A simple example uses flex: 400px
to set a base width for elements.當空間不足時,項目包裹到新線路上。剩餘空間分佈在每條線上的元素之間。 flex: 400px
is shorthand for flex-grow: 1; flex-shrink: 1; flex-basis: 400px;
and minmax
with CSS Grid CSS Grid, using repeat(auto-fit, minmax(400px, 1fr))
, provides a similar base width, with wrapping behavior.元素生長以填充可用的空間,並保持跨行的一致寬度。但是,項目不能低於400px,可能導致溢出。
Refining the flexbox approach, we replace flex: 400px
with flex: max(400px, (100% - 20px)/3);
。這將每一行最多限制在三個項目中。 The 20px
accounts for two gaps (assuming a 10px gap between items). A more generalized formula, max(400px, 100%/(N 1) 0.1%)
, eliminates the need for explicit gap calculation, where N represents the maximum number of items per row. This provides partial control over items per row.相同的原理適用於CSS網格。
To address the overflow issue with the grid approach, we use clamp(100%/(N 1) 0.1%, 400px, 100%)
To control when items wrap, we modify the clamp()
formula to: clamp(100%/(N 1) 0.1%, (400px - 100vw)*1000, 100%)
.當屏幕寬度(100VW)超過400px時,我們每行n個項目。低於400px,我們每行獲得一個全寬項目,有效地創建了一個無媒體查詢的斷點。 400px在這裡充當斷點。
To manage transitions between multiple item counts (eg, from N to M items per row), we nest clamp()
functions: clamp(clamp(100%/(N 1) 0.1%, (W1 - 100vw)*1000,100%/(M 1) 0.1%), (W2 - 100vw)*1000, 100%)
. W1和W2代表斷點。這允許通過單個CSS聲明進行複雜的響應行為。進一步的嵌套將其擴展到更多的斷點。
By replacing 100vw
with 100%
, we can simulate container queries, making the layout responsive to the container's width rather than the viewport.
Conditional Background Color: Using linear gradients, we can conditionally change background color based on element width:
div { 背景:線性級別(綠色0 0)0 / max(0px,100px -100%)1px,紅色; }
Toggling Element Visibility: We can simulate hiding elements based on screen size using clamp()
and overflow: hidden;
Changing Element Position: We can dynamically adjust element position (eg, top
, left
) based on screen size using clamp()