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2024-09-02 22:45:48679瀏覽



GoPro顯然意識到了這一點,不過它並沒有專注提升運動相機的產品力,而是分兵作戰,跨界到智能頭盔這樣的新品類。 8月30日,GoPro宣布已正式完成智慧頭盔品牌Forcite Helmet Systems的收購。 GoPro表示,後續將助力Forcite實現將尖端科技融入頭盔的願景,為騎乘者帶來更安全、更動態的騎乘體驗。


Forcite於2013年成立,是澳洲品牌,總部設在雪梨。 2019年發表了首款智慧頭盔產品Forcite MK1,具備行車記錄、藍牙通訊、HUD顯示器、環境感知等功能。

目前最新產品是MK1S智慧頭盔,下巴整合了視訊攝影機、LED指示系統和Harman Kardon音訊。其中LED指示靈感來自F1賽車技術,在不分散騎士注意力的前提下提供道路警報或導航指令。


圖片來源:Forcite Helmet Systems












Forcite內建了視訊鏡頭,能錄製1080p @ 60fps的影片。而如今有了GoPro的加持,相機部分具備更廣闊的想像空間,例如內建GoPro運動相機。

從最初的Hero到後續大放異彩的Hero 6,再到最新的Hero 12,以及MAX全景產品。雖然GoPro也試過原地踏步式迭代,但整體來看,GoPro的相機在解析度、幀率、低光性能、觸控螢幕、語音控制等方面都有顯著進步。


In addition, GoPro will also cooperate with other helmet brands to help them realize the intelligence of their helmets. In other words, we have the opportunity to see GoPro on more smart helmet products in the future, which may include top brands of traditional helmets.

Of course, I personally think that smart helmets can do much more than that. In addition to the camera, the visor of the smart helmet can also serve as a display panel to better carry smart technology. There is already a HUD display function, which displays important information such as navigation guidance, incoming call reminders, etc. within the helmet's line of sight, so that riders do not have to look down at their phones.

入局智慧頭盔,GoPro要在運動攝影機外再開一局?Image source: Made by Lei Technology

We might as well boldly predict the shading of smart helmets in the future Boards may become like AR glasses, enhancing rider perception by overlaying digital information and allowing real and digital content to interact, presenting richer content. For example, the rider can call up the shooting image of the sports camera on the visor through voice during riding, and then directly adjust the sports camera through voice. Just like Jarvis in Iron Man, it provides a more comfortable riding experience without affecting the rider's safe driving.

After thinking about it and returning to reality, the key to whether GoPro can become a catalyst for the smart helmet industry lies in the true purpose of this acquisition. If this so-called crossover is essentially an "investment" activity to expand its reputation in the racing field, then GoPro will obviously not invest too much energy. But if GoPro wants to find new business growth points besides action cameras, then the combination of action cameras + smart helmets is still very interesting.

From niche to mass, what exactly is missing in smart helmets?

If smart helmets want to break out of the industry, the product is the facade, and the market potential is the fuel. The latest research report from Fortune Business Insights shows that the global smart helmet market size will be US$672 million in 2023. The market value is expected to be US$779 million in 2024 and reach US$2.642 billion by 2032, with a compound annual growth rate of 16.5% during the forecast period (2024).

The biggest support given by the agency for this prediction is the huge global helmet market, of which China and North America are the main markets, accounting for approximately 55% of the global market. Therefore, changes in the domestic market can largely reflect the potential of smart helmets.

In recent years, the production and sales of China's helmet industry have grown steadily, especially since the implementation of the "Motorcycle and Electric Bicycle Occupant Helmets" policy on July 1, 2023. Industry demand is growing rapidly. The market size of China's helmet industry will increase from 1.276 billion yuan in 2015 to 5.537 billion yuan in 2023, with annual growth rates of both output and demand exceeding 20%.


Image source: Forcite Helmet Systems

Policy support for the helmet industry The growth has removed obstacles, and the scale of the helmet market is expected to maintain steady growth, and even smart helmets have also benefited from this wave of dividends.

Currently, nearly 70% of helmet industry-related companies are small and medium-sized enterprises, with low brand concentration. The smart helmet can almost be said to be blank and has a very low sense of existence.

I still remember that in 2022, Ele.me announced a new smart helmet at the World Internet Conference. Riders can use voice to complete orders, confirm arrival at the store, report abnormalities, Navigate to order location and more. Related products were used on a pilot basis in Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and other places, but no further information was revealed later.

Xiao Lei searched for "smart helmet" on the e-commerce platform. Most of the brands were not well-known, and the recommended products were also varied. The scope of application is roughly divided into two types: electric vehicles and motorcycles. The price gap is also quite large. There is a Bluetooth helmet of 68 yuan and a LIVALL smart helmet of 4,399 yuan. Of course, the most expensive one is the MK1S smart helmet, which costs as much as $1,399.


Image source: Taobao

The main reason for this phenomenon Yes, the product functions of the smart helmet are not clearly defined. At present, domestic e-commerce platforms can be called smart helmets as long as they are equipped with Bluetooth. It can be said that neither users nor the platform have a clear understanding of this category.

Therefore, if smart helmets want to move from the niche to the public, the first thing to solve is not the price, functionality, etc., but to let the public know what a smart helmet is. What it can bring, I think this may be the key to the success of GoPro smart helmets. However, even if GoPro can really make smart helmets popular, it is likely to have another domestic impact on the action camera market.

GoPro has experienced failures in the content field and drone business before, and it is still suffering the consequences of the original failure. This time GoPro decided to cross the border again, which was essentially a big gamble. It became a new business with great growth potential. If it failed, it would once again accelerate the decline of its action camera market share. We'll have to wait and see what the outcome will be.


