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如何解鎖《遺跡 2:黑暗》中的所有武器 Horizon

Barbara Streisand
Barbara Streisand原創
2024-10-02 11:20:31375瀏覽

《遗迹 2》的游戏特色是热力十足,而《黑暗地平线》DLC 添加了大量可供解锁和装备的巨型武器。然而,像往常一样,获得它们并不那么简单。


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《遗迹 2:黑暗地平线》中的所有新武器

《遗迹 2》中总共有 五种新武器可供收集黑暗地平线,点缀在地图周围。这些是迄今为止发现的,以及如何获得它们。

《遗迹 2》中的单轨列车在哪里

要解锁《遗迹 2:黑暗地平线》中的单轨列车武器,您必须击败阿勒普西斯·陶拉 (Alepsis Taura) boss。这将奖励永恒密室、7 颗夜明水晶和 1,000 块废料。将这些带到第 13 号病房的艾娃处以领取武器。

确保您使用这把武器在阿勒普西斯·陶拉 (Alepsis Taura) 上获得了替代杀戮。要做到这一点,只需忽略一些地牢尽头出现的巨大屏蔽金字塔即可。如果你摧毁它们,你最终会得到暗物质手套。



单轨列车是一个弹匣里有三发子弹的带电武器 。如果充电过多,它会爆炸,形成黑洞,立即杀死你。然而,如果你的冲锋时机完美,它绝对可以摧毁敌人。




How to unlock all weapons in Remnant 2 Dark Horizon

  • 伤害 – 125
  • RPS – 60
  • 杂志 – 3
  • 理想射程 – 35m
  • 衰减范围 – 85
  • 最大弹药 – 27
  • 暴击率 – 5%
  • 弱点伤害加成 – 110%
  • 交错修正 – 5%
  • 特殊
    • 反冲阻尼器 – 激活可稳定单轨列车,充电速度提高 25%,后坐力和摇摆减少 75%。最后20秒。射击时每填充 5% 的蓄力表,就会获得 1% 的暴击几率和暴击伤害 - 最多 20%。

在《遗迹 2》中哪里可以找到收割机镰刀




这很快就成为我最喜欢的近战武器由于其速度和显着的伤害,它出现在《遗迹 2:黑暗地平线》DLC中。它具有强大的攻击组合,每次挥动都会增加伤害。我发现我可以在狭窄的地方拔出这把武器来快速消灭成群的敌人。

The charged and regular swings with this weapon do plenty of damage, but to lay on some serious devastation, the special ability should be used. When activated, a phantom follows the blade, adding damage and speed and reducing charge time with every swing.

Harvester Sythe stats

How to unlock all weapons in Remnant 2 Dark Horizon

  • Damage – 65
  • Crit Chance – 12%
  • Weak Spot Damage – 100%
  • Stagger Modifier – 33.4%
  • Special
    • Phantom Blade – Charged melee attacks leave a phantom that trails behind the weapon, dealing 35% of weapon damage. Each hit of Phantom Blade increases melee attack speed and melee charge speed by 6% for 5s max 5 stacks.

Once you grab yourself a couple of the weapons, make sure you get your hands on the armor set designed specifically for the Remnant 2 Dark Horizon DLC.

Where to find the Black Greatsword in Dark Horizon

The Black Greatsword is a wonderful nod to Berserk, the anime. This monstrous metal sword is seemingly far to big to weild, but once it gets going, it’s devastating. Finding the Black Greatsword is a prime example of the many obtuse ways Remnant 2 likes to hide their weapons.

First, speak to Bravis in Ward 13, and purchase everything he has for sale. Once you have cleared out his shop, speak to him again, and he will give you the Black Metal Bars. These need to be taken to McCabe, where you can then craft them into the Black Greatsword.

Unlike most other weapons in Remanant 2, this one will actually take some time to be produced. Go out, do some missions, clear some bosses, and return. The weapon is worth the wait.

Is the Black Greatsword good?

Sure, it’s massive and looks great, but is the Black Greatsword actually a good weapon in the new Dark Horizon Remnant 2 DLC? Just like Guts sword in Berserk, the weapon is incredibly heavy and slow to use. However, when charged, and provided your attacks actually connect, it has some of the highest damage in the game.

The Indomitable Strike special attack boosts damage by an enormous 350% and converts damage to grey health. This, in turn, feeds the mutator, called Guts, which increases melle critical chance by 25% when grey health is present.

Black Greatsword stats

How to unlock all weapons in Remnant 2 Dark Horizon

  • Damage – 345
  • Critical Hit Chance – 15%
  • Weak Spot Damage – 110%
  • Stagger Modifier – 25%
  • Special – Indominable Strike – Charged attacks become indomitable
  • Mutator – Guts – Increased melee hit chance by 25% when grey health is present.

How to get the Repair Tool in Remanant 2 Dark Horizon

This is a quick and easy weapon to get in Dark Horizon if you know where to look. It is important to note that you can not pick up the Repair Tool if you are in a one-shot mode. You must be in either Campaign mode or re-roll the N’Arud adventure mode to get it.

When you land in the Agronomy Sector in the Overworld, head to the left, up the slope, where the robot head is lying on the ground. Continue up the slope, and to the left, you will see a glowing pedestal with purple electricity around it. In this pedestal, you must place either the Decorum Cypher from the Terminus Station dungeon or the Memory Core 2, which can be grabbed from the Dormant N’erudian Facility. This will open a small doorway close by where you can grab the Repair Tool in Dark Horizon.

Is the Repair tool good?

This may not deal a lot of damage, but when playing in a squad, having the ability to heal or deal damage all in one handy weapon is essential. This is where the Repair Tool shines. It is a great gun to use to pick off a few enemies that may be swarming an ally, only to heal them in the same moment.



How to unlock all weapons in Remnant 2 Dark Horizon

  • 損壞 – 10
  • RPS – 11
  • 雜誌
  • 理想射程
  • – 15m
  • 衰減範圍
  • – 30
  • 最大彈藥
  • – 300 🎜>爆擊率
  • – 5%
  • 弱點傷害加成
  • – 80%
  • 交錯> –
  • – 20%
  • 特殊
    • 反沖阻尼器
    • – 發射一連串奈米機器,每秒傷害敵人或治療盟友最大生命值的3.15%。奈米技術砲塔和無人機。
  • 如何獲得暗物質護手

暗物質護手對於《遺跡 2》中的任何近戰版本來說都是一款出色的近戰武器。為了獲得解鎖這兩個物品的額外遊戲內步驟,非常值得第一個安裝的毀滅手套。

要解鎖這些挑戰,您必須擊敗新的《黑暗地平線》DLC 的最終首領。然而,在你對付最終的 Boss 之前,你還必須摧毀其兩側的黑色發光金字塔。這些可以在 DLC 地圖周圍的地下城盡頭找到。

摧毀兩座金字塔並擊敗 DLC boss 後,您將收到必須帶到第 13 區麥凱布處的材料。然後她將為您製作手套。


不要忽視《遺跡 2》中的這些新護手,因為它們的射程可能很短,但近距離時它們具有毀滅性。他們的特殊性也使他們成為強有力的競爭者,尤其是在球隊比賽中。每 0.5 秒造成 125 點近戰傷害的黑暗光束可以夷平從人群到精英的一切。



How to unlock all weapons in Remnant 2 Dark Horizon

  • – 50
  • 暴擊率
  • – 5%
  • 傷害
  • 傷害 – 110% %
  • 交錯修改器 – 5%
  • 特殊– Kilonova
      帶電近戰賦予手套力量15 秒,增加標準近戰傷害提高25%,並導致蓄力近戰攻擊釋放8m 穿透爆炸。每次爆炸都會縮短持續時間。
    • 授權後,在中立後衝期間執行蓄力近戰攻擊可收集能量長達 5 秒,然後發射黑暗光束,每 0.5 秒造成 125 點近戰傷害。光束持續時間等於其時間電荷,然後在發射後結束千新星。

以上是如何解鎖《遺跡 2:黑暗》中的所有武器 Horizon的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
