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Tailwind CSS 原始碼中的 withAlpha 實用程式。

Patricia Arquette
Patricia Arquette原創
2024-10-11 10:19:301184瀏覽

在本文中,我們分析了 Tailwind CSS 原始碼中的 withAlpha 實用函數。

 * Apply opacity to a color using `color-mix`.
export function withAlpha(value: string, alpha: string): string {
  if (alpha === null) return value

  // Convert numeric values (like `0.5`) to percentages (like `50%`) so they
  // work properly with `color-mix`. Assume anything that isn't a number is
  // safe to pass through as-is, like `var(--my-opacity)`.
  let alphaAsNumber = Number(alpha)
  if (!Number.isNaN(alphaAsNumber)) {
    alpha = `${alphaAsNumber * 100}%`

  // If the alpha value is a percentage, we can pass it directly to
  // `color-mix()`. In any other case, e.g.: `var(…)`, `round(…)`, … we need to
  // make sure it's a percentage.
  else if (alpha[alpha.length - 1] !== '%') {
    alpha = `calc(${alpha} * 100%)`

  return `color-mix(in srgb, ${value} ${alpha}, transparent)`


// Convert numeric values (like `0.5`) to percentages (like `50%`) so they
// work properly with `color-mix`. Assume anything that isn't a number is
// safe to pass through as-is, like `var(--my-opacity)`.
let alphaAsNumber = Number(alpha)
if (!Number.isNaN(alphaAsNumber)) {
  alpha = `${alphaAsNumber * 100}%`

先將 alpha 轉換為 Number,withAlpha 接受 alpha 作為字串並指派給名為 alphaAsNumber 的變數

如果 alphaAsNumber 不是數字,則透過乘以 * 100 將其轉換為 %。

// If the alpha value is a percentage, we can pass it directly to
// `color-mix()`. In any other case, e.g.: `var(…)`, `round(…)`, … we need to
// make sure it's a percentage.
else if (alpha[alpha.length - 1] !== '%') {
  alpha = `calc(${alpha} * 100%)`

上面的程式碼片段確保 alpha 值是百分比的方法是檢查最後一個索引處的項目是否為“%”,否則乘以 *100%。


return `color-mix(in srgb, ${value} ${alpha}, transparent)`



color-mix() 函數表示法需要兩個 ;值並傳回將它們在給定色彩空間中以給定量混合的結果。 — MDN 文檔。

withAlpha utility in Tailwind CSS source code.


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  1. https://github.com/tailwindlabs/tailwindcss/blob/next/packages/tailwindcss/src/utilities.ts#L108-L123

  2. https://github.com/tailwindlabs/tailwindcss/blob/c01b8254e822d4f328674357347ca0532f1283a0/packages/tailwinss/sc>

  3. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/color_value/color-mix

以上是Tailwind CSS 原始碼中的 withAlpha 實用程式。的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
