它將企業的系統配置詳細資訊顯示在一個儀表板上,允許分析基礎設施中的弱點、漏洞和不一致之處。這種廣闊的前景有助於更有效的組態管理和自動化。 Chef還支援使用行業標準框架進行合規性驗證,並且可以提供實現合規性的簡化途徑。 Chef支援團隊之間的協作以及使用可用於維持系統高效運作的LDAP和SAML等標準的存取控制。

5. Microfocus

Microfocus Operations Orchestration provides a graphical workflow designer, an analytics dashboard for visualizing compliance and process execution, and an analytics dashboard for simplifying interaction with common platforms and applications. plug-in library. It also provides Robotic Process Automation (RPA) to automate human-machine interactions such as keystrokes and mouse clicks, which is helpful for systems that do not support APIs or command line interfaces. MicroFocus also includes the development of automated tasks based on CloudSlang code. CloudSlang is an open source project that provides community support to derive value from other users' experiences.

6. Microsoft System Center

Microsoft SystemCenter includes SystemCenter Orchestrator, an enterprise-class automation platform built for managing on-premises facilities or private cloud resources. One of its advantages is that System Center is widely used in enterprise data centers, so it's likely that many enterprises already have this option. System Center's popularity makes it attractive to software vendors looking to add value to their products by making System Center plug-and-play with management tools. It is tightly integrated with other Microsoft solutions both on-premises and in the cloud.

7. Puppet

Puppet’s business is built around automation, and its feature list shows its maturity in meeting customer needs at scale. It brings visibility into security and compliance and deviations from known good states. Puppet is also extensible, offering the PuppetForge marketplace for modules developed by Puppet, its partners, and end users. Modules can be searched by operating system, Puppet version, or the level of support provided by Puppet. The company also offers PuppetComply, a tool set focused on compliance, and Puppet Relay, a tool focused on cloud computing resources.

8, Resolve

ResolveActions provide automated management, from IT service management and first-level help desk requests to enabling cloud computing operations (such as virtual machine configuration) to initiating remediation based on observable system events step. It offers out-of-the-box integrations with third-party products and pre-built automations that produce useful results immediately. Resolve Insights automatically discovers service and application relationships to build dependency graphs and more quickly identify and measure how proposed changes will impact operations and service delivery.

9. Terraform

Terraform can automate infrastructure building in on-premises or cloud platform environments, but can also run independently or in conjunction with other automation solutions. Terraform can be used to manage systems, monitor compliance, or manage the configuration of network components such as load balancers and firewalls.

10. VMware vRealize Automation

One of the newer products in the VMware data center tools catalog is VMware v Realize Automation, which provides extensive support for the automation of VMware-based infrastructure components. When combined with other VMWare platforms, it can support self-service management of hybrid cloud components, automatic configuration of container-based applications, and automation of virtual networks.

