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2017-04-30 10:27:551234瀏覽




drop table if exists users; 
create table if not exists users( 
  id int(5) primary key auto_increment, 
  name varchar(10) unique not null,   
  gender varchar(1) not null, 
  sal int(5) not null 
insert into users(name,gender,sal) values('AA','男',1000); 
insert into users(name,gender,sal) values('BB','女',1200);

------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- 


drop table if exists users; 
create table if not exists users( 
  id int(5) primary key auto_increment, 
  name varchar(10) unique not null,   
  gender varchar(1) not null, 
  sal int(5) not null 
insert into users(name,gender,sal) values('AA','男',1000); 
insert into users(name,gender,sal) values('BB','女',1200); 
drop table if exists cards; 
create table if not exists cards( 
  id int(5) primary key auto_increment, 
  num int(3) not null unique, 
  loc varchar(10) not null, 
  uid int(5) not null unique, 
  constraint uid_fk foreign key(uid) references users(id) 
insert into cards(num,loc,uid) values(111,'北京',1); 
insert into cards(num,loc,uid) values(222,'上海',2);

【註:inner join表示內連接】 

select u.name "姓名",c.num "身份证号" 
from users u inner join cards c 
on u.id = c.uid 
where u.name = 'AA'; 
select u.name "姓名",c.num "身份证号" 
from users u inner join cards c 
on u.id = c.uid 
where name = 'AA';

##----- ------------------------------------------ 




drop table if exists groups; 
create table if not exists groups( 
  id int(5) primary key auto_increment, 
  name varchar(10) not null 
insert into groups(name) values('开发部'); 
insert into groups(name) values('销售部');



drop table if exists emps; 
create table if not exists emps( 
  id int(5) primary key auto_increment, 
  name varchar(10) not null, 
  gid int(5) not null, 
  constraint gid_fk foreign key(gid) references groups(id) 
insert into emps(name,gid) values('哈哈',1); 
insert into emps(name,gid) values('呵呵',1); 
insert into emps(name,gid) values('嘻嘻',2); 
insert into emps(name,gid) values('笨笨',2);



select g.name "部门",e.name "员工" 
from groups g inner join emps e 
on g.id = e.gid 
where g.name = '开发部'; 
select g.name "部门",e.name "员工" 
from groups g inner join emps e 
on g.id = e.gid 
where g.name = '开发部';

##--------- ---------------------------------------------- 



drop table if exists students; 
create table if not exists students( 
  id int(5) primary key auto_increment, 
  name varchar(10) not null 
insert into students(name) values('哈哈'); 
insert into students(name) values('嘻嘻');



drop table if exists teachers; 
create table if not exists teachers( 
  id int(5) primary key auto_increment, 
  name varchar(10) not null 
insert into teachers(name) values('赵'); 
insert into teachers(name) values('刘');

建立middles表   primary key(sid,tid)  表示組合主鍵,這兩個欄位的整體要唯一 


drop table if exists middles; 
create table if not exists middles( 
  sid int(5), 
  constraint sid_fk foreign key(sid) references students(id), 
  tid int(5), 
  constraint tid_fk foreign key(tid) references teachers(id), 
  primary key(sid,tid)  
insert into middles(sid,tid) values(1,1); 
insert into middles(sid,tid) values(1,2); 
insert into middles(sid,tid) values(2,1); 
insert into middles(sid,tid) values(2,2);



select t.name "老师",s.name "学生" 
from students s inner join middles m inner join teachers t 
on (s.id=m.sid) and (m.tid=t.id) 
where t.name = '赵'; 
select t.name "老师",s.name "学生" 
from students s inner join middles m inner join teachers t  
on (s.id=m.sid) and (t.id=m.tid) 
where t.name = "赵";

------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- 





------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ 


【註:customers c inner join orders o使用了別名,以後o就代表orders】 

select c.name "客户姓名",o.isbn "订单编号",o.price "订单价格" 
from customers c inner join orders o 
on c.id = o.customers_id; 
select c.name "客户姓名",o.isbn "订单编号",o.price "订单价格" 
from customers c inner join orsers o 
on c.id = o.customers_id;



--------------------------------------- ------------- 




<左外连接 : 以左侧为参照,left outer join表示 
select c.name,count(o.isbn) 
from customers c left outer join orders o 
on c.id = o.customers_id 
group by c.name; 
>右外连接 : 以右侧为参照,right outer join表示 
select c.name,count(o.isbn) 
from orders o right outer join customers c 
on c.id = o.customers_id 
group by c.name;

left outer join表示左邊的內容都會顯現出來,例如customers c left out join 表示會把customers中的某列所有內容都找出來  

# #------------------------------------------------- ----- 


select users.ename,bosss.ename 
from emps users inner join emps bosss 
on users.mgr = bosss.empno; 
select users.ename,bosss.ename 
from emps users left outer join emps bosss 
on users.mgr = bosss.empno;

------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- --------------------- 




select addtime(&#39;2016-8-7 23:23:23&#39;,&#39;1:1:1&#39;);  时间相加 
select current_date(); 
select current_time(); 
select now(); 
select year( now() ); 
select month( now() ); 
select day( now() ); 
select datediff(&#39;2016-12-31&#39;,now());



select charset(&#39;哈哈&#39;); 
select concat(&#39;你好&#39;,&#39;哈哈&#39;,&#39;吗&#39;); 
select instr(&#39;www.baidu.com&#39;,&#39;baidu&#39;); 
select substring(&#39;www.baidu.com&#39;,5,3);


select bin(10); 
select floor(3.14);//比3.14小的最大整数---正3 
select floor(-3.14);//比-3.14小的最大整数---负4 
select ceiling(3.14);//比3.14大的最小整数---正4 
select ceiling(-3.14);//比-3.14大的最小整数---负3,一定是整数值 
select format(3.1415926,3);保留小数点后3位,四舍五入 
select mod(10,3);//取余数 
select rand();//


select md5('123456'); 



use json; 
drop table if exists users; 
create table if not exists users( 
  id int(5) primary key auto_increment, 
  name varchar(10) not null unique, 
  sal int(5) 
insert into users(name,sal) values(&#39;哈哈&#39;,3000); 
insert into users(name,sal) values(&#39;呵呵&#39;,4000); 
insert into users(name,sal) values(&#39;嘻嘻&#39;,5000); 
insert into users(name,sal) values(&#39;笨笨&#39;,6000); 
insert into users(name,sal) values(&#39;明明&#39;,7000); 
insert into users(name,sal) values(&#39;丝丝&#39;,8000); 
insert into users(name,sal) values(&#39;君君&#39;,9000); 
insert into users(name,sal) values(&#39;赵赵&#39;,10000); 
insert into users(name,sal) values(&#39;无名&#39;,NULL);



select name "姓名",sal "薪水", 
    if(sal>=5000,"高薪","起薪") "描述" 
from users;


select name "姓名",ifnull(sal,"无薪") "薪水" 
from users;


select name "姓名",sal "薪水", 
    case when sal>=5000 then "高薪" 
    else "起薪" end "描述" 
from users;

select name "姓名",sal "薪水", 
    case sal 
      when 3000 then "低薪" 
      when 4000 then "起薪" 
      when 5000 then "试用薪" 
      when 6000 then "中薪" 
      when 7000 then "较好薪" 
      when 8000 then "不错薪" 
      when 9000 then "高薪" 
      else "重薪" 
    end "描述" 
from users;

